After Li Zhen finished the afternoon training, his passing attribute increased by +4 and he obtained [Excellent Passing King]. It can be seen that today's passing training is of great value!

Kidd's coaching should be better than Olajuwon's training class.

Li Zhen also knew that this was because he had talent and Kidd was also very attentive.

In the future, Kidd's coaching probably won't have much chance to improve. If he wants to become a passer of his level, he still has to rely on his own practice.

【Although it was only the beginner level, it was enough to make Li Zhen excited.

Such a speed of attribute improvement also made Li Zhen more active in training.

During the afternoon training, Carlisle also came over to praise Li Zhen. Only when young people are willing to work hard and make sacrifices can they have a chance to succeed.

Carlisle is a very dignified coach, and he likes Li Zhen's attitude more and more............

February 23.

Airline Center.

The Mavericks' opponent tonight is the New Orleans Hornets.

The current Hornets are not called the Pelicans.

In the 2008-09 season, James Posey, the hero of the defending champion Celtics, joined the Hornets, which made the Hornets' strength continue to increase. Many media considered them to be the favorites to win the championship, and the outside world had more expectations for the Hornets.

However, due to injuries, Tyson Chandler also requested a transfer. The Hornets finally ranked only seventh in the Western Conference and lost 1-4 to the Nuggets in the first round of the playoffs.

The biggest difference between the Hornets and the Nuggets was 58 points....This also earned Paul the reputation of"58 Guns"...

For the Mavericks, there is finally a soft persimmon to be squeezed tonight.

Chris Paul missed the game due to injury, and Darren Collison replaced him in the starting lineup. Although Collison is a good point guard, he is just a rookie and is far less threatening than Paul to the Mavericks.

Li Zhen also remembered that it was because of Paul's long-term injury that the Hornets failed to make the playoffs in the end.

Then after this season, Paul was also disappointed with the Hornets, which prompted the transfer to the Clippers next year.

The Hornets' record so far this season is 31 wins and 28 losses, ranking tenth in the West.

The playoff competition in the West is far more brutal than that in the East. Such a ranking can make the playoffs in the East, but not in the West.

The Mavericks have a big advantage in this game. If the main players can quickly open up the score, then Li Zhen will have a lot of playing time.

Now with [Wonderful Pass King] and 80 points of passing attributes, as long as Li Zhen's playing time exceeds 25 minutes, it will not be difficult for Li Zhen to get a double-double.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban sat in the front row as usual, and today he was accompanied by general manager Nelson Jr.

"Donny, this rookie we signed is really good. I didn't expect him to score 20+ points in a row. Look, his fans in the stadium are increasing rapidly. His jerseys should be sold out, right?"

Although Cuban doesn't care much about the market for players, he doesn't refuse to make more money.

"Well, the No. 6 jerseys were sold out last night."Nelson replied.

Nelson looked at Li Zhen with a twinkle in his eyes.

He chose Wang Zhizhi because he wanted the 1.3 billion population market behind him.

He didn't expect that he didn't succeed at that time, but now, ten years later, he has a chance to succeed.

Yao Ming alone has allowed the NBA to enjoy the dividends of the 1.3 billion population market. Now Li Zhen has the hope of taking over this well-developed market, and Nelson can't help but be excited.

"I like this guy very much. If you have time, please communicate with Carlisle and train him well. Of course, I don't mean to interfere with the team's tactical arrangements. I just think it should not be difficult for this guy to partner with Terry in the second lineup. After Jason retires in a few years, we can also put him in the starting lineup." Cuban said.

Cuban was too impressed by Li Zhen in the first two games.

His singles ability and foul-making IQ are simply unbearable to like.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Carlisle. Boss, you've always had good taste."Little Nelson flattered.

"Hahaha, I have always been so smart, including letting you be the general manager." Cuban boasted.

The Mavericks management was very pleased with Li Zhen's performance in the two games.

In this team with few young people, Li Zhen has become a future player that can be cultivated..............

Li Zhen himself didn't know that he had become the Mavericks' key training target.

But it didn't matter whether he knew it or not, he would play with all his strength, and he was confident that he would become a core player sooner or later.

There was a disadvantage for Li Zhen in today's game, that is, Jason Terry was coming back.

Terry's comeback was temporary, and the news was only announced this afternoon, otherwise Li Zhen might not dare to accept the task.

Terry's comeback is bound to take up a lot of playing time.

Originally, the Mavericks' substitutes had a balanced playing time, but Li Zhen's rapid progress broke this balance.

Li Zhen could feel that Terry and some of the substitutes had a subtle change in their attitude towards him, and they became more indifferent than before.

Li Zhen, who had the experience of two lives, knew very well why this was.


Before, they didn't care because they felt that Li Zhen couldn't threaten them, but now that he could threaten them, they were a little worried.

Li Zhen knew that such a dispute over interests would lead to competition, but he didn't care.

The NBA itself is a competitive league, and everyone is playing for themselves.

If you work hard and don't give your all, you will be eliminated.

After the entrance ceremony.

Carlisle also walked back from Cuban and Nelson.

Carlisle quickly picked up the tactical board and prepared to rearrange the tactics.

"Li, you get ready. I will arrange for you to play at the end of the first quarter. You will replace Jason on offense and Peja on defense. I hope you can defend him. If you can't, I will replace you."Carlisle said.

Carlisle just accepted Cuban and Nelson's suggestions for training Li Zhen.

Carlisle is also a very smart person. If Li Zhen can't be trained, he will reject the boss and general manager's suggestions.

But Li Zhen can be trained, so he will follow Cuban and Nelson's ideas.

After training yesterday, Kidd praised Li Zhen in front of Carlisle.

Kidd believes that Li Zhen has the potential to become an All-Star player.

Carlisle plans to increase Li Zhen's playing time tonight to try and see his actual combat ability in more time.

Li Zhen was very happy to hear that he was directly in the main rotation.

Now he has more time to complete the task!

But defending Peja is really a challenge.

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