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Mavericks attack.

Kidd is not in a hurry, he controls the rhythm and pushes forward!!

As Kidd pushes forward, the scene rang out a neat"Best LA" shout!

The situation of the Mavericks is very good, they hope the team can continue this offensive!

Li Zhen also walked forward slowly, Kobe still came to defend Li Zhen.

Kobe didn't want Li Zhen to receive the ball, he wanted to force other Mavericks to shoot.

Now, except for Kobe, the attention of the Lakers is almost focused on Li Zhen.

Everyone knows that even though Li Zhen didn't receive the ball now, the Mavericks players will try their best to pass the ball to Li Zhen and let Li Zhen end the attack.



Kobe's willpower is extremely strong.

Even though it was the second overtime, even though he was injured, his defensive intensity was still very high.

If it weren't for the use of [Peak State], Li Zhen would be at a disadvantage.

Kobe is definitely at the peak of SS level, while he is only S level. This kind of suppression will be fully reflected at the critical moment of the game!

However, the reason why [Peak State] is the peak is that there are various uncertainties!

Li Zhen's own state is in the best state of his career!

As a top attacker, Li Zhen has too many ways to deal with Kobe.

Li Zhen called Haywood to come over for cover.

Haywood and Li Zhen cooperated tacitly, and soon stood on Li Zhen's running route.

Li Zhen started, and Kobe kept following closely


Haywood blocked Kobe's entanglement with Li Zhen.

The Lakers' defense did not collapse easily, and Gasol made up for Li Zhen.

Gasol's defense was obviously not as oppressive as Kobe.

Li Zhen went around the 45-degree angle outside the right three-point line and got a chance to receive the ball.

Kidd made a strong pass.

Li Zhen shot as soon as he received the ball!!

This is a rare offensive method for Li Zhen. Gasol misjudged and he didn't expect Li Zhen to shoot so quickly.

Generally speaking, Li Zhen's three-pointers are all dribbled a few times and then stepped back.

This rhythm is not Li Zhen

's usual rhythm. But today Li Zhen is in good shape and he has found his touch.


The ruthless three-pointer shot through the net!!


This was Li Zhen's seventh three-pointer in this game, and he made three consecutive three-pointers in overtime.

The fans in the Airline Center covered their mouths in disbelief!!

"Crazy, Li Zhen is completely crazy!"

"Three consecutive three-pointers in overtime, this is the rhythm of crushing the Lakers directly!!"

"The Lakers are doomed!!"

"Mavericks are awesome, Li Zhen is awesome!!"

The fans on the Internet were completely excited!

Coach Zhang shouted excitedly:"Li Zhen's shot was unreasonable. He is used to dribbling three-pointers, but he just shot after receiving the ball, and he didn't get rid of Gasol."

"But he can make this shot, that's his ability!!"

Coach Xu was also very excited:"Li Zhen's three-pointer helped the Mavericks widen the gap. Kobe responded continuously before, but it was a drop in the bucket for the Lakers. Let's see if the Lakers can withstand the pressure in this game and respond to the Mavericks!"

The two commentators were very excited. They knew Li Zhen was great, but he was going to win the championship in his rookie season?

Such a story is much cooler than Yao Ming's NBA experience.

Few young fans can resist Li Zhen's charm!

On the court, Kobe's face remained unchanged, but his heart was already in turmoil!!

The difficulty of this game was no less than the pressure of falling behind by 16 points in the last quarter against the Trail Blazers.

He got through it back then, but can he get through it today?

Lakers attack!

Kobe still chose to use the quick stop mid-range shot after the pick-and-roll.

Li Zhen chose to interfere with Kobe from behind!

This time he succeeded.

Kobe's shot hit the rim!!

The ball missed.

Gasol saw Kobe miss his shot, his eyes turned red, and he squeezed Haywood away

"Mine!!!"Gasol jumped high to grab the rebound, and then Gasol threw the ball to Kobe.

Kobe took the ball and dribbled it one step!!

Li Zhen's flying dive.

This was a fake move. By the end of the game, Li Zhen's defensive judgment was also declining, and the physical consumption made him exhausted!

Kobe got a big open space!!

High position, Kobe's back!!!

The arc was perfect, and the direction was also straight into the basket!!

However, the basketball hit the back frame and bounced out again.

Seeing this scene, the Lakers fans were heartbroken!!

The Lakers are finished!!

There was chaos under the basket, and both sides wanted to get the rebound!!

The rebound was grabbed by Kidd who turned out.

Kidd���He swung his elbow hard to protect the ball. Seeing that there was no hope of grabbing the offensive rebound, the Lakers player retreated to defend!

"Kobe's consecutive shots missed, the Lakers are in danger!"

"Gasol helped Kobe grab an opportunity, but Kobe didn't seize it. This can't be blamed on Kobe, he was tired!!"

"Kidd's key rebound helped the Mavericks control the situation!!"

On the court.

The Lakers' defense was indeed fast, but Li Zhen was even faster!!

Li Zhen waved and rushed forward after seeing Kidd grab the rebound.

Kidd was also very bold. When everyone thought he was going to press the time, Kidd made a super long pass to the high-speed running Li Zhen.

The pass was in place, but the Lakers' defense was not in place, and their collective reaction was a beat slower!

Li Zhen got the ball and stepped directly to the layup and easily succeeded!!


7 points difference!!!

The Lakers were completely panicked!!

Their Kobe didn't help them solve the problem, but was restrained by the Mavericks' counterattack.

Kobe wanted the ball, he gritted his teeth and rushed forward with the ball.

After Kobe changed direction and broke through Li Zhen, he rushed in with the ball on the right side!!

Li Zhen, Kidd and Haywood double-teamed Kobe!!

Kobe saw the open space in the bottom corner, he immediately passed it.

It was not that Kobe wanted to pass the ball at the critical moment, but now the Lakers had time to grab a three-pointer. The one who received the ball in the bottom corner was Farmar!!

Farmar was under great psychological pressure facing the sudden pass.

Absolutely open, a three-pointer from the bottom corner!

This opportunity made the fans at the scene twitch, and Farmar's shooting rhythm looked���It's great to come...

The Zen Master also clenched his fists. If the three-pointer had gone in, the game could have been caught up.

But the basketball didn't touch anything. It just missed the target.

"WF!!"Lakers fans are swearing.

This is what they do at the critical moment?

Kobe is also speechless.

This is absolutely open, I took off my pants, and you show me this?

"The Lakers had a difficult game in this game, they were under too much pressure!"

"The Mavericks are going to win."

Coach Zhang and Coach Xu were all beaming with joy.

1 minute and 3 seconds!!

The Mavericks have the ball!!

Victory is coming!!_

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