
Li Zhen is very confident. He doesn't think there is a player in the Lakers' second lineup who can defend him. If he can't even deal with Farmar and Channon Brown with so many skills, then don't even think about surpassing Jordan. He can't afford to lose to him.

The Lakers attack.

Farmar receives the ball and pushes forward.


Li Zhen, who had just upgraded to 72 defense, excitedly confronted Farmar.

Farmar lost his balance slightly, but his second reaction was quick, and his point guard instinct allowed him to hold the ball firmly.

Li Zhen failed to cut the ball.

Farmar brought the ball through the front court with difficulty and passed the ball to Gasol at the free throw line.

Li Zhen's defense put a lot of pressure on Farmar, and he couldn't retaliate.

Farmar didn't have the superstar idea of "if you hit me, I will hit you back".

Of course, if he had that idea, with his ability, the Lakers would not tolerate him.

The Zen Master only allowed Kobe to do this.....

Gasol has the ability to assist in the interior.

He looked left and right, dribbled the ball sideways, and then passed it to Artest who cut inside.

Now Artest is not called Kindness-World-Peace, but Artest.

After the Rockets lost the 7-game battle with the Lakers last season, he chose to surrender to the enemy.

That's right, joining the opponent after losing to the opponent in 7 games, this is surrendering to the enemy.

In fact, KD is not the first person to surrender to the enemy, but Artest is, and Artest surrendered to the enemy earlier.

After coming to the Lakers, Artest's data plummeted, from his average of 17 points per game in the Rockets to his current average of 11 points per game.

Cutting inside and three-pointers are Artest's important scoring methods.

Haywood's defense didn't keep up and missed a man.

Artest easily cut inside and made a layup.

26 to 32.

Li Zhen was just bragging about his stronger defense, but his teammates missed a man.

This made Li Zhen a little annoyed.

But Li Zhen is not the kind of person who blames his teammates. He patted Haywood's butt and signaled him to serve quickly.

Carlisle was a little dissatisfied with the defense in this round, and yelled at Haywood on the sidelines.

Haywood was a little afraid of Carlisle's yelling.

"Li, it's up to you. You have to help me get revenge."Haywood said to Li Zhen after serving.

Haywood himself was also depressed, and back-to-back had some impact on him.

"Yeah, I got it."Li Zhen nodded.

The Mavericks attacked.

Li Zhen dribbled the ball.

The Lakers replaced Brown, who was 193cm tall, to defend Li Zhen.

Brown was a dunker with explosive physical talent, and he had obviously studied Li Zhen's foul-making.

Just like the Hornets' Posey defending Li Zhen, Brown chose to lead with both hands behind him to prevent Li Zhen from having a chance to foul.

Seeing this, Li Zhen immediately [Lightning Breakthrough] dribbled the ball from the left to the right, and after changing direction, he dived with the ball on the right side.���Strong first step.

The result of holding both hands behind is that it is difficult to control the body balance, and the defensive area is not as large as when the hands are open. Brown can only watch Li Zhen pass him.

Gasol's speed of defense is too slow.

Li Zhen rushed directly from Gasol's right side and flew to lick the dunk.

28 to 32

"Switch, switch, Ron, go guard that rookie." The Zen Master yelled at the Lakers players on the sidelines.

Li Zhen scored too easily.

Brown couldn't defend him.

Compared with the Mavericks' rigid tactics, Li Zhen was obviously the bad apple. He attacked alone, and the Lakers had no one who could match him.

It's not that there was no one, the one who could match him was sitting on the sidelines.

After Li Zhen scored, he also looked at Kobe.

Li Zhen's meaning was very clear, your teammates' defense was too bad, you had to do it....

The Lakers attack.

They still use Gasol to assist.

Gasol successfully passes the ball to Artest.

But this time Haywood defends Artest's cut inside and doesn't let him get a direct chance to attack the basket.

Artest passes the ball to Brown.


Li Zhen's defense, with a score of 72 points, keenly judged Artest's passing route, and ran at high speed to intercept the ball!

The steal was successful.

In order to grab the ball, Li Zhen flew out of bounds, but he retrieved the ball to Terry.

Li Zhen flew to save the ball and fell in front of Carlisle. Carlisle kindly pulled Li Zhen up and patted his butt!

Carlisle likes Li Zhen, the rookie, more and more.

Sharp offense and desperate defense, this is the future of the Mavericks, and they must be given more opportunities.

In fact, Li Zhen now has unlimited firing rights on the court. Carlisle himself also finds it magical that he would give unlimited firing rights to a rookie....

Terry did not rush to attack, but waited for Li Zhen to come back and pulled his teammates away, then passed the ball to Li Zhen at a 45-degree angle on the right.

There is an unwritten rule in the NBA that the ball should be fed to the teammate with a good touch until he can't score.

Outside the right three-point line, Li Zhen leaned over to hold the ball.

The person defending him became Artest.

"Come on, Ron!"

"Kick him hard in the ass!"

"Guard him."

The Lakers used three different defenders to guard Li Zhen in three rounds.

Artest threatened Li Zhen fiercely:"Rookie, if you dare to commit a foul in front of me, I will throw you to the ground."

""Wow, I'm so scared!!!" Li Zhen hit back at Artest.

The more Artest said this, the more Li Zhen wanted to play like this.

Artest's hands kept waving, and Li Zhen was fearless and directly put his hands around.

At the same time, he tried to shoot with all his strength.

【[King of Fraud]

Li Zhen is not stupid. While committing the foul, he also paid attention to protecting himself. He did not jump up high to shoot.

He was also afraid that Artest would step on his heels and elbow him.


The referee blew the whistle and raised three fingers.

"OMG!!"Some fans at the scene covered their mouths in surprise.

After the referee blew the whistle, Artest's hands kept entangled with Li Zhen.

Li Zhen also refused to let go.

Two hands against one hand, the two looked like they were about to hug and wrestle.

"Beep, beep, beep!!"The referee intervened quickly and separated the two with his body.

Artest raised his right hand to indicate that he did not move.

Li Zhen also shrugged, indicating that he was the one holding him.

"Rookie, you're asking for a beating." Artest said

"The era of fighting is over. I just made you commit a foul, so what? Idiot!"Li Zhen cursed


Both of them cursed at each other and the female family member.

The fans at the scene also booed.

Watching the replay, all Lakers fans saw how bold Li Zhen was.

He just pulled Artest's hand outside the three-point line to create a foul.

This rookie is incredible!!!!

Kobe watched this scene coldly.

He could see that Li Zhen, the rookie, had a bad temper. He was not afraid of tough battles, nor was he afraid of conflicts with his opponents.

Haywood and Stevenson quickly came over to persuade Li Zhen.

Artest is not someone to be trifled with. If you really annoy him and fight with him, it is not worth it to be sent off.

The referee gave Artest and Li Zhen a technical foul each. Li Zhen received the first technical foul in his career.

The technical foul was offset by free throws, and Li Zhen still had three free throws.

"Rookie, you are an actor!"

"Shameful foul!"

"You'll draw a foul and score."...

Staples fans started to insult Li Zhen!! The more

Li Zhen heard the insults, the more excited he became!!

Li Zhen was never afraid of challenges, and he was very competitive.

After making all three free throws, Li Zhen looked at Kobe again!!

"Kobe, if you don't play again, I will overtake you." Li Zhen shouted at Kobe.

31 to 32, the difference was only one point!!

""Timeout!" Zen Master called a halt to the game.

Kobe immediately stood up from the bench.

Li Zhen's provocation also completely aroused Kobe's competitive spirit.

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