Li Zhen came to the bench, Barea and Kidd both gave Li Zhen a massage

"Li, you come down and take a rest first."

""Yes!" Li Zhen did not refuse Carlisle's substitution.

This series of explosive scoring was also a huge drain on Li Zhen, and he couldn't keep going like this.

The Lakers would definitely strengthen their defense against him after the timeout, and the scoring efficiency would not be so high. His teammates couldn't keep running back and forth on the court, which would be detrimental to the team.

"Jason, Dirk, you go ahead." Carlisle immediately arranged the troops.

Carlisle had more plans for Li Zhen. Carlisle was very satisfied with Li Zhen's performance during this period.

If there was a small flaw, it was that Li Zhen, as a point guard, actually had 0 assists......

That is, his personal attacking ability is good, but he has not paid much attention to motivating his teammates.

On the court.

The Zen Master adjusted the tactics and was about to use Kobe and Artest to double-team Li Zhen, but he found that he was gone.

After the timeout, Kobe, who was full of anger, started to explode again.

Kobe's deterrence is too great. If he keeps connecting with the twin towers, the Mavericks, who do not have Chandler yet, will not have much resistance in the interior. The Lakers

' lineup depth and player talent are better than the Mavericks. When they play reasonable ball, they are still very scary on both offense and defense.

Li Zhen watched the Lakers beat the Mavericks off the court.

He knew very well that in this situation, he would not be able to play much.

Li Zhen's advantage is one-on-one. If there is no single-on-one opportunity and he is double-teamed on the offensive end, then Li Zhen has to pass the ball. Li Zhen's passing is not as good as Kidd. Kidd can't connect the current Mavericks from above.

The problem of the Mavericks is mainly the overall problem. They are not physically fit enough to play back-to-back. The core players are in poor condition. Many times, opportunities come, but every ball is always just a little bit away from being scored.

Kidd is 37 years old, Nowitzki is 32 years old, and Terry is 33 years old.

If this were the playoffs, they would play hard, but this is the regular season, and it is a back-to-back away game.

It is difficult to expect them to play at their best.

So the situation became a little funny.

Li Zhen's second lineup abused the Lakers, while the Mavericks' first lineup was beaten.

Li Zhen will be abused if he goes up now, because the Lakers' overall strength is still superior. Not every time he goes up, he can withstand the ravages of the championship team.

After every goal, Kobe would look at Li Zhen on the sidelines.

Although the Lakers were beating the Mavericks, Kobe always felt that he was holding back a lot of anger.

Li Zhen felt like he was going to slip away after performing the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Kobe vented his anger on the Mavericks......

The Mavericks' winning streak was ended.

Losing to the defending champions on the road is not something that is too difficult to accept.

The Mavericks were not in the strongest condition today, and their core has not yet adjusted to the attitude of competing for the championship.

Li Zhen is still in the process of upgrading, and it is impossible for him to explode throughout the game.

104 to 112.

The Mavericks did not lose many points. Kobe scored 47 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in the whole game. He led the Lakers to take the initiative on the court after Li Zhen left the court in the second quarter.

After Li Zhen's outbreak in the second quarter, he also got playing time in the third and fourth quarters.

Li Zhen played for 21 minutes in the whole game and scored 30 points, 3 assists and 4 rebounds. This is an extremely terrifying personal efficiency.

Li Zhen's score tonight is also the highest in the Mavericks. Li Zhen won the team's scoring title for the first time. The efficiency values of the whole team are negative, only Li Zhen's efficiency value is +13, which means that when Li Zhen was on the court, the team won by 13 points....

Back in the locker room, Li Zhen let the water splash on his head.

Li Zhen was unhappy because of the loss, but he could afford to lose.

Even the future super warriors team would lose in the regular season.

No team will not lose.

After calming down for a while, Li Zhen entered the system

"Ding, get your first 30+ in your career, and get 2 attribute bonus points"

"Ding, get [Lucky Gift Pack]"

Kobe's strength must be SS level now. Li Zhen played against him many times in this game, so it's not surprising that a gift pack dropped.

This is also what Li Zhen expected. He is looking forward to what he can get this time.

"Open the lucky gift bag】"

"Ding, it is activated successfully, and the will attribute is increased by +2."


Li Zhen felt like he had made a fortune when he got this willpower attribute bonus.

As a result, Li Zhen's willpower now has 92 points.

Willpower attribute is also the core of the ability that distinguished Li Zhen and Harden at the beginning.

The more games Li Zhen plays, the more he understands how important"willpower" is to top players.

McGrady and Kobe are two cases with the most obvious difference in willpower.

McGrady's talent is even better than Kobe's, but his achievements are basically nothing compared to a group of Hall of Fame players.

Kobe's talent is definitely not top-notch compared to other superstars, but what distinguishes him from other superstars is his mental strength, that is, willpower. At

4 a.m., he continued to work after being dislocated, continued to play with various injuries, paranoid, and unremitting pursuit of victory.

This is what makes Kobe different from others.

"System, how strong is Kobe's will?"


Kobe 99, I'm 92, keep going!!

Mavericks bus

"Look at each other and see if everyone is here."

""We'll set off as soon as we're all here." Carlisle asked on the bus

"Coach, Lee hasn't arrived yet."Barea shouted.

Kidd shouted:"That kid is still waiting for someone."

"Ha ha!!"

"Then let's wait for him."

Although the veterans didn't know what Li Zhen was doing, Li Zhen performed very well today and no one had too many opinions about it.

After taking a shower.

Li Zhen did not follow his teammates back to the team bus, but came to the passage outside the Lakers locker room.

Li Zhen wanted to communicate with Kobe and learn about low-post offense and mid-range issues from him.

The last time Kidd coached Li Zhen, he gained a [King of Passing], and Li Zhen also hoped to gain something from Kobe.

The Lakers players came out of the locker room one by one, and they all passed by Li Zhen curiously.

What else is this rookie going to do?

He doesn't have to leave here?

"Lee, your team bus is about to leave. Staples security guards reminded

"No, no, they will wait for me." Li Zhen ignored the security guard's urging.

Kobe stayed in the locker room for a long time. He was receiving treatment.

After getting dressed in the training room and waiting for everyone to leave, Kobe came out.

Kobe saw Li Zhen waiting in the passage.

Kobe smiled. He knew what Li Zhen was going to do. This was very similar to the figure of him chasing Jordan back then.

"Come on, rookie, let's go! They talked as they walked."Kobe Bryant lost his aggressiveness on the court and seemed very friendly off the court.

Winning the game made him feel good.

Li Zhen didn't waste any words and immediately followed Kobe to ask him about some back-to-the-basket offense.

Mid-range and low-post back-to-the-basket offense are Li Zhen's current shortcomings in offense.

Kidd can't teach him these things.

"【Fading jump shot】Learning....."

Li Zhen listened carefully to every suggestion from Kobe and remembered the experience he taught him.

The two talked for a short time, only about 15 minutes. The security guard behind him did not urge him anymore, as he did not want to ruin the scene.

Finally, Kobe gave Li Zhen his personal number and told him that he could call him if he had any questions.

Li Zhen then went back to the bus with satisfaction.

Although he had not mastered the [fade-away jump shot] immediately, he was in the learning stage, which was a good start.

Li Zhen planned to send text messages at 11:30 pm and 4 am in the future to ask for advice.

One time was before going to bed, and the other time was when he got up to urinate at night, so that he could fully learn the skills.

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