Li Zhen was not in a hurry to use attribute points. He wanted to save them to avoid injuries or something. Adding one or two points would not significantly improve his strength.

After playing against the Charlotte Bobcats, the next stop is against the Atlanta Hawks.

This game still has only one day of rest time.

The NBA's regular season schedule is very abnormal. Even young people like Li Zhen are a little tired after continuous battles, let alone veterans. Veterans such as

Kidd, Nowitzki, Marion, and Dampier began to rest as soon as they got on the plane.

There was no vitality on the plane as before. The closer it was to the end of the season, the more tired the veterans were of the game...........

After arriving at the hotel lobby in Atlanta, head coach Carlisle said to all the players:"All players are not allowed to go out tonight, and are not allowed to go to nightclubs. Get some rest."

The good boy Li Zhen shouted immediately:"OK!!"

But except for Li Zhen, the others were not very enthusiastic.

Li Zhen could clearly see that he was different from these old hands.

"OMG, I can't go to the nightclub, Atlanta girls, please forgive me this night." Marion shouted.

Atlanta is deeply influenced by hip-hop culture, and there are many nightclubs here, which is also one of its characteristics.

NBA players are a group of male animals with overflowing hormones, and women are just a tonic for them.

"It's okay, Sean, I'm familiar with this place, I can call a girl to the room, just give her a generous tip."Terry said obscenely

"Um, how could I forget, Jason, you've been here for a long time...Come on, one is not enough, give me two." Marion shouted.

Li Zhen was dumbfounded by these old hooligans.

Didn't he look very tired on the plane?

Resting just to continue the crazy late at night?

Li Zhen felt that he would never be able to play with these teammates.

Because their three views seemed a little different.

Although Li Zhen's status in the team has been significantly improved, Li Zhen is still the boy who focuses on basketball, without any change.....

Terry started calling girls, and Kidd, Marion and others shouted to find more girls.

When Li Zhen was thinking whether he should join them to see the big horses


Nowitzki patted Li Zhen on the shoulder. He saw Li Zhen's entanglement.

"Li, focus on being yourself. You don't need to deliberately become the same as others on or off the court."

After Nowitzki smiled at Li Zhen, he took his bag and went to the elevator by himself.

Looking at Nowitzki, Li Zhen knew that he was not the only one who didn't like that kind of nightlife.

Li Zhen immediately followed Nowitzki's footsteps, took his bag and went to the elevator, ready to go back to his room. Some life outside the court was destined not to be suitable for him.

Back to the hotel room.

Li Zhen began to watch the video of the Hawks.

The Hawks currently have a record of 38 wins and 20 losses.

In the East, apart from the Cavaliers, Magic, and Celtics, they are the strongest.

The top four in the East are also teams with similar strength to the Western Conference playoffs.

Their lineup is very stable. Mike Bibby, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, Marvin Williams, and Al Horford, the status of these people in the team is basically not much different.

Of course, if you have to say who is the boss, it is Joe Johnson. His data is an average of 22 per game. 4.8 points, 4.8 rebounds, and 4.7 assists, but his low-key style of play and unpretentious skills are a bit out of tune with the big guys of other teams.

Then last summer, the Hawks used two fringe players who were not used much in exchange for the king of cramps Crawford. Crawford contributed an average of 18 points per game this season, and his style of play is very good when he is on the court.

The Mavericks have an advantage in lineup depth, but they are on the road, and they have been on the road for consecutive games.

It is hard to say who will win or lose.

After watching the video and studying his opponent tomorrow, Li Zhen has nothing to do.

Lying in bed, Li Zhen feels that he needs to find more things to do.

For Li Zhen, apart from basketball, there seems to be nothing else to do in his life.

Play games?

I can't get into games of this era. There is no Honor of Kings, and even the 2K graphics are very low-level.

Play Red Alert、CS、Fantasy Westward Journey?

That's even more boring. It

's really a bit boring.

Li Zhen has no plans to invest in developing games or anything like that, mainly because he has no interest in it.

Li Zhen knows very well that as long as he plays well, he will not lack money to spend, and there is no need to get himself into the Forbes list.

It's not that he is not interested in money, but that he doesn't want to focus on money every day.

For him, it's enough to have enough money to spend.

What should he do with his idle time?

Li Zhen started to check Weibo.

Weibo was launched last year, and it became popular as soon as it was launched. The number of domestic users increased rapidly, and they also invited Li Zhen to add V.

Li Zhen has about 500,000 fans on it. When Weibo was just developing, this number of fans was already very good.

Li Zhen checked the status.....

Hey , this face belongs to Yaya. She seems to have just acted in a TV series. She looks very beautiful in her ancient costume.....Like it.

Hey, isn't this Mi Mi?

So fierce, really good...Like.

Hey, this is Reba.

So green, why does she have so few fans?

Hey, she doesn't seem to be famous yet, the photos are good, like to support her.....

Today's female stars' photos are very original.

Li Zhen liked the ones he saw were okay, as he didn't have much of a concept of being a public figure.

Before going to bed, Li Zhen talked to Kobe on the phone again.

【[Fade Away Jump Shot] Upgrading....

The next day,

Li Zhen spent a day in the training hall. He had to practice more on some of the experiences he had shared with Kobe.

The first level was easy for Li Zhen to master, but it was difficult to advance from the elementary level to the intermediate level.

【Fading Jump Shot (Basic)】Successfully Mastered

"When attacking with a backward posture, the shooting accuracy increases by 3%"

Well, it seems that step-back jump shots can also be added with fadeaways in the future.

Wouldn't that be very abnormal?

Step-back jump shots have a hit rate bonus.

"System, will the two skill hit rate improvements be cumulative?"

"No, I will just choose the higher one."


It is better to always step back, don't lean back, that will make the posture look weird.......

February 26.

The Mavericks' away game against the Hawks officially kicked off.

Today, Li Zhen is still sitting on the bench.

The Mavericks' starting lineup is: Kidd, Butler, Marion, Nowitzki, Dampier. The

Hawks' starting lineup is: Bibby, Joe Johnson, Marvin, Josh, Horford.

Both teams started the game in average form, with low hit rates.

The Mavericks' scoring method is Nowitzki's jump shot, while the Hawks' side is crazy rebounding.

Their three inside players bombarded the Mavericks' inside players. If their hit rate is not high, they will grab offensive rebounds and score until they score.

In one round, the Hawks even grabbed 3 offensive rebounds in a row and scored the ball strongly.

The fans at the scene cheered.

Li Zhen could see that Coach Carlisle was very dissatisfied with Dampier's performance.

In fact, Dampier is tall and has long arms, and is a good rebounder, but he does not have particularly outstanding explosiveness and bounce. In addition to the injury to his right knee, his rebounds mostly rely on solid positioning and excellent prediction.

Today, the Hawks' inside talent is very fierce, which happens to be his nemesis.

Dampier is also 35 years old this season. He averaged 6 points and 7 rebounds per game this season. His condition is obviously not worthy of the Mavericks' ambitions.

Coach Carlisle replaced Dampier with Haywood after playing for 4 minutes.

But Haywood did not change the gap between the two teams' inside lines and continued to be exploded.

Carlisle no longer has any inside players to replace, and the center position has become the Mavericks' Achilles' heel.

The consequences of Butler, Marion and others' crazy play last night came out, and they seemed to be a little out of shape.

Harden was weak after playing in a nightclub all night, let alone them....

The Mavericks were in a bit of a bad state again.

With 2 minutes and 11 seconds left in the first quarter, the score was 15 to 25.

The Mavericks were 10 points behind on the road.

"Li, Jason, you guys go!" Carlisle shouted at Li Zhen and Terry.

Li Zhen also stood up, pulled up his trousers, stood on the sidelines, and high-fived his teammates who were leaving the court. It was his turn again.

Carlisle held Li Zhen's head and said to him:"Li, you can go into the inside more often to protect the rebounds. Our inside line is a bit overwhelmed." After the coach said that, Li Zhen could only nod. He was the youngest, the most capable of jumping, and had weight. If it weren't for his height difference, Carlisle would probably have stuffed him into the inside to carry people.

Marion, Butler and others didn't seem to be able to jump today, so Carlisle could only appoint Li Zhen.

When Li Zhen just stepped onto the court, Carlisle pulled Li Zhen and said:"Get Josh down if you have the chance."

Li Zhen nodded again, whatever the coach said was what it was.

Carlisle was getting more and more satisfied with Li Zhen. This rookie was very obedient, good, and promising.

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