Thinking about making money, Li Zhen thought of a bigger problem.

He doesn't have an agent yet!

For NBA players, agents are crucial.

Good agents are good helpers for players, and they can achieve a win-win situation with players.

The most typical examples are James and Rich Paul, and Parsons and his agent.

But bad agents can make players feel like they are dying.

Duncan's agent cheated him of a sum of money, and Noel's agent's wrong advice caused him to lose a big contract.

Li Zhen is getting more and more famous now. His email and phone will receive some product endorsement invitations from time to time, but Li Zhen has never opened them. He has lost some opportunities and now he has to pay attention to them.

Ten o'clock in the evening.

After Li Zhen returned home, he immediately asked someone for advice.

One of the benefits of playing in the Mavericks is that his teammates have rich experience in almost everything about players. They know the agents in the circle. Li Zhen usually hears them talking in the locker room, but he didn't pay attention to it before. The first person Li Zhen called for advice was Kidd. Kidd was easy to talk to. After figuring out Li Zhen's intentions, Kidd recommended Jeff Schwartz to Li Zhen.

Jeff is a famous agent in the NBA. He has more than 30 players under his management, which should be the largest number in the NBA. There are six All-Stars, and many of them have received big contracts under him.

Kidd also gave Li Zhen the phone number of Jeff Schwartz.

After Li Zhen communicated with Kidd, Li Zhen called Kobe again.

Since Li Zhen had a chat phone, Li Zhen often"harassed" Kobe.

It is common to have text messages or phone calls at two or three in the morning.

Kobe thought Li Zhen was really annoying at first, but now he is used to it. Li Zhen is very similar to him back then. Both of them are people who are a little obsessed with basketball. Who hasn't been young before.

But sometimes when Kobe is doing things with Vanessa, Li Zhen's phone will ring, which makes Kobe very unhappy.

For example, now, Kobe just got into the state, and the phone rang.

As soon as Kobe picked up the phone, he yelled at Li Zhen:"Fuck, rookie, speak up if you have anything to say. I'm busy."

Hearing the panting on the other end, Li Zhen said,"I want to ask you about the agent......."

After figuring out Li Zhen's intention, Kobe said impatiently:"Just find Rob Pelinka, he's my agent, reliable, there will be no problem, I'll give you the contact information tomorrow."

"Kobe, come on, oh, I can't stand it anymore、、"

""Beep, beep, beep!"

Li Zhen held the phone with a confused look on his face. It seemed that he called at the wrong time and disturbed someone.

Li Zhen remembered that Kobe's agent in his previous life was also the general manager of the Lakers.

Jeff Schwartz, Rob Pelinka.

Talk to them on the phone tomorrow, just choose one of the two..............

During the break after training at noon the next day, Li Zhen called Pelinka and Schwartz, and finally Li Zhen decided to sign with Pelinka.

This is what Li Zhen thought.

There is no problem with the professionalism of these two people.

But Schwartz is too big a star, his schedule is a bit full, and he needs to take care of too many players, so it doesn't matter whether he is there or not.

Pelinka is different, he doesn't have many players, and if Li Zhen goes there, Pelinka will pay much attention to him and can help Li Zhen do his work more meticulously.

And having the same agent as Kobe, this feeling is also very good.

Li Zhen is looking forward to special training with Kobe in the summer, so that he can dig out more skills at that time.

Li Zhen also quickly finalized a verbal agreement with Pelinka.............

Tonight the Mavericks will play against the Phoenix Suns.

Speaking of the Suns, one player must be mentioned.

Steve Nash.

Nash was selected by the Suns in the 15th pick in the first round of the 1996 NBA draft. He joined the Mavericks in 1998 and returned to the Suns in 2004. He won the regular season MVP for two consecutive years in 2005 and 2006. Nash was selected to the All-Star team for 8 times and the All-NBA First Team for 3 times. He is one of the representative figures of the 96 golden generation.

Even though Nash is 36 years old this year, he is still very strong.

Nash led the Suns to a second spring with an average of 16.5 points and 11 assists per game this season. Their current record is only one win behind the Mavericks.

If the Suns win, the Mavericks and the Suns will swap their Western Conference rankings.

Nash is very strong this season, which is stronger than all the point guards Li Zhen has encountered.

After the game started, Nash quickly confirmed this.

At the Airline Arena, Nash seemed to have a grudge. He led the Suns to run and bomb the Mavericks' defense again.

Three-pointers rained down like thousands of arrows piercing the heart, and Li Zhen witnessed the grace of the Son of Wind.

Sitting on the bench, Li Zhen couldn't help but compare Kidd with Nash.

If they were young and at their peak, the two should be evenly matched, but now.

Nash should be better at offense than Kidd, and Kidd should be better at defense than Nash, but the result of the direct matchup between the two is that Kidd's defense can't stop Nash's offense.

Nash can always find his teammates in various ways. He is familiar with the shooting rhythm of his teammates and basically feeds them to their mouths.

With Nash's feeding, Hill, Frye, and Richardson shot three-pointers one after another, penetrating the Mavericks' outside defense.

The pick-and-roll between Stoudemire and Nash in the interior is also extremely sharp. After the pick-and-roll, Nash can send the ball to the sky and let Stoudemire complete an alley-oop directly.....

The Suns are really strong now.

Li Zhen sighed while watching the game.

To be honest, the Suns are a dark horse this season.

Before the season started, when various media talked to fans about the league situation, the Suns were only discussed as a"team on the edge of the playoffs".

Their reason was simple. With O'Neal's departure, the Suns lost the combat effectiveness of the center position. Coupled with Nash's aging, the Suns were kicked out of the playoffs last season. With the decline in strength this season, how can we expect better?

But Nash overturned the contempt for the Suns with practical actions.

Nash, who turned 36, played an incredible performance this season.

Averaged 16.5 points and 11 assists per game!

In the history of the NBA, no player has ever been able to average double-digit assists per game after the age of 35.

But the 36-year-old Nash did it.

Even at the beginning of the season, the Suns once occupied the top spot in the Western Conference!

Inspired by Nash's second spring, the Suns regained the gorgeous running and gunning tactics.

Frye, who was almost abandoned by the NBA, has found his form again in the Suns. Stoudemire, who was depressed by O'Neal last season, has seen his stats skyrocket this season.

These are all what Nash has brought to the Suns with his own strength.....

As for the Mavericks.

After returning to their home court, they were still physically exhausted from the previous consecutive away games.

The veterans looked a little tired, and the Mavericks' offense mainly relied on Nowitzki and Caron Butler.

The two had a good touch today, which prevented the gap from widening further.

With 3 minutes and 40 seconds left, Carlisle called a timeout.

The score was 30 to 18.

The Suns scored 30 points in eight minutes on the road, and you can imagine how hot their touch was today.

"Li, you go up and hold the ball. If you have a chance, you can score. We need to score as soon as possible......"Carlisle began to arrange the rotation tactics.

Li Zhen also tore off his trousers and threw them aside, and then he came on the court!

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