
Nowitzki is the absolute boss and tactical core of the Mavericks!

This has been the case for many years.

With him, the fans at the Airline Arena know that the Mavericks have a pillar.

Seeing Nowitzki's injury, the fans, including the owner Cuban, seemed a little panicked.

Without Nowitzki, how strong will the Mavericks be?.........

In the dormitory of the drama academy,

Reba watched the live broadcast on the computer. She didn't know much about the NBA.

Her attention was always on Li Zhen.

Because it was a domestic broadcast, there were a lot of close-ups of Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was very serious when playing basketball. She felt that Li Zhen had a very special charm.

"Reba, how do you watch NBA?"The roommate across the street noticed Reba's abnormality and asked

"I just wanted to take a look out of curiosity." Reba replied

"Oh, I see. You are looking at Li Zhen, right? He is very popular now. My boyfriend often talks about him. I heard that he may become the successor of Yao Ming."said the roommate.

As students of the drama academy, they pay close attention to the hot searches.

Li Zhen is not only on the hot searches, but also frequently appears in official media news reports.

These are not the ones that ordinary movie and TV stars can appear on. Li Zhen means to win glory for the country.

After hearing what the roommate said, Reba realized Li Zhen's current status in the basketball circle, which is much better than that of her unknown student.

Seeing that Li Zhen's face was a little bad because of the injury of his teammates.

Reba knew that Li Zhen had encountered a problem, she quickly shifted her attention to the screen. She wanted to see how Li Zhen would solve the problem..........

"Dirk is injured. OMG, I hope it's nothing serious. He is the spiritual pillar of the Mavericks. He is currently at a critical moment in the playoffs. His injury is very bad for the Mavericks."Harlan said

"Of course, Carlisle's troubles are not only in the future, he is also facing difficulties at the moment. In this game, Carlisle's tactics around Nowitzki have a great advantage. Now that this advantage is gone, he should find a way to solve this problem."Van Gundy said.

Van Gundy is deeply touched by the injury of the big man. When he was coaching, he felt that the sky fell when Yao Ming was injured.

In this era, big men are the upper limit of a team!

Although the Mavericks are strong, with Marion, Kidd, Li Zhenyi and other good players, it is undeniable that Nowitzki is the most important point in Carlisle's tactical system! Nowitzki averaged 26 points per game this season. If he is not there, who will take over his scoring?

Usually, Marion or Haywood can take over the position of King Nowitzki, but it is only temporary.

But now it is difficult to spend the whole game in this way.

After thinking about it, Carlisle replaced Haywood, who had just helped Nowitzki to the locker room.

Haywood can make up for Nowitzki's defensive position, but he can't make up for it on offense.

"Jason, Jason, Li, you three go on and coordinate the movement of the ball. Offensively, Li will be the main attacker. Defensively, Li, you go to the front line first and defend Evans." Carlisle did not hesitate and directly replaced Marion with a three-guard lineup.

Carlisle's meaning was very clear. Kidd was responsible for organization, Terry was responsible for positional offense, and Li Zhen was responsible for front line offense and defense.

Moving to the small forward position was a big challenge for Li Zhen, but Carlisle was willing to trust Li Zhen.

As usual, Li Zhen nodded heavily and he took on the task.

The game resumed.

Because the referee called an official timeout, the Mavericks still had the ball.

Without Nowitzki, the Kings' inside players felt relieved. They Instantly it felt like this game was going to be a fight.

Kidd held the ball at the top of the arc and directed the tactical movement.

Kidd's offensive organization was not even going to send the ball to the inside. Dampier and Haywood's ability in one-on-one play was worrying. They could just grab rebounds and catch alley-oops.

After Li Zhen moved to the small forward position, he was directly matched up with Evans.

Dampier gave Li Zhen an off-ball screen!

Li Zhen came out of the screen and successfully caught the ball. After catching the ball, Li Zhen did not get a chance to shoot immediately because Evans had already gotten rid of the screen and caught up.

"Rookie, fuck him!"

"Make him foul and knock him down"

"You are the best rookie!"

Seeing the two people facing off directly, the fans in the Airline Arena cheered instantly.

The cheers for Li Zhen became more and more.

Li Zhen held the ball and took a series of tentative steps to move Evans' center of gravity.

Evans is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 100 kilograms. His body shape looks similar to Li Zhen, and the two are not mismatched.

Evans kept swinging his hands back, and then leaned forward to interfere with Li Zhen as much as possible.

Evans' mouth was not clean. He sprayed at Li Zhen:"Rookie, you can only make fouls. I won't give you a chance. Without Dirk to help you contain, you can't score."

Li Zhen was not a pushover either. He immediately hit back:"Tyrek, let's bet 100,000 US dollars. It's not about winning. It's about who scores more points in this game? Will you come?"

Evans hesitated. He might not be able to beat Li Zhen in terms of scoring....He was silent for a moment.

Seeing that his opponent didn't dare to respond, Li Zhen immediately seized the opportunity to criticize:"Coward, soft egg, cake, octopus...."

Li Zhen described Evans by describing all soft substances.

As soon as Li Zhen finished speaking, he directly started the super fast first step!

【Lightning Breakthrough]

Li Zhen's first step was to gain position and successfully break through Evans.

After entering the inside, Thompson and Landry both attacked Li Zhen at the same time.

But Li Zhen accelerated again and directly broke through the two people's defense line. He took a step in front of the three-second zone, grabbed the ball, pushed off the ground and took off, and directly dunked with one hand!!!


40 to 46 to be honest���Li Zhen's dunks are much worse than those of the dunkers, and are very plain and simple.

But Li Zhen's dunks are not for the sake of looking good, dunking is just Li Zhen's way of finishing, he doesn't want to be blocked!

"Fuck!!"Evans seemed a little frustrated that he failed to defend Li Zhen. Li Zhen's first step of breakthrough was also very fast.

"Oh wow, well done!!"

"Dirk is not here, we still have this rookie, come on!!"

"Li, come on!!"

Li Zhen's slam dunk immediately helped to mobilize the momentum of the scene.

The Kings attacked.

Evans did not rush to respond to Li Zhen, but first gave the ball to Udrih who had a better touch.

Udrih and Landry played a pick-and-roll.

After the pick-and-roll, Udrih passed the ball to Landry.

Landry used his footwork in the interior to trick Haywood and turned around to make a layup!!

42 to 46.

Landry couldn't play against a skilled interior player like Nowitzki, but it was easy to play against a tough center like Haywood.

Haywood's frequency was too slow for him.

Although Landry was not tall, he was very strong and had more delicate skills.

His shooting range reached 16 feet, and his interior passing skills were also underestimated. He was very smart on the offensive end and often used fake moves...

In short, it will be troublesome for him to attack in the interior.

"Big guy, don't panic, just hold your position well first." Li Zhen went over and patted the somewhat frustrated Haywood.

Without Nowitzki in the paint, the Mavericks' interior defense became a little anxious.

Without the leader, Li Zhen also felt that he should do something.

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