
In the player tunnel, Li Zhen received the system's reward

"Ding, breaking the career high, rewarding 5 attribute points"

"Ding, win the game and get 3 attribute points as a reward."

Li Zhen gradually figured out some of the characteristics of the system's rewards.

If you break a record, there will basically be a reward, depending on the difficulty of the record.

If it is Li Zhen's personal record, it won't be much, but if it is an NBA historical record, it will be a lot more.

Save the attribute points first and use them when you have more.

The excitement of winning quickly faded, and Li Zhen is more worried about Nowitzki's injury.

Whether on the court or off the court, Li Zhen hopes that Nowitzki's injury is not too serious.

In the locker room, everyone was not in a very good mood because of Nowitzki's injury. Nowitzki is too important to the team.

After taking a shower, Li Zhen followed the team on a special plane to Boston.

Not all Mavericks are going to Boston this time Kidd and Terry both stayed in Dallas.

In the away game against the Boston Celtics, Carlisle chose to give the team's veterans a rest!

Nowitzki's injury reminded Carlisle.

It is more important to ensure the health of the veterans entering the playoffs than to strive for the playoff ranking.

The Celtics are too strong. Even with Nowitzki, it is difficult for the Mavericks to win away from home.

So this time in Boston, the Mavericks will use the second lineup to challenge!

Li Zhen knew that Carlisle wanted to give up this away game against the Celtics, but he didn't intend to give up.

As long as he is on the court, Li Zhen will do his best. The main players are not here, this is Li Zhen's opportunity.

On the plane, Li Zhen entered the system and received the task:"System, receive the task of challenging the triple-double!"

"Successfully received, please pay attention to the host, if the task fails, you need to complete the adventure challenge"

"I got it, don't worry, I won't fail."

Li Zhen is very confident, he is ready to use his two trump cards.

He still has two peak quarters, how can he fail?

This time he is going to make big news!!!.............

When Li Zhen flew to Boston, the news that Li Zhen led the team to victory began to spread.

This was not the first time that Li Zhen won, but it was the first time that he led the team to win as a core player, and the flash lights were more focused.

"With 36+11+5+5 in the whole game, this undrafted player once again contributed a perfect game."——《Dallas Sports》

"How should the league determine the best rookie now that Evans is crushing his opponent? If this award is given to Evans, will he dare to take it?"——《ESPN》

"Van Gundy asserted that Li Zhen's strength has reached the All-Star level, and it is difficult to find a better offensive guard than him among the rookies in history."——《Li Zhen's performance in this game of"Slam Dunk" once again made the headlines of the national basketball edition.

Countless domestic media were amazed at Li Zhen's performance.

Quantitative change has become qualitative change, and domestic media followed suit.

Li Zhen once again made his name popular in the NBA circle.

More and more celebrities and superstars stood up to praise Li Zhen's performance.

Ewing said:"It's hard to believe that this guy is just a rookie. He plays very tough on both offense and defense. He could also succeed in my era."

Kobe also commented in an interview after the game:"He is very focused. His love for basketball exceeds that of many people. I think he is very similar to me! I am not surprised that he has such a performance. He is a natural leader."

Steve Nash said:"If you have played against him, you will understand that his weapon bag is far more than just fouling. Although I was a little unhappy with him last time, I have to admit that he is dominant!"

Yao Ming said when he was interviewed by reporters:"Li Zhen's performance is great. I know how difficult it will be to compete in the NBA. He did a good job."

The reporter asked Yao Ming if he had talked to Li Zhen.

Yao Ming said:"I will find time to communicate with him. Of course, I can't give him too much guidance. After all, I was not as good as him in my rookie season."

Yao Ming made a little joke with high emotional intelligence.

When Nowitzki was injured, Li Zhen still led the Mavericks to defeat the Kings. Such performance really shocked the entire league.

In the past, most people who paid attention to the Mavericks only paid attention to Nowitzki, and at most praised the undrafted player for playing well.

But now, fans have found that this undrafted player is really different.

He has a big heart and certain leadership skills......

As soon as he got off the plane,

Carlisle informed everyone about Nowitzki's injury.

Nowitzki's injury was not too serious, but he needed to rest for two weeks.

This was good news.

There was still a month before the playoffs, and Nowitzki still had two weeks to get back in shape after he recovered.

After checking into the hotel in Boston,

Li Zhen received a text message from Reba, and the two of them were still chatting enthusiastically this time.

Li Zhen answered Reba's various curiosities about basketball and the NBA.

Li Zhen could feel Reba's admiration for him.

Then Li Zhen emphasized that Reba must watch his game the day after tomorrow.

Li Zhen was going to shine in this game, and he had to let this girl watch......

Li Zhen fell asleep after chatting with Reba via text messages until late at night.

While Li Zhen was asleep, in addition to the news about his outstanding performance, the news about Kidd and Terry taking turns to rest was also known by fans and the media.

"Nowitzki is seriously injured and needs to rest for two weeks!"

"By resting Kidd and Terry, Carlisle is giving up the game against Boston."

"It’s right to give up, the Mavericks have no hope of winning this game!"

"The Mavericks have been too tired recently, and it's time for the veteran to take a rest"

"But this is a nationwide live broadcast, so it's not good to take turns���"

Most Mavericks fans are in favor of the rotation, with a small number against it, because it is an away game and everyone understands it.

But for fans who bought tickets to Boston's home court, the TD Garden, they are very unhappy.

It is not the first time that the Celtics have faced opponents who have rested their players. In the last game against the Spurs, Popovich also rested GDP.

What is going on? It seems that they don't want to play against our Big Three.

"Fuck, why should I buy a ticket to watch a game without suspense?"

"Even if Nowitzki is injured, I can still watch Kidd and Terry."



"I drove 800 kilometers to bring my kids to watch this game, and you told me that the Mavericks rested most of their main players? Are they going to give up this game?"

A video of a fan being interviewed in front of reporters went viral.

In fact, resting is not something the Mavericks do often, it's actually the Spurs who often do it.

This time was also a coincidence.

In the last game, the Spurs rested GDP for no reason.

Today, the Mavericks rested again.

This made the fans who bought tickets to the TD Garden collapse.

Two consecutive games were strong dialogues, and I took off my pants, and you just watched us watch this?

Fans asked the league to punish NBA teams for such resting behavior!

This incident really alarmed the league.

The Spurs rested their players because it was Popovich's tactical strategy, they didn't want to fight the Celtics to the death on the road, but the Mavericks rested their veterans because they were really tired.....

Although the league did not punish the Mavericks directly, several executives continued to pressure Carlisle to send Kidd and Terry to play.

Carlisle also said that Kidd and Terry did not come at all, so how could they play?

Carlisle is also very experienced. When he was studying the schedule, he found out that the Spurs rested the Celtics. If he rested them again, it would definitely cause some impact, but the Mavericks have reached the point where they have to rest. They can't afford to hurt the veterans.

This matter fermented very heatedly, and even the news of Li Zhen's highlight performance was quickly suppressed.

Indeed, the Mavericks are very unlucky.

On the second day in Boston, Caron Butler also twisted his foot and he was also injured.....

After Li Zhen's rise, Butler's tactical position has declined a bit, but he is also an All-Star after all, and Carlisle hopes he can help.

Butler's injury has made the Mavericks' situation worse. The Mavericks can only rotate eight players now.

No matter how much Carlisle doesn't want to play this game, the Mavericks' away game against the Celtics started one day after Nowitzki was injured.

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