When the Celtics sent in wonderful team cooperation and aroused cheers, Li Zhen always stopped them before the cheers reached their climax!

Li Zhen either attacked himself or assisted his teammates, helping the Mavericks to suppress the Celtics who were in good form at home on the road again and again!!!

The Celtics' style of play was also very aggressive. They did not just watch Li Zhen score and organize, they also constantly used off-court means to interfere with Li Zhen.

After Garnett was fouled in the mismatch defense of Li Zhen, he was angry and pushed Li Zhen directly.

Garnett said viciously:"Rookie, if you commit a foul again, I promise, I will not let you leave this arena."

Haywood and Marion rushed towards Garnett and tried to argue with him.

But they were blocked by the referee.

Li Zhen went directly to the referee....No matter how big a star Garnett is, he still got a technical foul. Li Zhen then hit back at Garnett:"You are powerless to stop my attack, you can't defend me, and you can only use your mouth to save face for your weak defense. I feel ashamed for your mother! I really want to see how you can keep me from leaving the gym!!"

Li Zhen's counterattack was very tough!

He is not afraid of these, he will do it if he wants to!

Li Zhen's willpower is not comparable to Harden's, he is just tough.

Garnett was also furious, no rookie has ever disrespected him so much.

Garnett wanted to go over and make trouble for Li Zhen again!!

The referee warned Garnett again that if he made trouble again, he would be sent off, and Rivers quickly replaced Garnett with Wallace.....

Li Zhen played very arrogantly, and his arrogance was well-founded.

Li Zhen could feel that his opponents had a serious lack of understanding of him.

Many Celtics players were not even clear about Li Zhen's offensive methods.

They were too arrogant, and they never thought that a rookie could torture them like this with personal offense.

The first quarter was over quickly, with the score being 46 to 34.

The Celtics scored 34 points in the first quarter, which is definitely a high score.

But the Mavericks scored 46 points, 12 points more than them.

The Mavericks' offensive power in this quarter was the best in the entire league. This season, the Celtics have not been scored so many points in a single quarter by their opponents.

Li Zhen played the entire first quarter, and he scored 26 points, 4 assists, and 3 rebounds.

Li Zhen once again broke the rookie's single-quarter scoring record.

All the fans saw a crazy Li Zhen in this quarter. He was omnipotent on the offensive end.

"Almost every round of the Mavericks' ball passes through Li Zhen's hands, but no one thinks that Li Zhen's ball possession rate is too high"

"Li Zhen's high efficiency and versatility have made the Mavericks' tactics completely different!"

"In just one game, Li Zhen turned Nowitzki's team into his team!"

Mavericks fans on the Internet were discussing excitedly.

Nowitzki is very old, and Li Zhen's appearance made them see the future of the Mavericks!

Mavericks bench.

Coach Carlisle took the initiative to hand Li Zhen a bottle of water.

Carlisle never thought that Li Zhen's offensive ability was so strong. Was he too harsh in suppressing this rookie before?

The singles tactic is indeed the most suitable tactic for Li Zhen.

All players spread out, and Li Zhen used superb offensive skills to send the ball into the basket!

This way of playing will make the game very simple

"Li, are you feeling okay?"

"Well, no problem, I'm fine." Li Zhen said and raised his head to drink water.

"OK, be careful and don't get hurt."Carlisle warned

"I know, I will pay attention." Li Zhen nodded after drinking the water.

Carlisle is a very good coach, he did not give Li Zhen too much burden.

In this game, Li Zhen wanted to play alone, so he let Li Zhen play, the final victory or defeat was not important.

Celtics bench.

Rivers and the Big Three were furious.

This was the first time they lost 46 points in the first quarter.

You know, in the past few seasons, they often suppressed the opponent's single-quarter score to only ten points.

But today, they lost the highest single-quarter score since their cooperation.

"We can't let that rookie play alone, we have to double-team him!" Garnett said to Rondo and Ray Allen.

"Yeah, no problem!"

"They have no one else who can score except that rookie!"

"There are still three quarters left, we can't lose at home!"

The Celtics are still very united on the surface, and their players don't want to lose to such a Mavericks.

It would be too shameful to lose such a game.

After the second quarter started.

Li Zhen encountered a serious double-team.

The Celtics used two or even three people to double-team Li Zhen.

The effect of the peak primary version has passed, and A+ Li Zhen's touch has slightly declined!

Li Zhen only got 8 points, 3 assists and 2 rebounds in a single quarter, which was restrained compared to the first quarter.

The second quarter of the Mavericks was mainly the outbreak of Barea and Stevenson.

Under the leadership of Li Zhen, all the Mavericks have found the confidence to deal with the Celtics.

Li Zhen also greatly helped them relieve the defensive pressure. Now all the defenders are targeting Li Zhen. The combat effectiveness of 26 points in a single quarter is too terrifying.

As a team that can win the championship next year, the Mavericks' foundation is not bad. Even if it is the players at the end of the bench, it is very difficult for the Celtics to easily abuse them.

Under the life of the three armies of the Celtics, they only had a slight advantage in the second quarter! After halftime, the Celtics were still 8 points behind at home with a score of

70 to 62. Li Zhen's personal data also reached 34 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds. Looking at the first half of the game, Li Zhen's performance has shocked countless fans. Domestic fans were even more excited.

"34 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds in the first half. Li Zhen is going to be amazing in this game."

"Two points away from tying his career high"

"Is Li Zhen aiming to break Jennings' record of 55 points in a single game in this game?"

"It's hard to say. The Celtics have double-teamed Li Zhen. Li Zhen's chances in the second quarter are obviously much less than those in the first quarter. They will not give Li Zhen a chance to get a record."

"The Celtics are too mean, using two or even three people to double-team a rookie"

"There is no other way. Li Zhen is too strong. They can only defend against Li Zhen in this way."

"The Mavericks are awesome. We thought there was no suspense in this game, but now they have created suspense on the road!! Carlisle's tactical arrangement is great, giving Li Zhen so much freedom to attack."The comments of domestic fans filled the entire screen.

Reba was also very excited after watching the first half. She could tell from the comments that after this game, Li Zhen's name would be on the hot search list again.

His ability is amazing.

Reba immediately edited a text message to Li Zhen asking him to keep cheering for the second half.

She kind of likes watching Li Zhen's games.

This is a hero on the court.

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