During the intermission, the Thunder bench.

Although Brooks felt that Li Zhen was a difficult situation, he was not too worried.

Now the two teams are still tied. The Mavericks are overly dependent on Li Zhen's personal offense. The passing ball they are good at has not been played. Brooks believes that the Thunder can suppress the Mavericks in the next game.

After all, singles have always been the Thunder's trump card tactic, not the Mavericks!

Brooks is going to try to let Harden organize the team's offense later. Carlisle's use of Li Zhen gave Brooks inspiration.

Harden is very similar to Li Zhen. Can Harden play like Li Zhen?

In this way, the Thunder's strength will rise to a level.

Mavericks bench.

Li Zhen didn't know that Brooks was going to let Harden imitate him.

If Li Zhen knew, he would probably be happy.

I imitate you, you imitate me, who made who?

But Li Zhen has no time to deal with such logical problems for the time being.

Li Zhen on the bench is fully feeling the gap between himself at S level and Harden at SS level.

In some attributes���In terms of shooting, Li Zhen is already better than SS-level Harden, such as speed and mid-range.

Of course, most of the attributes are not as good as Harden, such as close shots, breakthroughs, and passing.

Take close shots for example, SS-level Harden's small floaters are not as good as Li Zhen, and Li Zhen's hand skills are not as good as Harden's.

The gap between S-level and SS-level is more about some small details, which determine whether a player will be an All-Star or a superstar.

During the intermission, Carlisle emphasized the Mavericks' defensive problems.

The opponent scored 38 points, which obviously did not satisfy Carlisle, and the situation on the court was a little out of his control.

It would be very dangerous to go on like this. The first quarter was not what the Mavericks were used to. If this continued, the Mavericks would be dragged to death by the Thunder in a fast-paced offense.

Of course, if Li Zhen kept a fast pace and did not mess up, then there would be no problem in playing like this. The key is whether Li Zhen can maintain this rhythm for a whole game?

Carlisle thinks it should be a bit difficult.

The second quarter started quickly. Li Zhen was still controlling the tempo on the court. The Thunder sent out the second lineup of Harden + Jeff Green + Ibaka.

In terms of tactics in the second quarter, the Mavericks tried to slow down the tempo, while the Thunder tried to continue to increase the tempo.

Harden is still a rookie. His data basically reflects his ability. His performance of 10 points per game can only be said to be qualified, but not excellent. He is not as good as Li Zhen in controlling the tempo.

The Thunder's offense was not so stable. Harden suddenly passed the ball to Sefolosha. Sefolosha quickly shot a three-pointer from the bottom corner but failed to score the ball!!

Li Zhen took the defensive rebound again.

Li Zhen slowly brought the ball across half court.

Harden has been learning how Li Zhen organizes the offense.

Although Li Zhen's speed is slow, he has been observing the Thunder's defense.

The Thunder's defense was arranged in a somewhat chaotic manner. After reaching the frontcourt, Li Zhen immediately passed the ball to Terry.

Terry made a change of direction and passed the ball to Li Zhen again.

Li Zhen immediately attracted attention when he received the ball. He didn't dribble and passed the ball to Dampier who cut inside without looking at anyone!

Ibaka obviously didn't react, and Dampier got the chance to attack!

Dampier took the ball and dunked it!!!

38 to 40.

With one pass and one pass, Li Zhen easily broke through the Thunder's defense.

""Keep an eye on your own man!" Coach Brooks yelled at the court.

If they keep playing like this, the Mavericks' characteristics will be revealed, and the Thunder may not just be facing Li Zhen's singles next.

Seeing Brooks' anxious look, Carlisle smiled.

Carlisle has seen that tonight, Li Zhen has played dominantly again!

Li Zhen does not have this style in every game, but from time to time he will show this kind of dominating momentum on the court, which is especially important for the Mavericks!

Thunder attack!

Harden tried to single out Li Zhen on the right side, and he also frequently dribbled the ball under his crotch and changed direction.

But Li Zhen was too familiar with him, and now Li Zhen's talent was stronger than Harden's, and Harden did not use his immature step back to find space.


Li Zhen perfectly cut the ball when Harden was about to jump shot!

The precise cut made Harden, who had already made a shooting motion, return empty-handed.

Harden was acting, he told the referee that Li Zhen had fouled him.

The referee shook his head and said,"There is no problem with this ball!"

After Li Zhen cut the ball, he successfully controlled the ball and brought it to the frontcourt.

Li Zhen and Dampier's pick-and-roll!

First gear, no need to pick it up, Dampier delayed Harden's defense on Li Zhen.

Li Zhen stepped back from behind Dampier and shot!!

Li Zhen stepped back from the three-point line and fired again!

""Swish!" The shot was easily made at

38 to 43 , and the sound of the ball hitting the net was crisp and loud. Li Zhen smiled at Harden and said,"James, learn this well, this is how to do a step back." Instructing Harden to do a step back, this kind of bad taste is very interesting. Harden glanced at Li Zhen and ignored his trash talk. Then Li Zhen raised the OK sign and glided back to his own half. The DJ at the scene also shouted crazily:"Li


The fans cheered in waves.

Li Zhen's score looked very free and easy.

Dampier simply set a screen for Li Zhen, and Li Zhen raised his hand and threw the ball.

And the key is that he threw it in.

This was not seen in the Mavericks before Li Zhen

"Eye defense, if he plays like this, Li Zhen will easily get another 50+ triple-double."Barkley yelled.

James Harden looked too immature in front of Li Zhen.

He couldn't play offense and couldn't defend.

In fact, Harden himself was also depressed. He felt that Li Zhen knew him very well.....

In the subsequent attack,

Harden didn't dare to single out Li Zhen, so he passed the ball to Ibaka who was at the free throw line.

Ibaka decisively rushed to Dampier with the ball!

He jumped and took big steps, and Dampier's scalp was numb when he saw it!!


Dampier pulled down Ibaka who was about to attack, and the referee blew the whistle. Ibaka needed to stand on the free throw line!

Ibaka made one of two free throws.

39 to 43.

Mavericks attack!

After Li Zhen passed, he still came to the right side for a singles!

It has to be said that Li Zhen is very sticky to the ball now, which is completely different from the passing of the ball that the Mavericks emphasized in the past.

Carlisle on the sidelines did not yell for this. In his opinion, this is Li Zhen's way of dominating the game!

Li Zhen's frequent assists made the Thunder dare not double-team easily.

This time it was Sefolosha who defended Li Zhen.

Sefolosha's defense is better than Harden, otherwise he would not be able to keep suppressing him as a starter.


He changed direction and took a step forward, followed by Sefolosha!

Li Zhen then took a step back!

Sefolosha followed again.

Li Zhen forced his way past Sefolosha's shot, and Sefolosha raised his arms high to prevent himself from hitting Li Zhen who was making a jump shot.

But he still violated Li Zhen's cylinder!



""Beep beep!"

The whistle blew as the ball went in, and Li Zhen also fell backwards to act.

Acting should be done in full.

This is a classic 3+1.

39 to 46

"Li Zhen, I love you!!"

"So cool"

"OMG, that's awesome."

Even though the fans had seen this three plus one more than once, there were still countless Nima beasts running in their hearts!

Dampier and Terry pulled Li Zhen up.

Dampier patted Li Zhen's slightly fat butt and said,"Great, Li, we've widened the score!"

Li Zhen is quite heavy and chubby....

"Fuck, don't be so strong." Li Zhen was speechless. Who came up with the idea of patting teammates on the buttocks to celebrate and encourage them?

""Haha!" Dampier laughed and didn't do anything.

Li Zhen stood on the free throw line and easily made the free throw!!

39 to 47.

The game was going on at the Mavericks' pace. After Westbrook and Durant came on, the Thunder's offense improved. They chased points one after another, but Li Zhen's touch was always good, and his passing and shooting were very good.

The Thunder still couldn't limit Li Zhen.

With 4 minutes left in the second quarter, the score difference had been pulled to double digits by the Mavericks.

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