
The reporters who got a positive answer also gave up.

The Mavericks management could miss Kidd and Nash at the beginning, but now they will not miss Li Zhen no matter what.

According to Nelson Jr.'s remarks, the future of the Mavericks belongs to Li Zhen!

This news spread quickly, and Li Zhen's worth and the statement of the Mavericks general manager became the hottest news in Dallas that day.

That night, the Nuggets defeated the Lakers at home.

Anthony scored 42 points and 11 rebounds.

At the press conference after the game, Anthony was asked by reporters:"Nelson Jr. thinks Li Zhen's worth should be similar to you, LeBron, and Kobe. What do you think?"

"I scored 42 points tonight and beat the Lakers!"Anthony was a little angry and said to the reporter.

Shouldn't this game be about him as the protagonist, and then a series of questions should be asked?

What's the point of asking about that rookie?

And comparing him with himself?


The reporter repeated the question with the shutter, seemingly not hearing what Anthony said.

Anthony said unhappily:"That rookie is not qualified to compare with us. Wait until he starts, enters the All-Stars, and becomes a leader before we compare!"

As a superstar in the league, Gua Ge felt that it was disrespectful for reporters to compare him with a substitute rookie.

Anthony did not think that Li Zhen, a rookie who was well-known in the league, had any outstanding qualities.

Because of what Nelson and Anthony said, when Li Zhen arrived at the Airline Center the next afternoon, reporters surrounded his Porsche before he got out of the car. Reporters kept interviewing Li Zhen with microphones, trying to get Li Zhen to say something.

Seeing the madness of the reporters, Li Zhen thought that some major event had occurred and he needed to express his opinion.

Search his memory carefully.

Did James form a team in advance?

Impossible, that's none of his business.

Li Zhen ignored the reporters, honked the car horn to let the reporters make way, and then drove straight into the Airline Center.

It was not until the pre-game press conference hall that Li Zhen got his worth and Anthony's speech last night from the public relations staff.

People are sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

Li Zhen was also quite speechless.

When the reporters saw Li Zhen coming, they surrounded him one by one. Although it looked chaotic, the questions were not chaotic at all.

The reporter asked:"Li, will you renew your contract with the Mavericks in the summer?"

Li Zhen replied:"I haven't thought about these things yet. Our regular season has not ended yet, and the playoffs have not been played yet. I will think about this matter after all the games are over."

The reporter asked:"Li, how do you respond to Cameron? He thinks you are not worthy of being compared with them."

Li Zhen DISS:"You said that your worth is not as good as Kobe, I admit, but Cameron? Neither he nor I have a championship, what's the difference? How much is his average score behind mine? I also want to suggest that the league revise the scoring title rule."

""Ka-ka-ka!" The reporters went crazy again.

Li Zhen was really ruthless.

What's the point of being so proud without a championship?

Even if it's a comparison of average points per game?

No. 1 in the labor-management league, can you beat him?

The All-Star Game and the playoffs are just a matter of qualifications, which is not a difficult task for Li Zhen.

If it was when he just crossed over, Li Zhen really didn't dare to criticize Anthony like this, but now his strength has improved and his spirit has also improved.

Li Zhen doesn't think Anthony is better than him. He has said it so impolitely, so he should criticize him.

Li Zhen has witnessed the madness of these reporters many times, and he is used to such scenes.

No matter what he says, the reporters will take it out of context and write about making a big deal. In a few days, they will play against the Nuggets again. It would be strange if they don't hype up the hot spots.

If you want to make a fuss, make it big.

Li Zhen took it. After dealing with a few more questions, he went into the locker room.

Tonight's game is at home against the Kings.

This is an old rival, and the duel between Tyreke Evans and Li Zhen is still the focus of this game.

Of course, how Nowitzki is doing after his comeback is also one of the concerns of reporters.

Evans' position is a combo guard, sometimes playing as a point guard, sometimes as a shooting guard, and of course sometimes he is moved to the small forward. The last time the two teams faced off, he was playing against Li Zhen at the small forward position.

After the game started, Tyreke Evans made consecutive crossovers to break through.

Kidd was a little bit unstoppable, and the Kings' outside touch was also good. Udrih scored several buzzer-beating goals against defense.

The Kings took the initiative at the beginning of the game, but the game was in the third quarter. Minutes later, the situation tilted in favor of the Mavericks.

Nowitzki showed his good condition after returning from injury, and he stood on his own feet four times in a row, which made Landry look confused!

When Li Zhen came on the court with 4 minutes left in the first quarter, the Mavericks had already taken a 5-point lead.

Even without Li Zhen, there is no need to worry about the strong strength of the Mavericks after Nowitzki returned.

After Li Zhen came on the court, Evans remained on the court.

The league has announced the cancellation of the rule on the number of appearances for rookies in the"Rookie of the Year".

This rule is also called the"Li Zhen Clause" by the outside world!

The league finally determined that even rookies who play one game are still eligible to participate in the"Rookie of the Year" selection.

Being eligible to participate and being selected are two different things.

In the"Li Zhen Clause", Evans is actually the one who suffered the most.

If it weren't for this clause, Evans would have a great chance of winning the"Rookie of the Year" this season.

However, the emergence of this clause forced Evans to face the pressure of competing directly with Li Zhen.

It's impossible for Evans to say that he would not allow Li Zhen to run for the election, because that would make the fans think he was a coward. After all, the vast majority of rookies support this kind of competition, and they are all there to watch the fun.

Of course, this makes Evans more motivated when facing Li Zhen, and Evans hopes to reverse this situation.

After Li Zhen came on the court, the first round of offense was the Mavericks'.

Li Zhen dribbled the ball across half court.

The tactics were played at the top of the arc.

The Mavericks players skillfully opened up space, allowing Li Zhen and Evans to form a one-on-one



Continuous change of direction and dive, followed by a step back!!

Evans followed every rhythm of Li Zhen, but he couldn't defend Li Zhen.

Li Zhen stepped back and hit a three-pointer!!

This three-pointer helped the Mavericks widen the gap to 8 points.

Li Zhen danced a hip-twisting dance back to the half court to celebrate!!

Familiar rhythm, easy scoring method.

Evans couldn't defend Li Zhen.

Reporters suddenly realized.

What Li Zhen said did make sense.

He and Anthony are both stars who can score like cutting melons and vegetables.

Is there a difference between the two now?

Not much difference.

What Anthony has, Li Zhen will have sooner or later.

There were not many waves in the process of this game.

The Kings did not have the luxury of taking a victory in Dallas.

Their goal is to let Evans brush up the data and let Evans get 20+5+5 this season....On par with James.

Evans did score 21 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists in this game, but his shooting percentage was only a pitiful 34%. In several matchups with Li Zhen, Evans seemed flustered.

Whether it was offense or defense, Li Zhen showed a huge advantage.

89 to 109.

The Mavericks defeated the Kings at home.

Li Zhen played 23 minutes in the game and scored 22 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds.

Paddling with ease

This game was played very leisurely, but Li Zhen knew that he would not be so relaxed in the next game.

In the next game, the Mavericks will challenge the Denver Nuggets away!

This is not only the focus of the recent quarrel between Li Zhen and Anthony, but also the second and third place in the Western Conference!

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