Seeing Anthony fall to the ground again.

The fans at the scene were in an uproar, and countless fans looked at the scene on the court in disbelief.

This time Anthony was not pushed down by Li Zhen, but was knocked down by Li Zhen.

This rookie is really an"ankle terminator".

The Mavericks bench has gone crazy.

Barea, Stevenson and others were acting with exaggerated expressions.

The technical operation of knocking Anthony down was too impressive. It is estimated that only Li Zhen can do such a thing in the league now.

After scoring, Li Zhen shrugged indifferently, made an OK gesture with one hand, and glided all the way back.

Li Zhen did not spit out trash talk again. If he did, Anthony would probably beat him up.

The big screen did not replay this ball, but it can be replayed on TV and the Internet live broadcast platform.

"Kidd stole the ball and passed it to Li Zhen. Li Zhen broke through on the right and tried to pass. No, he took a step back. Anthony followed closely. Oops, he didn't catch up and fell. Anthony defended too hard."Coach Zhang didn't make fun of Anthony, but just stated the facts on the court.

Anthony is undoubtedly one of the NBA superstars now, but Li Zhen made him fall twice in one night!

Domestic fans were flooding the screen with comments.

"I know the guy on the field. His name is Li Zhen. He used to work with me in the inflatable doll factory. He was in charge of pretending. He was the best at pretending in the whole factory. Later, he pretended too much and was fired by the factory director!"

"If you walk by the river often, you will get your feet wet. Brother Gua’s occasional positive defensive attitude is worthy of respect!"

"Being knocked down shows that Anthony is still very active in defense. If he doesn't defend, he will just be passed by at most."

"After playing basketball for so many years, I have never been knocked down by any NBA player, it's so awesome!!!"

"Li Zhen is a bit arrogant. Is it really good to beat superstars in every game?".....

Domestic fans have become accustomed to Li Zhen's amazing skills, so they are not too surprised.

What's the big deal about knocking someone down? It's just a routine operation.

Kidd and Terry came over to high-five Li Zhen.

On the court.

The game continues.

Billups dared not not play to Anthony at this time.

After passing half court, Billups let his teammates pull away, and then he hit the ball directly to Anthony on the right.

It was still Li Zhen's close defense.

Anthony didn't talk nonsense to Li Zhen, and Li Zhen didn't talk trash to Anthony.

The fans at the scene didn't make a fuss, and they also expressed understanding for the silence of the two on the court.

They couldn't communicate with each other. What can they talk about now? What is there to talk about?

They were all knocked down.

Just do it.

It's a bit difficult to make an SS-level player carry murderous aura, but Li Zhen did it.

After Anthony's tentative step, he chose to dribble with his back to the basket and then turned around and jumped!!

The posture is very standard and the rhythm is perfect.

After all, Li Zhen's height is a disadvantage, and he didn't block it this time.

The basketball drew a beautiful arc!!


41 to 30

"Cameron、、、Anthony!!"DJ's crazy shouting vented the frustration of the home fans during this period.

Cheers also rang out at the scene!!

Anthony finally responded to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen shook his head at the ball. He defended well, but was scored.

Mavericks attack!!

Kidd dribbled the ball across half court, using the same tactics. He passed the ball to Li Zhen at the top of the arc, and then ran to the bottom corner. It was up to Li Zhen to play.

This time Li Zhen did not play Anthony, but raised his hand and played a tactic, calling Haywood to come over for cover.

Haywood came up for a pick-and-roll, Li Zhen took a step to the right, and Haywood took Anthony away, leaving Anderson to Li Zhen.

Birdman Anderson was very active in defense. He knew that Li Zhen was a rookie, but he didn't dare to underestimate him now.

Anderson also repeatedly warned himself to defend against Li Zhen's step back




Still at the crotch, the fans at the scene felt a headache when they saw Li Zhen's move.

That kind of grinding rhythm, let alone the defensive players, they were uncomfortable to watch.

Li Zhen changed direction at the crotch and faked a breakthrough to the left!

Anderson followed closely!

Pull to the right and fake another breakthrough!

Anderson's lateral movement speed is considered good among big men, and he followed Li Zhen's three consecutive changes of direction.

But when Li Zhen made the fourth extremely realistic and large-scale breakthrough, Anderson was shaken.

After Anderson lost his body center of gravity and wanted to defend Li Zhen's retreat, there was only one result!!

His left foot stepped into the air,"shake clang!" He fell heavily to the ground.

Li Zhen took a step back and passed the ball to the three-point line!

Although Li Zhen tried his best to shake his opponent down in every attack, Li Zhen really didn't expect that someone would fall down in two consecutive rounds. He himself wanted to figure out what happened. Everything happened in a flash.

This time, Li Zhen stopped after receiving the ball, shrugged, and looked at Anderson.

Anderson's first reaction after falling to the ground was to get up, but he couldn't recover, he couldn't get up...

At this moment, the Nuggets defenders were too far away from Li Zhen. After seeing Anderson being knocked down, they did not think of rushing over to help defend immediately!

Li Zhen stopped for about three seconds, and he also looked around.

The defenders and the attackers on the court stopped moving strangely.

The defenders and the attackers thought that Li Zhen was going to shoot the ball, but they did not expect that he would stop.

When Anderson got up for the second time and was about to rush over,

Li Zhen raised his hand and shot a three-pointer!!


Three-pointer that hits the heart!!!

44 to 30.

He knocked down his opponent for two consecutive rounds.

This time, he was even more extreme. He paused for three seconds after knocking Anderson down.

Anderson was in tears............

"In fact, if Anderson had stayed there for a few more seconds, he might have successfully prevented a 24-second violation!!!!"

"Li Zhen: Who am I? Where am I? Why is there someone lying in front of me?Damn, time is running out, hurry up and vote"

"I wonder if Li Zhen was also confused when he knocked Anderson down!"

"I don't know anything. When I came in, I saw Chang Wei beating Lai Fu."

"Li Zhen: I looked at him and he looked at me. Suddenly he asked me what 1+1 equals, and tried to interfere with my answer. I immediately got angry and knocked him down, leaving him time to think about the answer. The question was difficult, but fortunately I used my footwork, one step, then another, and in just three seconds I got the answer. I told Anderson on the ground that the answer was to make the shot!"

"Li Zhen: During the fight, the defender sat on the ground. I was afraid it was a trap, so I didn't dare to move!"

"Bird's status as king is at its most critical day!!"

"Li Zhen on the basketball court is thinking about life!"

"I wonder what happened? It's like time has stopped."

"Li Zhen: I was going to try to scam him, but when I got close to him, oh my god! He fell down first, and I was so scared that I was stunned for a long time!"

"Anderson has become famous for a day thanks to my brother Zhen's background, otherwise who would know him."

This time, not only the netizens were bragging online.....

Even NBA players who were watching the game tweeted.

Kobe Bryant tweeted,"I should be thankful that I wasn't the one who got knocked down. This rookie is kind of cool!"

James also tweeted:"OMG、、What did he do!! Stumble? God!"....

George Karl requested a timeout!!

Unlike the Mavericks who were laughing and joking, the Nuggets bench was a little quiet during the timeout.

No one knew how to comfort Anderson.

This guy has become a background star, and he must be laughed to death.

After the timeout, Anthony and JR went crazy together.

The two of them fired continuously from the outside, their touch was returning, and they glared at Li Zhen every time they scored a goal.....

The Mavericks' offensive momentum also declined. Li Zhen missed two three-pointers in a row.

Li Zhen was replaced by Carlisle with 4 minutes left in the first half. Nowitzki led the Mavericks to face the crazy Nuggets.

After Nowitzki came on the court, the Nuggets' offensive momentum did not decrease, and the defensive toughness was also increasing.

Nowitzki had a hard time saying it.

This was all caused by Li Zhen, and now he has to take the blame.

But there is no way, after all he is the boss.

Li Zhen didn't care about Nowitzki's life or death off the court. He was very happy and watched the beautiful cheerleaders on the sidelines with Marion.

This figure...

Tsk tsk!!

Li Zhen sometimes feels that he and Brother Deng have similar hobbies...

At the end of the first half, the score was 62 to 57, and the Mavericks' lead was only 5 points.

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