The Spurs were very calm. Losing a three-pointer was nothing to them.

Only Popovich was yelling on the sidelines. It was obvious that he had arranged a tactic to focus on Li Zhen, but the players did not execute it.

Spurs attack!

Parker still took advantage of Duncan's screen to break through.

Li Zhen's defense was already very strong, but it was still difficult to defend Parker with Duncan's screen.

Fortunately, Haywood helped in time this time, and Parker jumped up and passed the ball to Ginobili.

After receiving the ball, Ginobili turned to the left and passed Butler, and then he made a layup with a European step past Dampier!

26 to 15.

Seeing that the Spurs broke through so easily, Carlisle was dissatisfied and his roar came immediately.

The Spurs studied the Mavericks' defense very carefully, and they knew everyone's weak defensive points.

Butler's defense against Ginobili was indeed difficult to defend, and Li Zhen and Haywood had not reached the perfect level in defending pick-and-roll.

Li Zhen held the ball and slammed the floor heavily. He was also a little depressed.

Mavericks attack.

Li Zhen brought the ball over and signaled to move away!

The Mavericks players dispersed, and Haywood brought Duncan over to cover Li Zhen.

Li Zhen's attack began!

Moving sideways to the right, Li Zhen used Haywood's body to gain space for acceleration.

【Lightning Breakthrough]

He accelerated straight and broke through the defense of Parker and Duncan!!

Now Li Zhen's first step is not vegetarian. It is not as good as Ross and Westbrook, but it is not much different.

After rushing past McDyess's defense, Li Zhen sent the ball to the middle!!

The ball was sent to Butler who cut inside!

Butler received the ball and dunked with one hand!!!


26 to 17

"Good shot!!"When Li Zhen excitedly looked for Butler to celebrate and was about to defend immediately, Popovich called a timeout.


Li Zhen didn't expect the Spurs to play so cheaply.

They were leading by 9 points, but they only let him score two goals with one attack and one pass. They called a timeout with more than a minute left in the game?

The Spurs' strategy of calling a timeout was unconventional.

Popovich's curses could be heard on the Mavericks bench.

Li Zhen felt that the Mavericks were lagging behind so much, shouldn't Carlisle be the one cursing more happily?

On the contrary, compared to Popovich's rampage, Carlisle was very gentle. He simply praised Li Zhen and signaled him to continue playing like this.

After the timeout, Li Zhen showed his strength of having the highest average score per game in the league. He broke through and made fouls to help the Mavericks score points..

As for the Spurs, their offensive momentum slowed down, but Ginobili's style of play was too sluggish.

Seeing that his teammates were not feeling well, he immediately started to commit fouls.

The Mavericks' fouls increased quickly, and the Spurs quickly scored points through free throws.

After the first quarter, the score was 33 to 26.

If it weren't for Ginobili's continuous fouls and standing on the free throw line, the Mavericks would have caught up with the score with the help of the second lineup.

Li Zhen scored 8 points and 1 assist in more than three minutes in the first quarter. His offense was the absolute killer of the Mavericks' second lineup.

Carlisle was also very satisfied with Li Zhen's performance. Li Zhen did what he should do.

"The Spurs played their style on the road. Popovich's tactics built around GDP made the Mavericks' defense exhausted, and they survived the attack wave led by Li Zhen's second lineup."Smith said

"Kenny, it's too early to say you've survived!" Barkley said.

Li Zhen on the bench focused his attention on Ginobili!

How come this bald guy's hair hasn't fallen out yet?

Ginobili's influence on the Spurs in the first quarter was too crucial.

Ginobili's unique offensive pace made it difficult for Caron Butler to defend, and his rhythm was very strange.

Then he also has a very high basketball IQ. In the first quarter, he caused multiple fouls on the Mavericks in a row, making the Mavericks defense helpless.

His status in the Spurs is similar to Li Zhen's current status in the Mavericks.

Li Zhen's template is also considered to be Ginobili......

Soon, the second quarter started again.

Li Zhen, Terry, Marion, Haywood, and Dampier formed the second lineup.

On the Spurs side, Ginobili and Duncan partnered up to face the opponent.

Li Zhen was thinking about how to deal with the Spurs.

According to the usual routine, the Spurs are difficult to defeat.

While Li Zhen was thinking, Ginobili pressed over.

Ginobili's defensive action was a bit big, and Li Zhen pushed it slightly with his hand, ready to start the sprint.



Ginobili flew out directly following Li Zhen's push!

What the hell?

Li Zhen was confused.

Ginobili sat on the ground with his hands spread out and looked at the referee.


The referee blew the whistle decisively.

Li Zhen committed an offensive foul!!

There was a lot of booing at the scene. The video playback showed that Ginobili was suspected of diving.

Li Zhen, the king of fraud, was also tricked by Ginobili.

The cruelty of the playoffs was clearly visible at this moment. Ginobili didn't care about his face. He only wanted to win. For this, he would do anything.

"Haha, I said, Lee is still too young to face Manu."Smith laughed

"There should be something interesting to watch later."Barkley said with a smile.

Barkley saw Li Zhen's expression and became a little angry.

Indeed, Li Zhen did not expect that he would be tricked one day.

""Pa pa pa!!" Li Zhen clapped his hands vigorously at the referee and Ginobili, and then handed the ball to the referee. He did not shout, but expressed his dissatisfaction through actions!!


In this case, let's act together!

Compared to hitting someone, Li Zhen is not afraid of anyone.

The Spurs kicked off.

Ginobili received the ball and advanced.

Ginobili did not react at all to Li Zhen's anger, as if he had not done anything.

Li Zhen was even more annoyed.

Li Zhen quickly stuck to Ginobili, and Li Zhen sprayed at Ginobili:"Manu, you are really shameless!"

Ginobili smiled and replied:"Rookie, everyone has the right to say me, but you don't. If you can't accept this kind of whistle, then stay on the sidelines honestly!"

Ginobili fought back and dodged Li Zhen's steal, and the two kept sparring!

Ginobili was very experienced, and he would not be easily disturbed by Li Zhen's trash talk.

Duncan wanted to come up to screen, but Li Zhen was too close to Ginobili, and Duncan could not find a chance to get in.

Ginobili dribbled the ball and wanted to push Li Zhen away to gain space. In order not to foul, his strength was very small, but


【[The King of Fraudulent Pawn Shops]

Li Zhen also flew out due to Ginobili's force, looking up and falling backwards, screaming at the same time.

Li Zhen fell first.

Ginobili immediately pretended to be pushed by Li Zhen and quickly fell backwards.

But Li Zhen's scream was a little more miserable.....

The referee's attention was attracted by two people.

The scene looked a bit exaggerated.

The referee blew the whistle:"Beep!!!"

He looked at the two people who fell to the ground, and finally called an offensive foul on Ginobili.

Fans at the scene:"Am I at a movie set?"

The audience watching the live broadcast:"A peak showdown between movie kings."

After seeing the call, Li Zhen also stood up, and he completed his revenge.

Ginobili pointed to the referee with some dissatisfaction that he was also violated by Li Zhen, but unfortunately the referee ignored him.

Duncan also looked at the scene on the court with a confused face. Ginobili would also be tricked?

Li Zhen successfully took revenge.

T, N, T's commentary booth was already laughing crazily.

"Haha! I saw the first offensive and defensive confrontation between the new and old movie kings!!"Barkley applauded and laughed

"Yes, Li Zhen successfully retaliated against Manu and responded in the same way!!"Smith laughed.

Domestic fans also left crazy messages.

"Li Zhen vs. Ginobili, a clash of true artists!!"

"I watched the two's attack and defense repeatedly, and I had to write the word"admired" in capital letters."

"I saw Duncan was stunned"

"This is a pair of bumper cars, and Old Deng is confused."

"There is retribution in heaven, and heaven will not spare anyone. These two people will suffer retribution sooner or later!"

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