
Outside fishing boats are not good for the Heat。

Fortunately, the championship is not voted by the media, but is truly won on the court.。

The Heat have done everything they can to get out of the Eastern Conference, and they won’t give up just because of what the media says.。

The Heat team quickly entered training mode。

They made a lot of targeted arrangements for the Lakers’ lineup.。

The format of the finals is 323 mode, which will be more beneficial to the Heat.。

Such a competition system also aroused criticism from Zen masters.。

But no matter what the outcome of the criticism, the format will not be changed this season.。

After the Heat experienced the Eastern Conference Finals, everyone seemed to have confidence and everyone worked hard.。

If the previous championship was Jing Zhongyue, a flower in the water, then now, we are only one series away from the championship, and everyone is very motivated.。

No one wants to be left behind at the last minute。

The Heat’s tactical training lasted for three days。

The training in the past few days has been focused on targeted tactics and restorative in terms of physical fitness.。

At this stage of the game, the only thing that can affect the final victory is physical fitness and tactics.。

June 2nd!

Los Angeles!


Hollywood celebrities and prestigious elites from all walks of life came to the front row….

As time went by, fans gradually filled the arena。

When the other 28 teams entered fishing mode, the finals between the Lakers and the Heat also kicked off here.。

at the pre-match press conference。

Zhou Chen faced reporters and said: “I am here to win the championship!”

Zhou Chen’s pride is clearly visible in front of the camera!


In the arena!

After warming up!

Appearance ceremony!

Zhou Chen’s appearance was met with the biggest boos here.。

All the Lakers fans are abusing Zhou Chen and trying to put more pressure on Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen didn’t feel much when he stood on the court. He had already adapted to such an occasion.。

Killing your opponent in this kind of booing will give you a greater sense of accomplishment.。

After the Eastern Conference Finals, his strength improved again, which gave Zhou Chen ample self-confidence.。

After the entrance ceremony。

Zen Master specially pulled Kobe and Artest and said: “You two focus on Zhou and don’t let him score easily.。”

The only player in the league who can let the two of them defend together is Zhou Chen. Even James wouldn’t let Zen Master do this.。

Both Artest and Kobe have top-notch defensive abilities. Under normal circumstances, they can just defend alone.。

But when encountering Zhou Chen, defense alone is absolutely impossible.。

Now Zhou Chen is more afraid of Zen Master than Wade。

To deal with Wade, just prevent his breakthrough.。

But dealing with Zhou Chen, guarding him is not that simple.。


More than 180 countries or regions around the world conducted live broadcasts。

Globally, there are far more Lakers fans than Heat fans.。

Kobe has more fans than Zhou Chen。

Although Zhou Chen has become famous, his time of fame is still too short.。

Before many people could react to his first miracle, the second and third miracles came one after another.。

This makes fans

“No one could have imagined that the Lakers’ opponent in the Finals would be the Miami Heat. It all seemed incredible. “McBrin said。

The finals will be broadcast by ESPN。

“Yes, no one thought that the Celtics, Cavaliers, and Magic would fall in front of the Heat. During the regular season, the Heat did not show such strength. Their playoffs were far better than the regular season. ” said Jeff Van Gundy。

Jeff Van Gundy and Stan Van Gundy are brothers。

“To be precise, all of this will change with Zhou Chen’s arrival. “McBrin said。

“Yes, Zhou Chen contributed to a superb playoff performance. ” Van Gundy said。

The commentators are constantly building momentum for the upcoming finals.。

During the commentator’s explanation。

The game has started。

Lakers starting lineup: Fisher, Kobe, Artest, Gasol, Bynum。

Heat starting lineup: Zhou Chen, Wade, Beasley, Joel Anthony, O’Neal Jr.。

Beasley performed well in the Eastern Conference Finals, and Spoelstra continued to move him to the small forward position to increase the team’s height.。

Bynum and O’Neal’s jump ball。

Zhou Chen knew that the finals would be very intense, but he didn’t expect it to be so intense.。

In the first round, during the jump ball, Artest gave Zhou Chen a confrontation, but the referee did not blow the whistle.。

The jump ball was called by O’Neal。

After Wade got the ball, he gave it to Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen dribbles the ball to the frontcourt。

Artest also wants to confront Zhou Chen。

But when Zhou Chen got the ball, he immediately got into trouble。

Artest’s defense was too close, and Zhou Chen passed by on the right side without changing direction.。

Get inside the Lakers’ paint。

With Gasol’s help, Zhou Chen sent the ball to Wade who was cutting through the air.。

Wade made a flying layup。

2 to 0。

Gasol knocked over Zhou Chen after the ball was released.。

The referee didn’t say anything, and Zhou Chen didn’t look for the referee either.。

At this moment, he knew the scale of the finals。

The Heat opened the scoring in an away game, which slightly lowered Staples’ momentum.。

Lakers offense。

Lao Yu takes the ball across the frontcourt。

Lao Yu is very experienced. Facing Zhou Chen’s interference, he first gave the ball to Kobe。

Zhou Chen’s ball-stealing ability is so strong that Lao Yu doesn’t dare to dribble blindly。

Kobe was determined to play inside and lob the ball to Gasol.。

The Lakers’ tactics are more complicated than the Heat’s. They focus on the triangle offense.。

Gasol is the core of the triangle offense。

Gasol held the ball at the free throw line. Seeing that there was not much pressure from the defense, he made a jumper on the spot.。


2 to 2。

Gasol’s mid-range is also very stable.。

The Heat can feel it in the first round. Although the Lakers are also very strong inside, they are still more gentle than Magic Howard’s brutal attack.。

Heat offense。

The pick-and-roll between Zhou Chen and O’Neal。

After the pick-and-roll, Gasol’s defense slowed down, and Zhou Chen pulled up from outside the three-point line.。

Wonderful arc! ! !


5 to 2。

Zhou Chen quickly scored for the first time in the finals。

Easy, scoring is really easy for Zhou Chen。

This is the first impression Lakers fans have of Zhou Chen.

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