After some time, the heat of the finals slowly dissipated。

People began to pay attention to various transactions。

These may change the pattern of the alliance in the future。

There is of course a certain relationship between the strength of the team and the owner’s money, but it is not an absolute relationship. Otherwise, the Mavericks would have won the championship long ago.。

If a team wants to become stronger, in addition to exploring the potential of its own players, the fastest way to achieve results is to recruit suitable free agents.。

Of course, this is just like buying a lottery ticket, it’s all about luck.。

Another way is to draft。

Many teams started to mess up early in order to get the No. 1 pick.。

However, this year’s draft naturally has nothing to do with the Heat.。

This year’s No. 1 pick was finally won by the 76ers.。

Other teams such as the Knicks, Bobcats, and Pacers all received early picks。

Now that the rookies are done, it’s the turn of the players with contract options to come on stage.。

James first jumped out and said that he would not leave the Cavaliers and that he would have a good discussion about a new contract with the Cavaliers, and then he became silent.。

This year’s salary cap has not increased yet, so teams are very cautious in their offers to players for fear of paying luxury tax.。

And Aldridge is leaving Portland too.。

He wants to test the free market。

If it were before, players like Aldridge would test the free market and would definitely be pursued by many teams, but this summer, it is a bit strange.。

Not many teams are interested in Aldridge.。

Some media reporters revealed the mystery。

They are all waiting for someone。

Heat, Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen is also waiting. It will still be some time before the free market closes, so he is not in a hurry.。

He knew that based on his performance, Heat manager Riley would definitely sign a contract with him as long as he wasn’t crazy.。

But if there is no news for so long, then there is only one possibility, and that is that in terms of price, Riley has committed his old habit again and started to lock the door again.。

Think about it too。

After all, Zhou Chen is still a rookie, and he was a water cooler player last season.。

Although he will produce impressive statistics next season, who can guarantee how long his form will last?。

One year, two years?

One season, two seasons?

Look at how many outstanding players in the NBA have just signed big contracts, only to have them scrapped, causing the team’s performance to plummet and taking up the team’s salary space.。

Zhou Chen doesn’t care about it. Anyway, he believes that he won’t play without the ball.。

Go work on your own business empire during the day。

Go t

Don’t be too chic at all。

On this day, Zhou Chen opened his eyes。

I received an email。

This is a notice。

Let Zhou Chen return to China to participate in the Stankovic Cup。

Zhou Chen only glanced at it and threw the mail into the trash can.。

How old is this?。

Acting like an official, he asked in a stiff tone to play in some unknown cup match.。

I just finished playing in the NBA.。

This is using the players as livestock.。

Zhou Chen thought of Dayao again。

If Yao hadn’t been so worried about these things, he wouldn’t have retired so early.。

And if he had not retired so early, he would have become one of the top three power centers in history and entered the NBA Hall of Fame.。

Therefore, Zhou Chen decided to ignore this invitation.。

Anyway, he is not the first person to refuse the arrangement of the Basketball Association.。

I was probably the first person to eat crabs back then, but ended up being banned.。

Zhou Chen is naturally not afraid of being banned, so he won’t care about this.。

Moreover, at this time, Zhou Chen also concluded that those in the Basketball Association did not dare to block him.。

Now, after Yao Yao, China has finally produced another NBA star, and he is also a point guard. He is suddenly banned. How do the fans accept it?。

Also, Zhou Chen didn’t know whether this invitation letter had been reviewed by Chief Yao. If he had read it, with his emotional intelligence, he probably wouldn’t have sent such an email.。

Thinking of the country, Zhou Chen called his father and planned to arrange a time to go back.。

Zhou’s father received a call and asked him not to go home for the time being.。

Reporters come to their home every day to interview them.。

Now, it has been exposed that Zhou Chen molested his female classmates in elementary school.。

Zhou Chen sweated violently, what is this?。

Nothing to do at home。

Zhou Chen went out to the supermarket。

When I walked into the supermarket, the cashier was a beautiful African woman. I saw Zhou Chen walking in.。

My mouth opened into an O shape。

“Oh, MYGOD, Zhou, are you Zhou?”

Zhou Chen nodded and made a small gesture。

This beauty is good-looking, but he really doesn’t appreciate black people. At most, he only occasionally plays with some mixed-race black beauties.。

But this black beauty did not listen to him, but shouted loudly。

“Come and see, Zhou, this is the Heat’s Zhou. our city’s heroes。”

Zhou Chen was speechless for a while, hurriedly picked up the things he wanted to buy, paid the bill, and left quickly。

If he doesn’t leave, Zhou Chen will probably be besieged by crazy fans again.。

The black beauty forced her business card to Zhou Chen。

After Zhou Chen accepted it, he left in a hurry.

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