“how come! ”

All the viewers in front of the TV cameras were stunned. They saw an incredible scene. Bosh’s attempt to dunk was directly pressed on the backboard by Zhou Chen.。

“It was so exciting. Zhou Chen’s goal was directly booked as the best goal today, and even the best goal of the week and the best goal of the month.。”

“It’s incredible! ”

The Knicks audience in front of the camera went crazy, and all the viewers watching the live broadcast went crazy. Even many Heat viewers who had opinions about Zhou Chen had to admit Zhou Chen’s terror at this time.。

“This is the best response I can give you! ”

Staring at Bosh, Zhou Chen said to Bosh with a cruel look on his face.

As for Bosh, he didn’t expect Zhou Chen to be able to do this. Is this really a human being?

Bosh had to wonder whether Zhou Chen was human. Identity。

“Hey, “950” Shaq, who do you think could have done Zhou Chen’s goal back then?”

“Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Can Dr. J do it? ”

Barkley asked O’Neal in the ESPN live broadcast room.。

“I think I can do it!”

“Don’t be kidding me. You still want to hit this goal with your weight.。”

“Hey, Barkley, what do you mean?。”

“Do I need to explain what I mean? ”

For a while, Shaq and Barkley quarreled again. After blocking the shot, the Heat quickly requested a timeout. All the Knicks teammates went crazy.。

“Well done Zhou! ”

Jackson is also very excited. After all, how can Jackson not be excited to be able to coach such a player?

Maybe the only unhappy person in the Knicks is Anthony. Zhou Chen’s performance has surpassed his own. Knicks fans must be crazy. Turn fans.

After the timeout, although the Heat’s morale has been hit a lot, their fighting spirit is still online. On the other hand, the momentum of the Knicks has directly reached its peak.

Zhou Chen dribbled the ball through half court, and the Heat adopted a tactic of directly double-teaming Zhou Chen, forcing Zhou Chen to play the ball, Zhou Chen did not hesitate. While attacking, he must also mobilize the rhythm of his teammates. He dribbled past

one person directly, and faced the front and back attack, Zhou Chen decisively passed the ball to the open Luo Pace and Lopez did not disappoint Zhou Chen. As a center with three points, it turned out that the Heat made a very wrong thing to let him go. The

score was instantly pulled to 68 to 55, and the score was getting closer. In the next round , Wade was directly intercepted by Zhou Chen’s strong defense. Wade had no choice but to foul Zhou Chen. He made

two free throws steadily, 68 to 57.

At this moment, the Knicks were already gaining momentum. And there is a feeling of being unable to suppress it. As for the Heat’s momentum, it is getting weaker and weaker. At the end of the

third quarter, the Knicks overtook the score, 7476 points.

Zhou Chen’s data also reached 347 assists and 8 rebounds. This is a terrifying statistic. Zhou Chen was only three assists and two blue boards away from getting a triple-double performance. At the

beginning of the fourth quarter, Zhou Chen faced Bosh again. At this time, Bosh’s face There is no contempt at all, and there is a seriousness towards Zhou Chen. Only this kind of seriousness can feel!

“Bosh, you can’t guard against me, but I really appreciate your attitude towards the game now, so I decided to seriously challenge you!”

“What! ”

Bosh was shocked in his heart. Wasn’t Zhou Chen’s peak performance just now? But Bosh’s inner desire for victory was also aroused. They are

all NBA players, how can they be worse? Zhou Chen dropped the

actually felt a little uncomfortable being defended for a while, but it was just uncomfortable. The real strong man, This feeling did not affect his decision to take action at all.

A piece of bad luck shook Bosh away. The next moment, after Zhou Chen made a drastic change of direction, Bosh was shaken away.。

“oh! Nice fake action! “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the commentator had to say something.

He took the shot and hit the ball steadily. The score came to 7478.

The Heat had the ball. Zhou Chen looked at Zhou Chen who was slowly dribbling the ball. , instinctively wanted to force Wade to make a mistake. Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chen saw Wade make a drastic change of direction. After shaking his teammates away, Wade made a super big pull and put the ball into the basket. In.


“oh oh! It’s obvious that Wade doesn’t want to give up just like that, he wants to lead the Heat forward!”

“This is why I admire him.”

Jordan has always admired Wade, and even had private face-to-face training with Wade before. Wade’s hard work and talent reminded Jordan of his former self, and the two are still in the same position. player of。

“It can be seen that the Heat did not sign Zhou Chen this season, and the impact on their strength is still quite large.。”

“Yes, in fact, I have never understood the Heat. If a player as good as Zhou Chen does not sign, they just let Zhou Chen go to another team. What are the Heat thinking? ”

Zhang Weiping and Wang Meng also talked about the Heat’s overall strength this season in the live broadcast room. As for Wang Meng, he also directly raised the issue of the Heat not signing Zhou Chen during the offseason.。

“Maybe the Heat feel that Zhou Chen’s value is not greater than that of Wade, and Riley also intentionally uses Wade. It can be clearly seen that if the Heat want to go further, relying on Wade alone is far from enough.。”

“From being the favorite to the current situation, Riley probably regrets it. ”

Zhou Chen looked at Wade and his fighting spirit was already aroused. Looking at Wade, Zhou Chen gave him a thumbs up. However, this victory is destined to only belong to him. No matter how strong Wade is, he still can’t win. You can’t take the victory away from your own hands.

Galloway dribbled to the backcourt, and Zhou Chen also stopped in the bottom corner. This is also to manage his body functions. It is really fun to open the zone, but the body functions will also be consumed. Soon, this all had pros and cons.

Galloway’s ball was constantly being passed through the cooperation between Los Angeles Pace and Williams, and the Heat’s defense was constantly being stretched.

Soon Williams’ side There was a huge gap. Galloway passed the ball directly when he saw it. Williams threw the ball, but the ball missed.

Just when all the Heat teammates thought the rebound was stable, a The figure passed through the middle of the Heat.

He jumped up and slammed the ball down from the basket. If this figure wasn’t Zhou Chen, who was it?

“Too scary, another slam dunk!”

“Is this really a defender? This is simply a top dunker. ”

Every time Zhou Chen can always bring a visual feast to the fans, especially in terms of dunks, if Zhou Chen intends to participate in the dunk contest, I am afraid that winning the championship will not be a problem.”

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