Wade looked at the score on the scoreboard and squatted down holding his head in despair. None of the Heat players could have imagined this ball.

Riley quickly called the Heat’s last timeout and returned to the bench. Zhou Chen was surrounded by all the Knicks players. It was obvious that everyone was very excited.

In order to prevent the Knicks players from relaxing at the last moment, Zhou Chen quickly stopped the excited Knicks players. Zhou Chen knew that now is not the time to be happy. On this basketball court, if you relax, then you have may lose this game。

“Everyone, I know everyone is excited, but this excitement must be turned into our motivation. With a player like Wade on the opposite side, anything can happen! Everyone understands what I mean! ”

Zhou Chen’s words have been made very clear. The Knicks players also understand what Zhou Chen said. As for the first one to stand up and speak, it is naturally Jackson.。

“Yes, Zhou is right. We are still competing. We must not let down our guard until the last moment.。”

“yes! coach! ”

All the Knicks players, including the coaching staff, also put away their excitement and walked onto the court. Zhou Chen saw the determination in Wade’s eyes and was obviously ready to fight to the death, but Zhou Chen would not let this happen!

“Come on, Wade, let me see if you can break through my defense! ”

Sticking closely to Wade, preventing the Heat from releasing the baseline ball easily.

But at this moment, Bosh ran over and set a screen for Wade. Zhou Chen wanted to go around, but it was too late. , Wade still caught the ball.

As a last resort, Zhou Chen could only burst out with extreme speed to interfere with Wade’s shot. Wade took action, and the Heat audience watched the game in front of the TV. At this moment, their

hearts It’s all hanging in their throats. Knicks fans naturally don’t want Wade to score.。

“boom! ”

The ball popped out and was held firmly by Lopez. The game time was completely over. Wade sat on the ground and looked at the basket absently.。

“Wow oh oh, win!”

“Today’s game is really exciting, don’t you think so, Jordan!”

“Yes, it’s wonderful! ”

Even the host had to praise it, and the Knicks fans were excited!

“Zhou Chen!”

“Zhou Chen! ”

Knicks fans shouted Zhou Chen’s name, and Zhou Chen laughed. In the bear hug of his teammates, Zhou Chen saw the absent-minded Wade and couldn’t help but squeeze away his teammates.。

“Hey! That’s not your style. ”

Walking to Wade, Zhou Chen stretched out his hand. Wade looked at Zhou Chen, and his eyes gradually regained their color.。

“congratulations! week!”

“Thank you, it was a great game and we all tried our best!”

“yes! Next time we meet, I won’t lose to you again!”

“OK, definitely! ”

After chatting with Wade for a few words, Wade returned to the locker room. As for Zhou Chen, as tonight’s well-deserved MVP, he will naturally be interviewed.。

“Hey, Zhou, your performance tonight is really explosive. What do you think is the key to winning tonight? ”

In front of the camera, Hailan smiled and asked Zhou Chen what was the key to winning today.。

“I think we were able to win this game because of luck. As you can see at the beginning, our touch was very bad, but after adjusting later, we still won this victory.

“Oh, is that so? So what do you think of tonight’s opponent, the Heat? This is the team you once played for!”

“Well, the performance of both our teams was outstanding today, but we persisted until the end!”

“Oh, well, in that case, let’s end today’s interview!”

“OK, all right. “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Putting down the microphone, Zhou Chen also ran back to the locker room excitedly. As soon as he entered the locker room, Zhou Chen was greeted by his teammates with the warmest greetings.

A few bottles of ice Zhou Chen will never forget the feeling of water pouring down his head at the same time.

Zhou Chen and Jackson also attended the post-game press conference.。

“Dear Coach Jackson, do you have any comments about your players regarding this game? ”

A reporter from a small news program first asked。

“Oh, what else can I say? My players performed so well, I really can’t think of any powerful words to praise them.。”

“Hahaha! ”

Jackson’s funny answer also made all the reporters present laugh.。

“Uh, hello, so I’d like to ask if Anthony didn’t play today. Is it because of Zhou Chen’s joining? ”

This is a question asked by m a reporter from a larger news company。

“Hey, my dear journalist friend, why will Zhou Chen’s joining affect Anthony? Your question is really in vain. Zhou Chen and Anthony are very good friends.。”

“`.But the news we received is that there is a disagreement between Zhou Chen and Anthony, so Anthony did not play today. ”

The reporter continued to ask questions. Just when Jackson was about to answer, Zhou Chen stopped Jackson.。

“Let me answer. First of all, Anthony and I are very good friends. As for those rumors saying that we are at odds, this is pure nonsense. Anthony is a player that I respect very much. There is no contradiction, and you have a lot of questions!”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I was abrupt! ”

After the press conference, Zhou Chen and Jackson walked in the player tunnel.。

“I will go and make it clear to Anthony. ”

Jackson knows that the relationship between Zhou Chen and Anthony will definitely not be any better. He knows Anthony’s character very well, and he will never allow Zhou Chen to appear and take away everything he has. (Wang Zhao) Almost every

day A star player will do this. The emergence of Zhou Chen has broken the balance of the Knicks. Between Zhou Chen and Anthony, they can only choose one, and the other one will definitely be traded away.。

“Okay, please excuse me! ”

Zhou Chen naturally doesn’t want to take the initiative to find Anthony, and after today, Zhou Chen knows what the Knicks’ choice will be. After all, Steve made a lot of sacrifices in order to win over him at the beginning, which can prove that he and Between Anthony and Anthony, Anthony will definitely leave the Knicks.

As for the next game against the Mavericks, the Mavericks are a weak team in the Western Conference, but the Mavericks have the All-Star player King Notre Dame, so they cannot be considered weak. Eat

. After dinner, Zhou Chen turned on his phone and saw the message from Wang Meng.。

“Zhou Chen, you were so handsome in today’s game. I watched the whole game and it was thrilling to watch. It was so exciting! ”.

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