“Zhou’s performance was perfect. The team didn’t need me to set up tactics to know how to play. Of course, my players are also very smart. They knew to give the ball to Zhou and then let him take care of it.。”

“He’s the best rookie I’ve ever seen, bar none. ”

On TV, ESPN played the press conference after last night’s game.

The press conference became the scene of Zhou’s bragging.

Cavaliers coach Brown also said: “Zhou dominated the game. He can do anything. We have tried every means. I tried to guard against him, but it didn’t work at all. He is God! ! ”

James also praised Zhou Chen when facing reporters: “He is very fast. As long as he starts running, there is nothing we can do. ”

ESPN posted a clip from last night’s post-game interview.

After showing the interview video, ESPN also announced that Zhou Chen defeated Tyreke Evans and became the top rookie in the rookie rankings.

Keep bragging!

Zhou Chen watched it for a while I felt bored after that, so I stopped watching ESPN.

Zhou Chen is used to other people touting how strong and fast he is. It was quite interesting when he watched it before, but now it seems like it is just commercial flattery. Fans like to hear

this, watch this, These media will report more on this.

This 60+ triple-double not only caused Zhou Chen to be praised by current players.

Even the major NBA stars also praised Zhou Chen on various occasions.

More and more people think that Zhou Chen Chen may be the most ranked rookie in history.

Things did not calm down for a while until the afternoon. This

is not the first time that Zhou Chen has done such a sensational thing. Although the fans and the media boasted fiercely, this This kind of shock is no longer as sensational as when Zhou Chen watched 58 points for the first time. The

outside world’s understanding of Zhou Chen has improved a lot. In the eyes of fans and the media, Zhou Chen himself has such strength, and his ability is even the lowest. He is at the All-Star level, and it is not surprising at all to occasionally do things that only superstars can do.

Zhou Chen is very strong, and using All-Stars to define Zhou Chen’s strength will make it easier for Zhou Chen to perform all kinds of crazy things on the court. Accepted.

After a series of crazy performances, Zhou Chen almost made all Miami fans like him.

If the first star here is Wade, then the second star here is Zhou Chen.

Rush to the American Airlines Center in the afternoon When he was driving, Zhou Chen was stopped by a group of female fans.

Zhou Chen was very friendly to female fans, and he did not blame these female fans for blocking his car.

Zhou Chen rolled down the window and signed autographs for the female fans.

Some female fans were very bold. Zhou Chen stuffed a small note and envelope into Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen didn’t need to think about it to know that there was a phone number or a love letter written on it. As long as he needed it, these female fans could come to his home at any time.

Zhou Chen silently received the note and letter. Next.

In addition to signing autographs, some female fans invited Zhou Chen to sign their names on their buttocks or buttocks.

Zhou Chen hesitated and refused, as this would have a bad impact.

There are a lot of female fans, about a hundred of them. , the scene was spectacular, forming a beautiful landscape in the American Airlines Center Arena.

In the Heat, only Zhou Chen has such treatment, Wade is not as handsome as Zhou Chen.

When other Heat players passed by one after another, they also They all whistled to express their envy of Zhou Chen’s beauty.

After about half an hour, Zhou Chen got rid of the female fans and drove into the stadium parking lot.

Entering the parking lot, he greeted the camera crew on the side and gave the mascot a After the fight, we came to the locker room。

“Good afternoon, Dwayne。”

“Good afternoon, Zhou. ”

After saying hello to his teammates, Zhou Chen started tonight’s warm-up.。


This eight-game winning streak has improved the Heat’s record a

It is difficult for the Heat to reach the top three with their record. The only hope is to compete with the Hawks for fourth place and strive to gain home court advantage in the first round.

As the regular season comes to an end, Coach Spoelstra has begun to gradually hone his tactics and lineup for the playoffs.

As long as they enter the playoffs, the Heat’s personnel rotation will become smaller, with a maximum of nine people, and some marginal water cooler players will not get the chance to play.

After defeating the Cavaliers, the Heat ushered in the challenge of the Warriors at home.

At the beginning of the game, Zhou Chen used his speed to attack the Warriors crazily.

Neither Curry nor Ellis’ defense is very good. No matter who is guarding them, they can’t guard him. Zhou Chen can usually get past them with a change of direction.

Because it is certain that they will not make the playoffs, the Warriors’ overall defensive will is not strong, and Biedrins and others inside do not have much ability to protect the frame.

Wade also gave Zhou Chen enough help.

With Zhou Chen and Wade showing off their power, the Heat’s offense was frenetic.

On the defensive end, both Curry and Ellis were entangled by Zhou Chen and Wade. The two teamed up to shoot 31% from the field.

In this case, it becomes natural for the Warriors to lose.

101 to 117.

The Heat easily defeated the Warriors at home.

Zhou Chen easily scored 38 points, 7 assists, 6 steals and 6 rebounds in this game.

After winning this game, the Heat moved to fourth place in the Eastern Conference due to the Hawks’ loss.

Although ranked fourth, this ranking is not stable and they still have to continue their winning streak.

March 4th.

The Heat challenge the Lakers away from home.

The Lakers are now No. 1 in the Western Conference, and they stand out in the Western Conference.

However, Kobe missed this game due to injury, so Jackson simply let Gasol and Bynum rest together.

Without three main players, relying on Odom and Fisher to lead the team, there is naturally not much suspense in this game.

Zhou Chen made many personal counterattacks in this game, which made veteran fisher Fisher look at his back and lament that time is hard to save….

With the Lakers half-empty, there was no suspense after three quarters of this game.

In addition to Zhou Chen’s outstanding performance, the Heat also had outstanding performances from Wade, Beasley, Chalmers and others.

Spoelstra also sent 12 players to play in this game, 6 of whom scored in double figures.

Zhou Chen played three quarters and scored a triple-double of 27 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists and 4 steals.

This game was also the end of Zhou Chen’s streak of 30+ points.

Zhou Chen doesn’t care about his personal record, he cares about the team’s winning streak.

The Heat’s current momentum makes Zhou Chen feel that everything is developing in a good direction.

115 to 102.

The Lakers’ Lamar Odom also played very well, scoring a near-triple-double with 31 points, 11 rebounds and 8 assists, but he felt regretful that he didn’t win.

At the press conference after the game, Jackson Jackson gave Zhou Chen a very good evaluation。

“Zhou is a phenomenal player. He has become the top offensive point guard in the league.。”

“What height do you think Zhou Chen will reach in the future?”

“Maybe he could catch up with Michael. ”

Zen Master’s praise was not just a whim. Zen Master had always paid attention to Zhou Chen’s performance.

He felt the confidence and arrogance from Zhou Chen. These things are very similar to Jordan and Kobe.

And the Heat are precisely because of Zhou Chen. It became different after Chen, which made the Zen master more firm in his judgment.。


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