Amid the cheers of the fans, Perkins jumped for the Celtics’ first possession.

O’Neal Jr. is taller than Perkins, but loses to him every time he jumps the ball.

Rondo advances with the ball.

After playing against Zhou Chen in the regular season, Rondo became much more serious about protecting the ball.

Against Zhou Chen, you have to be a little unfocused when handling the ball, otherwise the ball will be stolen.

Rondo’s dribbling ability is naturally very reliable. With careful precautions, although Zhou Chen increased his pressing intensity, Rondo did not make any mistakes.

Rondo passed the ball to Ray Allen who was running out.

Wade’s defense was very tight, and Ray Allen had no chance to take action.

Ray Allen gave Rondo back, and Rondo gave the ball to Pierce on the right.

As soon as Pierce got the ball, Garnett quickly set up a pick-and-roll.

Pierce used Garnett’s pick-and-roll to break through from the right, and Joel Anthony and Richardson switched defenses.

Pierce leaned on Joel Anthony and immediately made an awkward shooting move.

Joel Anthony tackled Pierce.

Pierce even got the ball in.。

“Beep! ! ”

Two plus one, the referee indicated that the goal was valid.

Although the intensity of the playoffs is high, such an obvious foul still has to be called.

Pierce also punched hard on the wooden floor, and the North Shore Garden Arena became more and more popular.。

“Uh-huh! ”

Pierce made a solid free throw.

0 to 3.

The Celtics gave the Heat a powerful start and boosted the momentum at home.

Joel Anthony is a veteran, but he is still a little embarrassed when facing Pierce.

Zhou Chen has been I’m observing the Celtics’ tactics.

The Celtics’ tactics are very layered.

It starts with Ray Allen’s off-ball screen, and if there is no chance, it immediately goes to Pierce and Garnett’s pick-and-roll attack.

Pierce’s breakthrough The speed was very slow, but he still found an opportunity under the cover of Garnett.

This group of people is too familiar with each other’s characteristics.

This is different from the tactical system dominated by the Heat.

They prefer positional warfare, while the Heat Preferring fast-paced offensive and defensive transitions.

The Heat can’t help it. The gap inside is too big.

The Heat attack.

After Zhou Chen took the ball across the half court, he handed the ball to Wade, and then he opened one side and gave the ball to Wade. Wade creates space.

Zhou Chen has a strong ability to attract defenses. The Celtics need at least two people to pay attention to Zhou Chen at all times. Wade faces much less pressure.

Wade breaks in with the help of Joel Anthony’s screen.

Garner Special switch to guard Wade, but Wade is faster. Wade relies on Garnett to occupy the space and then speeds away. Facing Perkins’ help, Wade makes a layup and scores the ball.

2 to 3.

The Big Three are very strong, but the Flash is not bad either.

The first few minutes of the game were carried out according to the pre-game tactical arrangement.

The Celtics made a fuss around the Big Three and received good results. Ray Allen and Pierce , Garnett took turns attacking the inside, and Joel Anthony got two fouls early and was beaten.

Spoelstra had to replace Haslem in advance and set up a two-center lineup.

The Heat relied on Wade to score points. , Zhou Chen did not take action at the beginning of the game.

Although Wade felt good, the Big Three still had a slight advantage due to the large number of people and strength.

When the game reached 6 minutes and 55 seconds, a turning point occurred.

Wade Expressway When he broke through, he bumped into Perkins and was called an offensive foul.

Perkins’ falling action was very exaggerated. Zhou Chen felt that this guy was acting, but at Boston’s home court, the referee just gave Wade an offensive foul.

Wade committed two fouls!

Spoelstra quickly replaced Beasley to increase the offensive points, and then signaled Zhou Chen to take over the ball.

Zhou Chen has not yet adapted

three heights to Inside, but the Celtics’ various cuts always made the Heat very uncomfortable.

Garnett’s touch was good, and he could score shots when he pulled out.

When the game came to 4 minutes and 01 seconds, the score reached 13 to 13. 23.

Celtic lead to 10 points at home。

“Zhou, be steady when attacking. “Spo signaled Zhou Chen to calm down.

Zhou Chen took a deep breath and re-adjusted.

The Heat attacked, and Zhou Chen took the ball to the

frontcourt. Rondo was still pressing the defense, and Ray Allen was always ready to flank.

Zhou Chen didn’t make a shot just now. This time He had no intention of shooting anymore. He

called Haslem’s screen.

Zhou Chen directly passed Rondo. Facing Ray Allen who was defending, Zhou Chen showed [super-high-speed dribbling] and changed direction without slowing down to pass Ray Allen. Lost.

Zhou Chen’s passing speed was too fast, and Garnett’s help defense could not keep up.

Between the free throw line and the three-second zone, Zhou Chen had an opportunity. Zhou Chen leaned forward and threw。

【Infinitive shooting]

The body is very tilted when throwing.

The arc of this ball is very beautiful。

“Uh-huh! ”

15 to 23.

Zhou Chen scored for the first time in the playoffs。

“Beautiful, just do it. Spoelstra encouraged Zhou Chen off the court.

Zhou Chen also high-fived Haslem during the pick-and-roll.。

“Your throw feels really good。”

“It was you who blocked it well. ”

The two exchanged commercial compliments.

Although they were lagging behind, the Heat did not appear too anxious.

Basketball games are like this. It is impossible to lead for 48 minutes.

As long as they are patient enough and show their strength, the Heat still have a chance.

There was no special emotion among the Celtics. Zhou Chen would score sooner or later, and it was impossible to restrict him for the whole game.

Rivers frowned, and he felt something was wrong. Zhou

Chen’s rhythm and speed It seemed to be far superior to other Celtic players.

The Celtics attacked.

This time it was Rondo who initiated the pick-and-roll with Garnett.

Rondo wanted to use Garnett’s screen to get past Zhou Chen.

However, Zhou Chen was not blocked. Rondo got rid of it easily. He used his speed to bypass the screen and chase Rondo directly from behind. He directly took the ball out of his back while Rondo was focused on the front.

Rondo made a mistake and Zhou Chen stole the ball.

Kyle The entire team immediately returned to defense. Pierce, who was nearby, hugged Zhou Chen and did not let Zhou Chen speed up.

They would rather commit a foul than let Zhou Chen rush up.

Zhou Chen was helpless against the Celtic foul. These people are too experienced.

After stabilizing, he could only fight for position.

Zhou Chen received the sideline ball and brought it across half court.

He made a singles gesture.

The Heat players dispersed, but the Celtic players did not disperse easily. Their focus was still on staring at Zhou Chen. Seeing that

there was no chance for singles, Zhou Chen patted his head and called a pick-and-roll.

Haslem came up to block Rondo again.

With the help of the screen, Zhou Chen gained room to accelerate.。

【Super-speed dribbling]

Zhou Chen broke through the flanking defense line of Garnett and Pierce in one fell swoop.

Zhou Chen’s start was the best in the league, faster than Rose and Wade’s first steps.

Rushing into the paint, Perkins didn’t react much at all and could only watch as Zhou Chen easily completed a one-handed chop! !

17 to 23。

“pause! ”

Zhou Chen pushed twice in a row, and the Celtics immediately stopped the game.。


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