magic offense。

The 17-point gap forced Howard to become serious.。

Nelson gave the ball to the inside, and Howard continued to play low on the right side.。



Haslem couldn’t stand it. This time, Howard paid attention to Zhou Chen’s help defense.。

But Howard’s turn and missed layup, his attention was distracted.。

The rebound was taken by Haslem who looked back.。

Haslem passes the ball to Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen takes the ball and continues to rush。

Carter’s position is very good, but Zhou Chen is moving at high speed。

In this case Zhou Chen has an absolute advantage。

Zhou Chen quickly swatted the ball to the right and then adjusted his crotch to the left, passing Carter.。

Lewis and Nelson wanted to flank Zhou Chen at the free throw line。

But Zhou Chen’s impact speed was far beyond the two people’s imagination. Before the two people could attack and encircle them, Zhou Chen rushed between them.。

Once again staged the ultimate speed to break the defense! !

At high speed, Zhou Chen easily picked up the basket���!

Put the basketball in。

48 to 67

“Oh oh, Zhou Chen’s speed has completely increased。”

“If we fight like this, the Magic will not be able to keep up with Zhou Chen’s speed.。”

“Counterattack is the best way to widen the point difference。”

Buckley couldn’t help but scream.。

“Zhou Chen once again performed a baseline ball attack。”

“The Magic’s defense was shattered。”

“In the face of absolute speed, all talents are useless。”

“It’s one step ahead of everyone!”

The fans also kept cheering。

Coach Spoelstra on the sidelines also waved his fist fiercely.。

This kind of Zhou Chen’s style of play is what he hopes to see。

Zhou Chen fully unleashed his offensive firepower。

Teammates on the field wanted to come over and give Zhou Chen a high-five, but Zhou Chen directly yelled: “Continue to defend!!””

After Zhou Chen finished yelling, he continued to press Nelson。

Zhou Chen didn’t want his teammates to relax so quickly.。

Zhou Chen wants to pass on his belief in winning to every teammate。

Haslem and Beasley immediately cheered up and did not dare to neglect again.。

Zhou Chen’s pressure on Nelson continues to be effective。

Nelson made a mistake when passing the ball to Howard, and the pass was too wide.。

“Zhou Chen’s defense is too strong。”

“Nelson is under great pressure。”

Barkley yelled。

The fans were even more excited when they saw Zhou Chen forcing a mistake.。

Continuously escalating the cheering momentum。

Heat sideline serve。

Haslem to Zhou Chen。

Zhou Chen still started dribbling from the same spot and rushed forward。

Zhou Chen’s speed is not a straight-line impact, but an impact with changes in direction and curves.。

This time the Magic were on guard and heavily stocked up on the inside.。

Nelson stepped on the three-point line, and behind him, Lewis and Howard were ready to wait for Zhou Chen to pass by and attack from a flank.。

Can’t get over it。

Zhou Chen did not continue to break out。

Instead, make an emergency stop and slow down! !

Pull it up instantly! !

Another super long three-point shot from long distance! !

Even if Nelson pounced with all his strength, there was nothing he could do about the ball.。

This shot Zhou Chen made was against the principles of basketball.。

It’s so far away and I still have to lean back a little bit.。

After blowing up the [zone], the basket tonight is destined to be like the ocean!


Passing through the heart, water splashes。

Super long three-point hit! ! !

48 to 70.

22 points! !

“week、、、、Chen! ! “DJ is crazy。

When everyone thought the Magic would start chasing points in the third quarter, Zhou Chen stepped forward and gave them a heavy blow.。

The Heat fans at the scene also saw it.。

Zhou Chen is going to take over tonight’s game。

Zhou Chen can no longer pass the ball,

Fans have seen this kind of killing god Zhou Chen before, and they are extremely familiar with this scene.。

When Wade was injured on the team, Zhou Chen broke out completely and became the absolute leader of the Heat.。

Next, just watch Zhou Chen’s performance。

Not long after the third quarter started, Van Gundy did not call a timeout, but signaled the players to stay steady.。

Nelson also once again took responsibility for the mistake just now。

As a veteran, he knows the seriousness of the matter。

Zhou Chen still plays a pressing defense, driving the Heat to put crazy pressure on the Magic team.。

The magic transmission ball becomes extremely slow。

Nelson gave the ball to Carter, who gave it to Lewis.。

Lewis gives it to Howard again。

Haslem is holding Howard up, and Zhou Chen comes over to double attack and want to cut the ball.。

Howard didn’t pass the ball, he quickly collected the ball and wanted to jump hook。

This ball was too anxious. The basketball hit the basket and bounced high.。

Chalmers collected the rebound。

Chalmers’ heart was beating fiercely。

Even if Wade is not here, the Heat are invincible now. He has this belief.。

Chalmers took the ball and dribbled it across half court。

Zhou Chen was constantly clinging to Nelson and Barnes。

The Magic made up their mind to limit Zhou Chen. They would rather let others score than let Zhou Chen score again. That feeling was too scary.。

The other teams, the Magic, would love to have players on the other team play one-on-five, but they don’t dare to do that against the Heat.。

Chalmers gestured to keep the pace and signaled his teammates to cover Zhou Chen.。

Spoelstra also came up with the idea of playing two point guards. Even if Zhou Chen is tightly pestered, someone can still organize the offense.。

Zhou Chen was also very smart and took Nelson and Barnes to Lewis’s place.。


Three defenses and one defense。

It means the situation on the other side is 4 versus 2。

As an NBA-level player, 4 on 2, no matter who those two people are, it is difficult to guard.。

Beasley received Chalmers’ breakout ball and passed it to Haslem on the other side.。

Haslem made a layup。

48 to 72。

Keep pulling away。

Zhou Chen didn’t touch the ball in this round, but he created absolute scoring opportunities for his teammates.。

“Don’t have three people to defend you. “Van Gundy was anxious off the court.。

Three people going to guard Zhou Chen? There’s really no need to play this game。

Howard was also very depressed and hit the ball heavily on the ground.。

Such a score difference made him a little desperate。

magic offense。

Carter plays pick-and-roll with Howard。

After the pick-and-roll, Carter chose his own emergency stop to finish in the mid-range.。


50 to 72。

This kind of hemostasis helped Van Gundy breathe a sigh of relief.。

Heat offense。

Chalmers brings the ball upfield。

Without three people to attack, Zhou Chen would have a good opportunity.。

Come out around an off-ball screen to catch the ball。

Outside the three-point line on the right, the Heat’s screen comes again。

Howard and Lewis also came over。

In the crowd, Zhou Chen showed off his agile dribbling skills。

With the help of his teammates, Zhou Chen easily completed the breakthrough。

Entering the free throw line, Howard followed closely on one side。

Zhou Chen quickly completed a simple press button。

The speed is very fast, giving Howard no chance to chase the risk.。

50 to 74。

After completing the dunk, Zhou Chen did not celebrate and continued to press。

“Well done!”

“nice shot! !”

“How crazy!”

“Stop passing the ball and attack yourself!”

Fans continue to encourage Zhou Chen to continue to explode。

Coach Spoelstra’s smile on the sidelines was as bright as a flower.

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