Nash wiped the sweat beads from his forehead with his clothes and continued.

“You’re the best outside defender I’ve ever added, and when you defend, I never felt the pressure on me.”

“I can’t say that, it should be said that it is a solo defense, and the pressure you give me is the greatest.”

“You may not have played against someone who has played against you and feels that your defense relies on physical talent and is positive.”

“But after playing against you, I think you’re smart, you’re very strategic when you defend, and I want to learn from that.”

“You know, we Suns are a team that is strong and defensive, and the talent of defense cannot be learned, but the skill of defense can be learned.”

Lin Dong understood now.

Although the Nash is good, he will not give up the All-Star Game and give up the rest time for a rookie with little connection.

He has something he wants, so it makes sense.

“Do you need me to teach you these defensive skills?” Lin Dong asked.

Nash shook his head, “You don’t have to teach me specifically, I can learn a little in training with you.” ”

“When it’s time to leave, you can tell me about your experience when defending.”

Although Nash is not physically talented, his ball intelligence is very high.

The ability to learn is also very strong.

This is a big reason why he can be a two-time MVP, the top point guard in history.

Effort determines the lower limit, talent determines the upper limit.

There is an effort and it is possible to survive in the NBA.

However, without talent, it is almost impossible to achieve such an achievement.

Nash’s talent lies in his intelligence.

Lin Dong said: “Okay! ”

“Do you still have physical strength? How about we continue to practice? ”

Nash waved his hand, “Let’s break first, I really can’t move.” ”


On the Mavericks arena, the rookie rivalry has begun.

As a result, the first-grade team swept away the embarrassment of being suppressed by the “senior” for seven consecutive years, and succeeded in revenge 140-128.

However, Westbrook of the sophomore team scored 40 points and became the second-ranked scorer in the rookie game after Durant (46 points).

The first-grade team is more blooming.

Evans 26 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists and 5 steals, Jennings 22 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists, Harden 22 points and 5 rebounds, Blair 22 points and 23 rebounds, Curry 14 points, Casby 13 points and 5 rebounds.

For the sophomore team, Westbrook had 40 points, Beasley 21 points and 7 rebounds, Moreau 15 points, Loew 12 points and 6 rebounds, and Gasol Jr. 10 points and 6 rebounds.

And Evans won the MVP of the rookie game.

Many of the rookies of the year ended up becoming NBA stars.

Curry was generally average, but enjoyed the game.

But what he didn’t know was that the next day, his team would start discussing his stay.

Mills and Jerry finished watching the game and left the box.

Go back and prepare the materials, as well as the next transaction.

On All-Star Weekend, the second game day is the Skills Challenge, the Three-Point Contest, and the Slam Dunk Contest.

Lin Dong was still training with Nash.

Mills first signed a deal with Jerry.

Send the UAE to the Knicks, while Chandler trades to the Nets.

After that, it was an appointment with Warriors general manager Larry Riley to discuss the Curry trade in detail.

The general manager of the Warriors at this time is not the Miles who promoted the Warriors dynasty.

The Warriors have also been in a bad situation this season.

Continuing the western countdown.

Although the team boss, Monta Ellis performed well.

But it didn’t help.

Curry had a decent rookie season, averaging 17.5 points, 4.5 rebounds, 5.9 assists and 1.9 steals per game.

Mills and Riley sat on the couch.

Watch the game off the field.

A pleasant face.

But this is all superficial, and when it comes to trading, they are still very cautious about it.

Mills spoke first, “Curry’s performance in yesterday’s rookie challenge was not very good!” ”

Riley immediately denied: “The rookie game is meant to be an entertainment game, and what can be said, Curry is a strong contender for this year’s best rookie.” ”

Mills picked up the Coke beside him and took a sip.

Then he laughed: “Curry is really good, but you already have a lot of guards, Ellis, Moreau, Watson.” ”

“And Curry’s position, and Ellis are a bit repetitive, they are both players who need to have the ball in hand, and it is difficult to bring out the maximum power of both of them at the same time.”

“What your team lacks is a qualified interior player, an attacking interior lineman.”

Mills is no longer mincing around the bush.

Straight to the point.

If he wants to get Curry, he has to talk to Riley about the pros and cons.

That is, it made Riley feel that making this deal was good for the Warriors.

Curry’s performance in his rookie season can be described as perfect.

Almost all teams can be used as starters.

And he’s still young, and he still has a lot of potential.

The Warriors naturally have high hopes for Curry and will not trade easily.

So thinking about Curry, Mills still has a headache.

Riley also agrees with Mills’ view in his heart, and the overall squad of the team is small.

There is a shortage of interior players and defensive efficiency is the last in the league, so they now need a qualified interior player.

But of course he won’t say that: “Curry and Ellis are very compatible and are still running-in, and their coexistence is not a problem.” ”

“As for the insider, we are looking for it, but it is not so necessary.”

Mills smiled and continued, “You should know that when Curry was in college, he was often prone to injury. ”

“Whether his physical condition can adapt to the intensity of the NBA for a long time is a question, and I’m sure you’re worried about that.”

Riley shook his head, “I trust our team doctor, I believe in Curry, and that’s not a problem.” ”

Mills shrugged.

“Alright! In that case, I’ll just talk about our trading chips! ”


Riley was expected to hear the name.

Mills has been stressing the Warriors’ lack of interior line, and lately Lin Dong and Harrington have been increasingly at odds.

So, with a little guesswork, he knew that Mills wanted to trade Harrington for Curry.

Riley picked up the Coke and grinned.

Not very satisfied, “Exchange an already tardy interior player for a rookie with unlimited potential?” ”

“And Harrington is still a locker room time bomb, I don’t want to make the team become a miasma.”

Mills kept a faint smile on his face, but in fact, he scolded Harrington again.

It would be best if Harrington could be used to complete the deal.

But from the current situation, it is already impossible.

So he proposed other trading options.

Harrington plus Douglas, Harrington plus Hill, Harrington plus draft picks.

But Riley was not satisfied.

In desperation, Mills had to make a major decision.

“If Harrington can’t do it, what about David Lee?”

Riley’s eyes lit up suddenly.

David Lee was just selected as an All-Star.

Even if you look at the entire NBA, he’s a very good interior attacker.

Trading David Lee for Curry, Riley thought about it, but ultimately denied it.

Unless Nix has a broken brain, it will be like this.

“Are you sure you’re talking about David Lee? Trading David Lee for Curry? Riley asked.

Mills nodded solemnly, “Yes, David Lee exchanged for Curry!” ”

“The value of the two of them, I don’t need to say more, you should also understand that this deal is absolutely cost-effective for you.”

“If you still have to think about it, then I’m sorry, I don’t think we need to talk anymore.”

“Wait!” Riley hurriedly said: “I agree to this deal, but can you tell me the reason?” ”

Exchange Curry for David Lee.

I am afraid that anyone in the NBA who is of a normal IQ will immediately agree to this deal.

But that’s what Riley finds strange.

Mills looked at Riley with a determined look, “Because of Lin Dong!” Because we want to support Lin Dong and let him be the undisputed core of this Knick! ”

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