The Nuggets are different from the Knicks in that they don’t press time.

Instead, complete the attack as quickly as possible.

That way, even if the ball doesn’t score, they can still have a chance to attack.

Anthony dribbled the ball in his crotch, paused for a moment, and then jerked it up again.

One step past Curry.

Because just now all the teammates were pulled apart.

So this ball goes in, almost an empty basket.

Just as he was about to dunk with both hands, thinking that the ball was bound to score.

Lin Dong didn’t know when, he came behind him.

One arm reaches the front of the basketball.


The basketball slapped on Lin Dong’s hand and made a loud noise.

The two were almost frozen in the air for a while.

Finally, the two landed at the same time.

Fell to the ground.

Even if they fell to the ground, the first reaction of the two was still basketball.

The basketball rolled out of the control of the two under the snatching of the two.

Curry saw it and pounced on the basketball for the first time.

Held in his arms.

But Billups was quick to see, and suddenly from the rear, he poked the basketball.

Out of control again.

Before Curry could get up, he lay on the ground and lunged forward again.

Once grabbed a basketball.

Billups wanted to grab it even more, and almost the whole person fell on Curry’s body.

This time the referee blew the whistle.

Signaled for Billups to foul.

Curry sat up, held the ball in his arms with one hand, and waved it vigorously with the other.

At the same time, he still roared in his mouth.

This goal, he made a contribution and helped the team.

D’Antoni was off the court, too, shaking his fists vigorously.

Expressing the excitement in his heart.

This goal is almost invincible.

Because just grabbing the ball consumes a lot of time.

So the rest of the game wasn’t as the Nuggets expected.

Only twenty-five seconds remained.

But twenty-five seconds, only enough for one attack.

If they want to win, they only have to foul.

And pray that the Knicks missed two free throws.

Lin Dong and Curry, with the help of their teammates, stood up.

“This goal the Knicks defended too well, and Lin Dong once again showed his excellent defensive ability!”

“Lin Dong directly dominated the game through the last attack and defense.”

“Tonight, Lin Dong is a superstar, Jordan, he can do anything!”

The commentary was also completely conquered by Lin Dong at this time.

Lin Dong’s praise has almost reached its peak.

Fans have already started celebrating in advance.

“I could hear my heart beating just now, the game was so intense!”

“Win, win, Knicks are going to win!”

“Lin Dong is too strong, he directly burst Anthony!”

Anthony was still sitting on the ground, and his teammates wanted to pull him.

He doesn’t want to get up yet.

Annoyed, he slapped the ground.

He didn’t expect that he would actually be dropped by Lin Dong’s cap.

Tonight, he was almost pressed and beaten by Lin Dong.

Thinking that this goal, he was going to help the team equalize the score.

However, it was Lin Dong who beat him down again.

He was too depressed all night.

He can’t accept that he lost, let alone lose to a rookie.

After venting, Anthony stood up on his own.

Because the number of fouls has not yet arrived, it is not a free throw yet.

The referee stood in the bottom corner and signaled for the Knicks players to come over and serve.

UAE walked over and executed the serve.

This defense was the Nuggets’ last chance.

If they can cut the ball directly, they have a chance to score a goal to equalize the score, or even overcome.

But if you can’t steal.

Then there are only fouls.

The referee passed the ball to the UAE, who held the basketball high and was looking for a teammate.

All the other Knicks players started running non-stop, looking for opportunities to catch the ball.

But the Nuggets were clinging tightly, almost inseparable.

Especially for Lin Dong, it was almost a two-person bag.

Lin Dong and Curry staggered away.

Lin Dong took Curry’s defenders.

Created a catch-and-catch opportunity for Curry.

United quickly passed the ball over.

Curry received the ball and immediately rushed to the front court.

The steal failed, and the Nuggets had to foul.

Billups grabbed Curry and fouled successfully.

Curry walked to the free throw line.

Curry’s free throw shot is 88.32% this season, and sending Curry to the free throw line is equivalent to sending points.

But the Nuggets can’t help either.

Curry hit two free throws easily.

Knicks 104: 100 Nuggets.

The Nuggets are now shooting three-pointers and still trailing by one point.

At this point, Nuggets head coach Carl called a timeout.

Lay out tactics.

Coming back from a timeout, the Nuggets replaced JR with Afraro, who shot better from three-point range.

On the field of the Nuggets, there are three players who can shoot three-pointers.

Billups, Anthony, Avraro.

But unsurprisingly, the ball is bound to go to Anthony or Billups.

The timeout ended and the Nuggets served in the front court.

Martin serves.

The Nuggets players quickly scattered and ran away.

Anthony gave Afraro a no-ball cover.

Afraro came out in his pocket and had already secured a position to catch the ball.

However, he did not catch the ball, but quickly ran away.

This is a fake catch.

The real catcher was Anthony, who gave him cover.

Because the Knicks thought Afraro was going to catch the ball, they let their guard down.

But who knew that Anthony suddenly ran outside the three-point line, received the ball and prepared to shoot immediately.

But at the moment of the shot.

A big hand was pressed on the basketball.

It’s Lin Dong again!

Lin Dong guessed that this ball, the Nuggets will play a quick shot.

And it was Anthony who executed this shot.

So he kept staring at Anthony.

The moment Anthony received the ball, he pounced.

Blocked this shot.

Anthony’s shot was covered, and he was a little angry.

Regained control of the basketball, and immediately had to make another strong shot.

But this time, Lin Dong’s eyes were quick, and he cut the basketball precisely the moment he got the ball.

And snatched it down.

Anthony had no choice but to foul again.

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