[123] Mamba will, look at the watch before killing!

Blazers locker room.

The confident players tonight could not have imagined that they would be 21 points behind at halftime, which is completely different from what they expected.

Lillard’s face darkened.

Just becoming Mr. 60, he was hammered by the hottest team in the league today, and this feeling is like he can only cut points on the head of the weak team.

When you encounter a strong team, you become intimidated.

“No, you can’t lose like this!”

Lillard’s heart sank, the spirit of competitiveness made his fighting spirit soar, he has not given up the game, and the victory or defeat is not yet decisive.


Return from the second half.

Blazers possession.

Lillard stared at Clarkson, and in his icy gaze, he couldn’t see a trace of backward urgency, on the contrary… The ultimate desire for victory made his eyes a little scary.

“Bang bang!”

Possession of the ball, pressing the center of gravity, accelerating the breakthrough of the right wing, throwing off Clarkson, rushing to the basket, jumping up and down the dunk, all in one go, without a trace of mud and water.

Lillard, who hit the dunk, is also calm and terrifying.

Next round.

Still in the same position, Lillard continued to face Clarkson, left hand ball, hesitant step forward to break through, and… A sudden cold arrow.


Threading the needle.

And again.

Clarkson…… Can’t prevent Lillard at all, Randle assists in defense, double bag, but Lillard is fearless, rushes into the crowd, and storms the basket.


The whistle sounds.

Lillard stands at the free throw line.



Both free throws were hit.

Another round, Lillard burst into the basket, carrying Kobe and Randall’s defensive layup, and was pushed by Randle in the air to lose his balance.

Hook the ball in the imbalance.




His whole person also fell the floor, and he was already a little injured in his lower back, this time it hurt, but… Lillard still had an expression on his face, extremely cold, like a ruthless killer, scoring one by one.


There are also free throws.

Strong competitive spirit, super willpower, let him score again and again, a little bit close to the score, three quarters of the battle, 17 points alone, three quarters 38 points, help the team narrow the gap to 11 points.

10 points recovered in a single quarter.

There is still a time when the trailblazers see hope!

Section IV.

After the rotation of the lineup, the final battle between the two teams began, and Lillard’s offensive was still strong, but… This edition is reflected in defense and organization.


First, Randall, who broke off his back and hit Von Lai, struck a long pass like a demon knife to McCollum in front, who received the ball and countered the dunk.

Then it was another burst of fire, and McCollum, one of his partners at the back and one of the team’s leading scorers, raised his hand to hit another 3-pointer.


And again.

Another round, facing Kobe’s back hit, Lillard was engrossed, pressing step by step, forcing Kobe Bryant to lean back and shoot, not enough strength to hit iron.

One successful defense!

The engrossed, combative Lillard is like a victory, from attack to defense, one person controls the rhythm of the team and leads the team to win little by little.

There is 1 minute and 17 seconds left.


Lillard broke through at full speed once, crisscrossed, killed in all directions, faced the Lakers three-man contraction defense, or scored hard.

With this ball hit.

Trailblazer…… Leveled.


Many fans at home gasped, looking at Lillard, who also scored 46 points, and couldn’t help but feel a pang in their hearts, this sharp and unstoppable attack.

Could it be… Do you want to cut another 60 points and lead the team to win?!


Coach Scott called out a timeout.

“21 points big hole, the Blazers leveled?!”

Amy John Xun looked surprised, and said: “Coach Lee is so fierce, chasing the stage, almost watching him perform a performance, helping the team chase points little by little.” ”

“The breakthrough that was tied just now, the choice was actually a bit unreasonable, but once it hits, once it is equal, it will make the morale of the Blazers high.”


Kenny Smith nodded and said, “This is Lillard, he has a strong competitive spirit, super willpower and key ball handling ability.” ”

“Three points!”

“And these three points… It is the “Mamba spirit” that is fearless of everything and never gives up! ”

“Lillard’s Mamba will, which allowed him to help the team, eventually equalised and even had a chance to win the game, and that’s the strength of a 60-point gentleman.”

A generous statement.

Let the momentum that belongs to the Blazers in the arena rise.

Pause back.

Morale was high after the Blazers’ comeback, and despite the tie, the pressure fell on the Lakers, who desperately needed an offense to boost the ball.

“Bang bang!”

Kobe held the ball at the top of the arc, faced McCollum, rushed to the top of the 45-degree arc on the right, suddenly stopped and feint, McCollum pounced, but did not eat.


Shrink one step and lock Kobe Bryant.


Kobe Bryant continued to feint for an opportunity, saw McCollum’s moment of relaxation, pulled up back, faced McCollum’s face defense, and shot a three-pointer.

Have it?!


Hollow hit.


The audience erupted into thunderous cheers.

At the critical moment, Kobe, who is 37 years old, is still a tough guy with a “big heart”, facing difficulties and hitting a difficult backstep of 3 points.

Help the Lakers and lead by 3 points.

There are 57 seconds left.

The whole stadium was already agitated, and the home fans already had a hint of an atmosphere of enjoying the victory in advance, but… Lillard’s cold eyes released a cold gaze.

“Bang bang!”

Controlling the ball over, ignoring the tingling sensation that comes from time to time in the lower back, staring at Kobe Bryant in front of him, slowly dribbling, slowly finding the rhythm, and then…


A step back on the right, a meter away from the three-point line, and a long-range 3-pointer.

Kobe obviously did not expect that at such a critical moment, Lillard dared to shoot 3 points from far ahead, and in a hurry, he reached out to block, but hit Lillard’s hand.


The whistle sounds.

At the same time, the spinning ball, gliding into the sky, and then smashing headlong into the net pocket… Hits, and additional penalties.


The penalty is also in.

Lillard returned Kobe Bryant with a 4-point shot and regained his advantage, looking proud and nodding his wrist when he returned to the court.

It’s telling everyone.

The murderer looks at the watch first, this is the moment that belongs to him Lillard!!!

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