Chapter 1034 The Biggest Player

Now the game is still going on. After the Warriors finally scored a goal, they will also have to take on the next defense.

But for Zhou Yuan.

In fact, all the Bulls fans on the scene are already looking forward to him scoring.

Because everyone has not seen him for a long offseason.

So under such a situation, Zhou Yuan went to play individual singles directly after getting the ball.

Words for him.

This kind of individual singles is actually a bit of a performance, because everyone knows that in today's game, it is actually very difficult for the Warriors to compete with the Bulls.

Because of how strong the Bulls are.

In fact, it is already a well-known thing.

So for Zhou Yuan.

In fact, he also has privileges under such a situation, after all, he is the biggest player in the league.

So under such a situation, he went to conduct individual fights.

No one can stop him, and everyone will tolerate his behavior, including their head coach.

Zhou Yuan was facing the opponent's defense. At this time, it was still Klay Thompson who was defending him. In fact, for Klay Thompson.

Zhou Yuan is really a shadow of a defensive player in his career.

Because Zhou Yuan's offensive ability is too strong.

No matter how he defends.

There is no way to stop him from scoring in front of him.

So for Klay Thompson, he actually wants to try his best to defend at this time.

After all, this is the first game of the season, if the Warriors didn't play well at the beginning of the season.

So in the West where there are many heroes, it is actually a good result.

That is actually a very difficult thing.

You must know that they are not what they used to be this year.

When they had Kevin Durant in previous years, they were the team with the strongest paper strength in the league, so they can paddle in the regular season

No matter how they play, they can guarantee that they will still be in the upper half after scoring, and even if they have no home court advantage.

They are still confident that they can reach the finals.

Words for them.

In fact, that period of time is gone forever.

The Warriors at this moment, under such a situation, they have to do their best every time they defend, but even if it is like this.

There is also no way to bring the game home.

At this time, Zhou Yuan also continued to dribble and then crossed the screen with his left and right hands, and then directly rushed into (Nuo Zhao) the opponent's inside line.

In such a situation, no one can stop him at all, although Klay Thompson's 1-on-1 defensive ability is still very solid.

But in such a situation, other players can give him too little help.

Even Draymond Green's words.

In fact, he also knew the Warriors' offensive system and defensive system against them this season. .

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