Chapter 1039

These people sometimes feel that such a complicated system really makes them feel very headache.

So this is why many teams with very strict tactics need some players with relatively high basketball IQ.

Not those players who, although they play very well, have a very low basketball IQ, such players.

In fact, they don't have any room to play in a high-level team, in a team like the Warriors.

In fact, each of their players and their core players have very high basketball IQs. If there are some players with relatively low basketball IQs who come to such a team.

It's hard to get along with a team like that.

So now the Warriors are actually facing such a problem, they need some smarter basketball players.

But now it seems that some of their players are indeed not too smart. Such a situation is also a situation that the Warriors must solve.

Because indeed in a league like the NBA, although there are some players with very good physical talents, there are also some players with an outrageously low basketball IQ

Many times they don't even understand the tactics. Such a player may only be able to sit on the bench and turn on the water dispenser for the rest of his life.

It is true that the Warriors are playing at this point, and they have shown that they simply cannot withstand such a high-intensity game.

Because they just lost this ability now. You must know that when they had this ability back then, they were the ones who beat other teams so hard that they couldn't hold their heads up.

But I didn't expect that in just a few months, they had already changed beyond recognition.

So many times I can't find my own state, where is it.

No matter in the process of offense or defense, they were all beaten by the Bulls, and they couldn't hold their heads up at all. Many times their offense relied on their hero ball to get the ball in.

If you want to rely on tactics or the personal strength of their players.

In fact, there are still very big problems.

Because if they want to rely on tactics to win today's game.

Seems like an unlikely thing.

Because their current tactics can be said to be very unfamiliar, many people don't know what the Warriors' tactical system is.

And the game is going on now, the Warriors want to attack after they get the gun [but now they also give the ball to Draymond Green when they attack.

Let him come and go playmaking, actually for De(North's) Raymond Green.

Playmaking has always been his forte.

But in fact, there is a little problem, because his autonomous offensive ability is really terrible.

It's not just the ability to attack autonomously that is worse.

Whether he is scoring inside or outside, this ability is relatively lacking, so it is for him.

The problem was already clear in front of him. .

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