Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 1048 I Hope I Can Prove Myself

Chapter 1048 Hope to prove myself

It's just that his efficiency value is really too low.

He faced Holiday's defense and dribbled continuously. It can be said that his dribbling is really dazzling.

So this is one of the reasons why his temperament is so high. It is true that he plays very well.

It's just that sometimes he doesn't have that much influence on the court.

Although he said that he played the ball very beautifully, and his breakthrough was also very beautiful, but when facing the Bulls' inside help defense, he had no way to pass the ball to his teammate on the outside. hands.

Still played individual singles, in fact, what he said for himself.

In fact, it is also very, I hope to prove myself.

After all, he didn't prove himself when he was in the Celtics, and the thing to know is that when he leaves the Celtics, the Celtics' record against them will become better.

This is really a very big blow to Kelly Irving, so in today's game, he is also very eager to prove that he has such strength.

This goal, but failed to hit the opponent's basket, and the shot was very reluctant, which is not a good signal for the Nets.

Because in fact, Kyrie Irving also needs to integrate with his team, although he said that he is already mentally prepared for a change.

But in fact, getting ready with your mouth and getting ready with your body are completely different concepts. Kelly Irving seems to be obviously just staying at the mouth and getting ready.

Because he didn't seem to give any support physically at all, and he still went his own way like that.

When it comes to the game, in fact, he has Westbrook than Kevin Durant's former team, which is even more worrying, because Westbrook's personal strength is still nothing to say.

Although he sometimes gets hotheaded, Kelly Irving and Westbrook are not at the same level of players at all, and the latter is also one of the top ten MP players in this league.

But words for Kyrie Irving.

His individual singles actually didn't have that much impact on the team at all.

So he can only be a second-in-chief next to Le Braun James, if he wants to be a big-in-chief when he comes here.

In fact, it is indeed not an easy task for Kelly Irving.

But he really likes individual singles very much, and he is also very keen on individual singles. He feels that only 917 individual singles can reflect his personal strength.

After Kelly Irving got the ball, he didn't hit that much in singles this time, so he immediately set off a fast break and counterattacked.

The Bulls' fast-break counterattack speed really caught Kelly Irving a little off guard.

Because in the last season, even though he was in the Celtics, the thing to know is that the Celtics simply had no chance to meet the opponent.

So Kelly Irving has no choice but to know how strong such a Bulls team is, so he was caught off guard for ten rounds like this.

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