Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 1060 Difficult To Break Through

Chapter 1060 Difficult to break through

But in fact, in a special year like this year, they feel that the old enemy of their old enemy, the Rockets, is also the Warriors.

Under such a situation, he also disintegrated, so for the Rockets, they also feel that their opportunity is coming soon.

So for them, they feel that now is the time for them to seize the opportunity and face the difficulties.

The Rockets are also working hard at this time, hoping to win today's game, even though they have never reached this kind of finals to fight against the enemy.

But the thing to know is that they feel that this season is their biggest 723 opportunity, so they will definitely take this season's opportunity firmly in their own hands.

They definitely hope that they can win this season's game, so during today's game, they can actually be said to be full of expectations for themselves.

Everyone is full of energy, especially for Westbrook, in fact, he very much hopes to prove what he needs to know.

In fact, after Kevin Durant left the Thunder, he never proved himself in the playoffs (biec). In fact, it is because his popularity value is a little lower than that of James Harden.

If it is James Harden, he will probably be scolded to death under the medium attention.

But for Westbrook, people have always been relatively tolerant of him, even though he never broke through the first round in the playoffs.

So coming to the Rockets is also a deal that Westbrook himself chose, because for him, he has actually contributed too much to the Thunder.

Of course, it may be determined by his strength and style of play. It is difficult for him to break through in the playoffs, or there are some problems in their lineup.

No matter what, he has already dedicated himself to the Thunder, so when he submitted the trade application, the Thunder management actually made a favor and sent him to the Rockets directly.

Of course, the Rockets also bleed a lot, and they paid a lot of first-round picks to replace Westbrook.

Of course, they also gave away the rubbish contract Chris Paul's contract, so speaking of such a transaction, for anyone, "It seems that they all made money.

So for Westbrook, he feels that coming to the Rockets can be said to be his best opportunity.

He must prove his strength in such an opportunity and prove that he has the opportunity to make the finals.

So for everyone, in fact, many of the Rockets need such an opportunity to prove themselves, and they have already endured too many doubts.

Although it is very likely that people's doubts are based on the reality of the situation, in fact, for those players, they play on the court, of course, not just to make money. .

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