Chapter 1062 A little crazy

Because they've never seen a lineup that they love so much. The thing to know is that although the Warriors played their small lineup of 5 often against them last season.

But even if they play a small lineup of 5, Draymond Green on the court can be said to have always been a center forward.

And the thing to know is that Kevin Duran's "670" special can be said to be taller than the average center forward. He has a height of 2.1 meters.

So even if the Warriors play such a small lineup of 5, it is actually a very, very large lineup, so this is also a bit crazy for the Rockets to imitate.

For the Rockets, their five-dead lineup can be said to have really taken the five-death lineup to the extreme.

Because they feel that even if their inside lines are put up, they don’t actually have a strong defensive ability [then it’s better to open up the space by 10 points.

It would be good to end the opponent on the offensive end, so for the Rockets, they have decided to take this road to the extreme.

When the Rockets were on the court, even though they were dunked by the opponent, even though their inside line was almost sieved by people.

But in the course of the next game, the Rockets also transferred the ball continuously because the Rockets have very, very open space on the court.

Because of the other 4 of them, everyone can break through, everyone can catch the ball, and then shoot a three-pointer. Such a wide space is indeed a big problem for the Bulls' defense.

Although the Rockets' defense is not good, the thing to know is that they have already achieved the ultimate in their offense.

In the NBA, there is no other team he can use the space on the court to such an extent.

Even if it is the most powerful head coach in this league, Popovich or Phil Jackson, they have never thought of using such a method to teach.

If you let the head coach Steve Ke come and teach such a game, he probably didn't expect to be able to play like this on the court......

Although such a result is actually a completely unknown state, but for Anthony [this is entirely because he himself has brought his tactics to the extreme.

In such a situation, everyone on the court can catch the ball and shoot three-pointers, but in fact such a game has become a 1-on-1 singles game.

As long as there is a chance for a three-pointer, James Harden or Westbrook will immediately give the ball to their teammates and let them shoot an open three-pointer.

Create a lot of offensive opportunities for them, and their teammates will also create a lot of space for them to attack at this time.

I have to say that such an offensive tactic is indeed a very creative one, but its shortcoming is that it is too monotonous.

Such an offensive tactic actually pins all hopes of winning on James Harden and Westbrook. .

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