Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 1068 Fixed-Point Three-Pointer

Chapter 1068

Otherwise, once their three-pointers are impossible to shoot accurately, then their team will fall into a situation that is beyond redemption.

And the thing to know now is that James Harden and Westbrook are not too tacit in the first place.

Although the two of them said that they were teammates when they were in the Thunder [but James Harden at that time actually still played the role of the team's fifth man.

And Westbrook is the team's starting vacancy, 18 and also a role of the core vacancy.

Therefore, the ball rights of the two of them have always been mismatched, but at this time, the status of the two of them can be said to be basically the same.

So in today's game, once James Harden plays well, then it is actually for Westbrook.

It will be difficult for him to find a space to play, but if Westbrook is playing well, then James Harden can actually shoot some fixed-point three-pointers.

Because these styles of play actually conflict with their own original style of play. In fact, for the Rockets, they chose such a deal.

It's just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, because they know that if they continue to keep Chris Paul in their team lineup.

Then their team will definitely be a backwater, because if Chris Paul wants to play well in their team.

That is basically impossible, because Chris Paul has already locked up the space of their team, such a big contract.

It has made it impossible for them to obtain some relatively good players through transactions in recent years.

So for the Rockets, they can only rejuvenate their team through such a method.

They don't know what kind of results such a method can bring them, but what they know is that if they are really motionless, then it is really over.

Because if they really don't make any adjustments to their lineup, then in fact, for them, they definitely have no way to make a difference in the West

Now such an approach is actually a gamble, either the team will get better or the team will get worse.

No one can guarantee that Westbrook can adapt to the Rockets' tactical system better than Chris Paul in such a situation.

Although Chris Paul is already relatively old, but the thing to know 37B is his basketball IQ and the guarantee of his basketball skills.

He can adapt to such a team's tactical system in many teams, but Westbrook is actually different.

He has always been a player with a distinct personality.

So the game on the court is continuing now. It can be seen that James Harden is actually struggling in a new team system.

Because in such a situation, either he is facing the defense of two opponents, or in fact, he can only give the ball to Westbrook after he gets the ball. .

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