Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 111 New Girlfriend Ivanka! Daughter's Name! (3 Updates, Please Subscribe)

James knelt down and cried, Wade was beside him to comfort him.

Countless media reporters gathered around and frantically took pictures.

This tragic scene is destined to become a classic moment in NBA history.

Zhou Yuan came over, hugged and comforted James.

"Brother, you still have many opportunities, and you will win many championship trophies later."

James leaned close to Zhou Yuan's ear and covered his mouth with his hands, lest the media reporters infer what he said based on the shape of his mouth.

"Thank you brother! You did a great job, you shattered my championship dream. I will listen to you and work hard on back body skills in Xia Tian. Let's come back next year!"

Zhou Yuan smiled and didn't say anything.

Even if they cross the Knicks, the Heat will only lose even worse if they meet the Mavericks in the finals.

A mountain in Puerto Rico, Zhou Yuan will take care of him for James.

James walked along the player channel and returned to the locker room.

After taking a shower, he drove back home in a hurry.

According to James' plan, he didn't want to leave the house or go online for the last month.

He can roughly guess that the outside world will ridicule and abuse him overwhelmingly.

Before James entered the league, he was the darling of the sky and a super genius.

Unlike Jordan and Kobe, James can only live in the small place of Kecun at the beginning.

This is not even considered a city, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a larger village in the city.

Los Angeles and Chicago are world-renowned super metropolises.

063 James starts with the difficulty of purgatory, which also determines that he is destined to "defect".

Zhou Yuan doesn't think James is defecting.

Kecun is really hopeless.

The ball market is smaller than a chicken, and it is impossible to attract strong players to join.

With James alone, dragging Cleveland forward, it will never be possible to win the championship.

Besides, the NBA is the ultimate business league, a business.

If a player does not perform well, the team can kick them away at will.

Why can't players leave the team voluntarily?

Typical double standard dog!

It's just that James' departure has become the biggest reason for black fans to black him.

Even Zhou Yuan, he can't guarantee that he will stay in the Knicks forever, nor can he guarantee when the team will trade him.

But there are not many people as rational as Zhou Yuan, and more than 90% of the fans will still hate James.

So for at least a month, he will not leave home, nor will he go online, but concentrate on training, improving his skills, and making up for his shortcomings.

Zhou Yuan led the team and accepted the Eastern Conference Finals trophy from the league.

This trophy is made of silver, and it is far from the O'Brian Cup in the finals, one day at a time.

As Kobe said, finishing second means you're the biggest loser.

If you only get the Eastern Conference Finals trophy but not the CGFA Cup, then the existence of this trophy is the greatest mockery.

Zhou Yuan and all his teammates kept their faces black almost all the way, and accepted the silver trophy.

Before winning the championship, no one can laugh.

After returning to New York, Zhou Yuan's girlfriend group was not around for a while, so it was rare to be quiet.

He didn't go to the nightclub, after all, he wanted to be abstinent, but came to a cafe and drank some coffee alone.

In the private room next door, a very tall, almost 1.8 meter, blond beauty passed by unexpectedly.

She noticed Zhou Yuan's presence inadvertently, and knocked on his door a few minutes later.

This woman was older than Zhou Yuan, probably in her mid-twenties, with a hot figure and delicate skin.

There is a bit more elegance and intellectuality in the glamorous.

At first glance, it looks like a lady from everyone, different from those pure little sluts.

Zhou Yuan recognized it at a glance, this woman was actually Ivanka, the eldest daughter of Nashapu!

Ivanka herself is not only a world supermodel, but also a top student, and also serves as the president of her own company.

Whether it is figure, appearance, knowledge, or business and management ability, Ivanka stands at the pinnacle of women in the world.

This woman is no good!

"Can we have coffee together?" Ivanka asked with a smile.

Zhou Yuan waved her hand, indicating that she could do whatever she wanted.

Ivanka took a sip of coffee and said with a faint smile: "I'm from New York, and I like watching your games very much. In fact, before you came to New York, I didn't know much about basketball. Now I like basketball. No way. Let’s say I like basketball, but in fact, I mainly like you…”

This kind of straightforward conversation made Zhou Yuan very comfortable!

He doesn't like most things in America.

I only like money and beautiful women in the United States.

The United States not only has many top goddesses, but they also like to be straightforward, enthusiastic and open, which makes Zhou Yuan very satisfied.

"Can I make a friend?" Ivanka asked with a squinted smile.

Zhou Yuan shook his finger: ""I don't like making friends very much, not physical friends. "

Ivanka laughed: "Coincidentally, I don't have a boyfriend, why don't I try dating? I'm not young anymore."

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows: "I am an unmarriageist. If you become my girlfriend, it may be difficult to get married."

Ivanka made a gesture of understanding.

Her family background determines that it is impossible for her to give a real person.

Even though Zhou Yuan has super popularity.

But on this matter, I believe there will still be many opposing voices.

Zhou Yuan also knew that Ivanka was not an easy woman, and he just wanted to play with her, not for real.

What's more, Zhou Yuan couldn't afford to offend her background, so she was just amused.

"That's how it is! I still have something to do now, and I will ask you out when I have time."

Ivanka left her contact information and then left.

The day after the Knicks defeated the Heat, the results of the Western Conference Finals were also released.

Although the Thunder played seven games with the Grizzlies, the time was greatly delayed.

However, the Eastern Conference finals played six games, while the Western Conference finals played five games, and the time difference was quickly smoothed out.

The Mavericks led by the old driver beat the youth team Thunder!

If the Grizzlies do not have enough strength, let the Thunder, which is full of talent but lack of experience, pay the tuition.

The Maverick obviously made Lei Ting pay a lot of tuition fees, and he went bankrupt!

The older Nowitzki and Kidd are, the more demonic they are, and the Thunder can't beat them.

To some extent, talent can indeed cover up the lack of experience.

But Thunder's talent was not as strong as Zhou Yuan's, so it could only be reduced to a stepping stone for the Mavericks to advance to the Finals.

First abuse the starter, then sweep the Lakers, and finally beat the Thunder.

No one thought that the Mavericks would be the last to rush out of the West.

This is in line with the NBA's slogan: "Where Miracles Happen!"

In such a commercial competitive league, it is full of miracles.

Two days later, the Dallas Mavericks will be a guest at Madison Square Garden. Start the final championship battle with the Knicks.

For fans throughout New York, it was like a dream.

Last season, the team was still rotten through the universe.

This season, they have made great strides all the way, reaching the finals vigorously.

Regardless of whether you win or lose, being able to get to this point is already a miracle.

If he could win the championship in the end, it would undoubtedly make this miracle more complete, and Zhou Yuan would also be able to become a god completely.

If lead the team to win the championship.

Then Zhou Yuan's achievements this season are enough for him to be promoted to the top 50 players in history.

Before the start of the finals, Scarlett went to the hospital for an examination and confirmed that the baby in her stomach was a daughter.

After returning, she asked Zhou Yuan to name her daughter.

Zhou Yuan thought about it for a long time, but he still didn't decide on a final name. He just chose a nickname, Angela.

It's a bit of a bad street, but it sounds good.

Scarlett was happy with the name.

"Then tomorrow night, I will be on the sidelines with Angela to cheer you on. We must win the championship and lead New York to rise."

Zhou Yuan is now the city hero of the whole New York, the king of the orange country!

But in the end, whether he can become a god depends on the finals. .

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