Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 117 The Night Of The Championship! The King Of New York Is Crowned! (2 More, Please Subscrib

After defeating the Mavericks in Game 1, the Knicks had a day off.

But none of the players indulged in the fun.

Instead, he chose to practice or rest.

Zhou Yuan didn't practice more, with his current strength, he didn't need to practice at all.

Preserving the physical strength to the greatest extent and preparing for the second battle is the top priority.

After losing the first game, Sheng made adjustments.

But the overall strategy remains unchanged, control the rhythm, drag the position, and defend the defense.

This is the Mavericks biggest magic weapon.

Only some specific tactics have been adjusted.

At the same time, Carlisle also developed a lot of defensive tactics for Zhou Yuan playing inside.

But whether these tactics will work, Lyle is not sure.

Absolutely powerful players cannot be suppressed by tactics at all.

For example, an inside monster like O'Neill.

What kind of tactics can you use to restrain him?

At the beginning, I didn't know how many teams and coaches racked their brains to come up with all kinds of tactics.

Is there a fur?

It was nothing more than a feeble and futile resistance.

The second game will be held at Madison Square Garden as usual.

This time Zhou Yuan did not play inside, but returned to the outside.

Although Zhou Yuan can perfectly incarnate as a top inside killer.

But this may slow down the team's offensive rhythm and fall into a positional battle with the Mavericks.

One can work, but not two.

Besides, Zhou Yuan's body was exhausted like this.

If it's the final life-and-death battle of the finals, you can do this.

Letting Zhou Yuan play the inside line every time, fighting hand-to-hand with the opponent, it's too tiring!

The main thing is that Zhou Yuan is different from ordinary insiders.

The general inside line, at most, is to catch offense and defense.

He also has to control the absolute possession of the ball and is responsible for the organization of the team on the offensive end.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to Jokic's style of play in his previous life.

But Zhou Yuan has a lot more work to do than Jokic.

And Billups, the point guard, is not considered a top-notch player, and he played even more in the finals.

This is quite cheating.

Moreover, Zhou Yuan played the full 48 minutes in each game, not daring to take a minute off.

Iron Man can't stand such consumption!

In this game, the Mavericks completely controlled the rhythm. The two sides almost fought positional battles throughout the game, and the speed could not be pushed up at all.

Although the Mavericks' zone defense locked up other Knicks players, it didn't work against Zhou Yuan.

He tore through the Mavericks' line of defense time and time again, breaking into the hinterland, and the Mavericks had nothing to do.

Can only keep fouling.

In the whole game, Zhou Yuan made 28 free throws!

He made 12 of 21 shots and 4 of 6 three-pointers, scoring 26 points.

Plus 28 of 28 free throws, scored 54 points again!

Dirk Nowitzki on the Mavericks side also went into berserk mode.

He made 16 of 27 shots and 12 of 12 free throws. He also scored 45 points.

But this game, Stoudemire and Tracy McGrady have stood up.

Relying on Stoudemire's mid-range shot from the free throw line, he kept defeating the Mavericks' zone defense.

On the other hand, McGrady hit 5 three-pointers from the bottom corner, which made Xiaosheng's zone defense pay a heavy price.

At the critical moment, Zhou Yuan made 6 of 6 free throws.

In the end, the Knicks once again defeated the Dallas Mavericks 107:103.

2:0, grasped the absolute lead!

Only two more wins are needed to lift the O'Brian Cup.

The next three games will be the real test for the Knicks.

Because the three consecutive games must be played at the home court of the Mavericks.

This means that if they want to take the initiative, the Knicks must at least eat the next game in three away games to get the match point.

Then go back to your own home court in the holy land of basketball, it will be more comfortable.

If the Mavericks win three consecutive games at home, like last year's Lakers, it will be quite difficult.

Last year's Lakers had two home games with 1 win and one loss, and one away game.

Finally returned to the Staples Center with a 2:3 disadvantage.

Fortunately, the Lakers did not lose the remaining two home games, and finally won the cup 4:3.

Zhou Yuan did not want such a situation to arise.

In order to save energy, Zhou Yuan may release water a little in a certain game.

It doesn't matter if you lose, just store up your strength and get it back in the next game.

On June 8, the third game of the Finals was held as scheduled at the American Airlines Stadium, home of the Dallas Mavericks.

The entire arena has become a blue ocean.

20,000 fans wearing blue playoff T-shirts are shouting frantically.

Among them, you can also see many fans wearing orange-red No. 1 jerseys.

Zhou Yuan has a very large fan base all over the world.

In many away games, the number of fans even almost catch up with the home team.

But the Mavericks' home fans are still very loyal.

Generally speaking, the entire arena still presents the main color of blue.

Came to play at home, Mavericks players completely reborn.

This group of old men, one by one the old men chatted about being teenagers, as if they had taken the Vajra Power Pill, they were very ferocious.

In addition, in this match, Zhou Yuan deliberately held back and only exerted seven points of strength.

Therefore, in the end, the Knicks lost 103,119 to the Dallas Mavericks in an away game.

Nowitzki scored 33 points, Terry scored 20 points, Kidd scored a triple-double, all exploded!

Zhou Yuan made 11 of 18 shots and scored 27 points, 12 rebounds and 14 assists.

Even such a perfect super triple-double data.

Still, Zhou Yuan was severely criticized by the outside world.

People are used to Zhou Yuan getting 40+10+10 now.

As long as this standard is not met, it will be criticized overwhelmingly.

Similar to James in the previous life.

They are all thirty-six or seven years old, and they were scolded when they didn't get 40 points.

too difficult!

These media and fans are used to it!

In the fourth round, Zhou Yuan, who had been recharging his energy for a long time, ushered in a big explosion.

In the whole game, he scored 47 points, 15 rebounds and 8 assists.

Led the team to overthrow the Mavericks away with 123:109 after an overtime.

The two teams were 108:108 before going into overtime!

Zhou Yuan scored 12 points in overtime, leading the team to a 14-1 run, allowing the Mavericks to score only 1 point in overtime.

Created a shameful record at home and lost a victory.


Knicks get match point!

Just need to win one more game.

The Knicks will be able to win the championship and win the O'Brian Trophy.

Zhou Yuan will also get his second championship ring in his career.

There are many superstars in the NBA who have never won a championship ring in their entire lives.

For example, Barkley, Malone, Stockton, Nash and so on.

But there are also many role players who have won countless championship rings in their lives.

For example, Robert Horry has won a total of 7 rings in his career.

Another example is the previous mobile dynasty McCaw, who won three consecutive championships as an absolute role player!

Business alliances are so real and cruel!

Zhou Yuan's first championship ring was basically a mess.

Although he contributed a wonderful three-point lore.

But throughout the playoffs, Zhou Yuan only scored those 3 points and played for less than 1 minute.

It can be said that Zhou Yuan's three-pointers are worth ten thousand dollars.

But I have to admit, it's really a mess!

When evaluating his historical status in the future, that ring will have no effect on Zhou Yuan.

Even winning the championship as the second and third child is considered an honor.

For superstars, this kind of championship will instead become material to be discredited by black fans.

Therefore, this season's championship is Zhou Yuan's first championship in the true sense!

In the first official season of his career, he won the scoring, assists, steals, blocks, MVP, AMVP, DPOY!

Then win the championship and FMVP.

That is the complete realization of the Grand Slam.

An achievement that has never been seen before!

It can definitely make Zhou Yuan one of the top 50 players in the Hall of Fame and history.

3:1 behind the situation, the Mavericks have reached the verge of life and death.

One foot was pushed to the edge of a cliff, and if one is not careful, it will be lost forever.

These veterans all have a championship dream.

This may be the closest they have come to a championship in their careers.

Fighting all of them!

Both Carlisle and Cuban mobilized before the game.

Cuban promised that if they can reverse the championship, they will be given a lot of benefits.

It will also allow most of them to stay in the team and not be traded.

But in the history of the finals, there have been a total of 30 3:1 situations.

The lagging team has never achieved a reversal once.

The downside to the Mavericks is that.

Two of the remaining three games will be held at Madison Square Garden, and they will be away games!

The right time, place and people are all tilted towards the Knicks.

……ask for flowers…

The fifth game will be held in the Airline Center Stadium as usual.

Although the Knicks team hopes to win the trophy in their own kingdom in the holy land of basketball, and celebrate with the fans.

But if this victory can be eaten in Dallas, of course it would be the best.

But the old fritters like Mavericks don't agree.

After a whole fierce battle.

The Knicks still lost to the Mavericks 98:104.

The total score of the series became 3:2!

In this game, the veterans of the Mavericks almost burned the remaining fuel in the fuel tank.

After the competition, they all lay down on the ground, tired.

They bet the rest of their careers on this game.

But Zhou Yuan is not worried.

Back to Madison Square Garden for the next game.

Climb to the throne in your own kingdom!

Wouldn't that feel better?

Zhou Yuan, the king of New York, wants to let countless subjects witness his coronation crown in his own country!

In the first five games, two games broke the ratings record of the previous finals.

And the ratings of this sixth game are even more terrifying.

Before the fight started, it was almost equal to the record set in the second game.

If nothing else, setting a new record for ratings is a matter of minutes.

T, N, and T's three sons Barkley, Kenny Smith and O'Neill are all in the commentary booth.

Also invited Pippen and Wade.

This time Wade watched the game as a guest commentator.

Even though he was eliminated by the Knicks, Wade's mood was not relatively peaceful.

He didn't bear the huge pressure of James.

And he already has a championship ring in his hand.

Still the boss champion, quite confident.

Even if you never win a championship in your entire career.

He is also enough to enter the top fifty players in history.

"This game is very important for the Knicks, they must win the championship! Otherwise

Let the Mavericks win two games in a row, and their momentum will rise, which will be a very bad signal. Buckley said.

Leading 3:1, he has already rubbed against the goddess of the finals.

If the opponent wins two games in a row.

It's just rubbing, it's really hard to say whether you can get in in the end.

Sure Smith smiled: "Tonight is destined to be the night of the finals, there should be no miracles. The Mavericks, the old guys, have burned all their energy in the last game

, this game will be a massacre.

O'Neal nodded and said, "I also agree with this statement. Zhou Yuan obviously didn't try his best in the two games he lost."

"We can see a 200% full week in this game. He will not allow the team to miss the championship."

Wade nodded enviously: "Yes, the Knicks will definitely win the championship tonight. In this way, I can say that we lost to this year's championship, not to the Eastern Conference.

The champion of the department, isn't it more face-saving?"

Many top celebrities also came to the sidelines, waiting for the Knicks to win the cup.

This is the influence of the world's largest metropolis.

Except at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

In other arenas, it is difficult for you to see so many celebrities and superstars.

Only New York has such influence.

Father Bill Russell appeared in the venue as usual.

If this game can decide the championship.

Then he will be responsible for awarding the FMVP trophy.

Because the FMVP trophy is named after Russell, in order to commemorate him, the Lord of the Rings.

"Come on! Let's win this game, we can't afford to lose!"

Before the start of the game, Nowitzki called the whole team together to shout.

They are all old players, all of them are firm-willed and have strong beliefs.

Maintain a 100% fighting state at all times.

But on the Knicks side, Zhou Yuan has to give his teammates a good grip.

"Brothers! What do you want? Money, honor, beauty! As long as you win this game, you have everything."

"The team pays us to go to nightclubs, we can take a red wine bath, and there will be countless beauties in our arms."

"You will be members of the championship! Plated with a layer of gold, the worth will be even higher. Everything is only one victory away!"


Stimulated by Zhou Yuan's inflammatory remarks.

The Knicks players were all in high spirits, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Soon, the sixth game of the finals began.

Whether tonight is the night of the championship, or whether the Knicks will swallow the bitter pill again, we will see the difference soon. .

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