Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 120: Championship Carnival! Girlfriend Group Together! Refusal To Visit The White House (1 U

Zhou Yuan carried the O'Brian Cup and the FMVP trophy and walked towards the player tunnel.

The fans on both sides of the stands wildly stretched out their hands to celebrate with Zhou Yuan.

But Zhou Yuan didn't have any hands free to give them high fives.

"Dad... Dad..."

At this moment, a little girl about three or four years old with blond hair and blue eyes yelled at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan laughed: "Little girl, daddy is not called casually! My daughter is not born yet!"

"However, since you are so brave, I will give you the sneakers!"

Zhou Yuan yelled at the staff in front, asking him to take off his shoes, sign them with a pen, and give them to the little girl.

You know, these are the shoes worn by Zhou Yuan on the night of winning the championship, as well as his autograph.

If the little girl's parents put it up for auction, not to mention a few million dollars, it can still be sold for 1.8 million dollars.

After all, Zhou Yuan's signed star card can reach more than 2 million US dollars.

Wouldn't it be a minute to sell the original sneakers signed by Yuanweier that I personally wore on the night of winning the championship for 1 million?

"Thank you dad.....No, no, thank you big brother!"

The little girl was crazy with excitement, and it was her parents who were more excited than the little girl.

With this pair of shoes, the family will be rich and powerful.

A pair of sneakers changed fate!

Finally, Zhou Yuan entered the hallway with two trophies on his shoulders.

The staff on both sides of the corridor were all celebrating wildly, and each one was happier than the other.

Although they are just ordinary staff members of the team, there are bonuses for winning the championship.

And Zhou Yuan has announced that he will give all the prize money from the finals to the staff.

This is a huge income for them.

Besides, if the unit they work for wins the championship, they must have glory in their faces.

Even if you look for a job again in the future, you will have a brilliant stroke on your resume.

Zhou Yuan came to the door of the locker room and paused.

Through the door, he could already hear the sound of crazy celebration inside.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yuan pushed open the door.

Sure enough, strands of white stuff made his face instantly.

This white thing seems familiar to Zhou Yuan, of course it is champagne!

Teammates and management staff were all cheering wildly and swaying champagne wildly.

Pull out the lid, the champagne all over the sky turned into white water columns, intertwined over the room, just like rain.

Champagne rain has become one of the daily celebrations for championship teams.

Although Stoudemire won the championship for the first time.

But as a guy who loves wine baths, he seems to have a knack for celebrating with champagne.

He kept picking up bottle after bottle of champagne and sprayed it on Zhou Yuan's face.

And Zhou Yuan also put down the trophy, picked up the champagne and sparred with him to see who could shoot farther and with more energy!

"Champion! Champion! Champion 々||!"

People celebrated and shouted.

The expressions of James Dolan and Grunwald next to them gradually became serious.

The moment of winning the championship is wonderful and gratifying, but they have to think in the long run.

They want more championship moments.

Then it involves the operation of the offseason.

Keeping Zhou Yuan in New York is naturally the top priority.

The maximum salary is definitely offered.

Because Zhou Yuan is an undrafted pick, he will not be restricted by his rookie contract and can get a maximum salary.

However, the team's salary space has been filled.

Dolan will definitely guarantee to give Zhou Yuan a maximum salary without paying the luxury tax as much as possible.

This may involve a series of trading operations.

Of course, Dolan and Grunwald will seek Zhou Yuan's opinion before making a trade.

If he has any good proposals, the team will definitely operate according to what he said.

They will also follow Zhou Yuan's advice on whoever they want to trade away.

Zhou Yuan nodded, let's do it.

Zhou Yuan gave up without nodding.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Yuan is now the team and the one who has the real decision-making power.

No way, superstars have such a role in the team, James and Kobe are like this.

Although they kept saying that they would not intervene in the team's trading operations, it was impossible.

A real top star is like a father to many team owners.

At this time, Grunwald obviously couldn't mention the matter of staying in the team with Zhou Yuan, but he also reminded Zhou Yuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Grunwald gave the championship speech.

"Great job guys, we got the championship, we're the championship!"

"Let me remain competitive next year, win two or even three consecutive championships, and we will create a dynasty!"

The overtones are already apparent.

The Knicks aim to win two consecutive championships and even establish a dynasty, so Zhou Yuan is naturally indispensable.

Overtly and secretly, Zhou Yuan was conveyed the request to stay in the team.

Zhou Yuan pretended to be crazy and stupid, and ignored him.

Which team to stay in is a matter of consideration later, let's talk about it after enough waves!

Stoudemire clapped his hands: "Brothers, "Do you want to go to my house to take a red wine bath tonight? I have prepared a car full of red wine.

"There are more than a dozen bathtubs in my house, enough for you to soak in, and even one or two beauties for each of you can hold it."

Ariza shook his finger: "No, no, I still think it's better to go to the nightclub first, to relax."

Billups smiled: "Okay. I have been in New York for so long, and I haven't been to a nightclub a few times. Recently, I heard that there are a lot of new girls there. They should be pretty good. I want to try it."

There are people who want to do anything.

But as Zhou Yuan is the boss, everyone naturally wants to know his plan.

Zhou Yuan waved his hand: "You guys go to the nightclub, I'll go back later."

Ariza was very surprised: "How is it possible? Our king of nightclubs refuses to go to nightclubs at this moment?"

Zhou Yuan did not explain why.

There are too many people waiting for a date with him tonight.

For example, Ivanka and Catherine, what level are they?

One is the Terminator, the daughter of the Mayor of Los Angeles.

The other is the daughter of the future US President Nashapu.

They are all super white and rich with fair skin, beautiful long legs, temperament and knowledge!

With such a top goddess in front of you, why go to a nightclub?


Besides, Scarlett's girlfriends, the three Kardashians, Megan Fox and the others are all waiting for Zhou Yuan at home.

Enough for Zhou Yuan to keep busy.

Isn't this better than a nightclub?

As long as Zhou Yuan thinks, home is a nightclub!


In a mansion, Ivanka and Catherine are waiting for Zhou Yuan.

They prepared some red wine and some delicacies for a simple celebration.

Zhou Yuan would stay with them at night.

When the sky is about to dawn in the second half of the night, I will go back to Scarlett and the others.

For Zhou Yuan, it took a lot of energy, energy and spirit. After all, he doesn't know how to manage time.

"...Great baby, I said before, you are better than my dad, you are the terminator! No one can take away the championship in front of you.

Catherine hugged and kissed Zhou Yuan.

Ivanka is more straightforward: "Although it is impossible for the two of us to get married, I still feel very honored that you can be my first man. Maybe I will not get married in the future, nor will I find another man friend."

The next thing is easy.

Eat, drink, wash, and finally perform some favorite activities.

Looking at Catherine and Ivanka beside him, Zhou Yuan felt as if he had conquered the entire United States.

After all, the identities of the two of them are not ordinary.

It is much more noble than Scarlett, Taylor, movie stars, singers, and the ladies of the Kardashian family.

The next day, Zhou Yuan received an invitation from **.

He's going (has it) to invite the entire Knicks team to the White House.

Zhou Yuan hesitated for a moment and chose to refuse.

The relationship between the United States and China is very bad, and the White House is the source of evil.

Zhou Yuan didn't want to go there.

He found a random reason, saying that he happened to be with his parents in Huaxia on the day he went to the White House, so he didn't have time to go.

After prevarication, Zhou Yuan is ready to participate in the championship parade with the team.

After each team wins the championship, there will be a parade.

The government will plan the corresponding road section in advance for the team's parade, and this section will be temporarily under traffic control.

On June 15th, Zhou Yuan and his teammates sat on floats and paraded along several streets near Manhattan.

All kinds of fireworks and champagne are flying in the sky!

Zhou Yuan stands in the lead, constantly undergoing various evolutions.

Wherever it passed, the male fans cheered and the female fans shook their heads.

A peaceful scene.

Zhou Yuan is like a king, enjoying the worship of countless subjects, and being held on the throne by them!

Extraordinary feeling!

After several days and nights of crazy celebrations, everything slowly returned to calm.

At this time, Zhou Yuan received another piece of great news. .

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