Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 122: A Blockbuster Deal Is Completed! Invincible Galaxy Battleship Knicks! (3 Updates, Pleas

Before Zhou Yuan and Scarlett left for Los Angeles.

On June 24, the NBA Draft was held as scheduled at the Prudential Center Arena in New Jersey.

NBA teams have selected 60 players for this year.

Since the Knicks do not have a good draft pick, they are basically in the first or second round, which can be completely ignored.

In the end, the Knicks selected Iman Shumpert with the 17th pick in the first round.

This broom head has a certain defensive ability, and can also make three-pointers, but it is not very stable.

Similar to Ariza's function.

If Klay Thompson can be traded, Ariza and Shumpert can only keep one.

The No. 1 pick in this year's draft, Kyrie Irving, was taken away by the Cavaliers~.

As the No. 1 pick, Euro is definitely not a parallel importer, and it can even be regarded as the best performer among the No. 1 picks.

It's just that Owen's heart is higher than the sky, and his strength is much worse.

If Irving really came to the Knicks, it would cause an explosion in the locker room.

Besides, Curry, Clay's Splash Brothers, plus a top defensive gate Leonard, three outsiders are enough.

Zhou Yuan can play more inside shots appropriately.

Anyway, for Zhou Yuan, he can perfectly adapt to the five positions on the court.

Besides, such a team can definitely cause epoch-making changes.

It is not necessary to divide the positions on the field so clearly.

What is certain is that the Knicks team of the dead five will be more terrifying than the universe brave in the previous life.

Zhou Yuan, Thompson, and Leonard are all defensive champions.

Curry and Stoudemire are slightly worse, but average.

What's more, the offensive firepower of these two is very fierce, and they can defend.

Invincible firepower, plus the overall top defense.

This Knicks team is going to be a league-wide nightmare.

Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, inside Kobe's mansion.

Zhou Yuan brought Scarlett to Kobe's house as a guest.

Mrs. Va carefully prepared a big meal.

After eating, Kobe intends to use his private helicopter tomorrow to take everyone around Los Angeles.

After all, such a large group of people cannot fit in one car.

And they're so famous that driving out can cause a commotion.

Where is the comfort of a helicopter?

Looking down from a high altitude, it is condescending, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery, and it is very quiet, how wonderful!

"Brother, the helicopter is indeed a good thing, but it's too risky, so don't ride it in the future!" Zhou Yuan gave advice.

"How can it be so exaggerated? So many rich people have private jets, and the accident rate of this thing is very low." Kobe shook his head.

"It's true that the accident rate is low, but once an accident occurs, the survival rate is zero. It's better to be cautious. This is my advice. Anyway, I will never buy a private jet in my life."

That being said.

But Zhou Yuan still took Scarlett and spent a few days in Los Angeles with Kobe's family on a private jet.

Afterwards, Zhou Yuan traveled to various resorts around the world alone.

During the process, Zhou Yuan of course had to experience beauties with different styles from all over the world.

He wants to make a contribution to the development of the global economy.

But there are many beauties who don't need money at all.

When Zhou Yuan called, they obediently delivered them to their door, including many Victoria's Secret supermodels.

Here at Zhou Yuan, Victoria has no secrets!

After the free trading market opens on July 1st.

The entire 30 teams in the NBA are caught in a busy situation.

Just after midnight, Rich Paul's phone rang off the hook.

In the first official season of Zhou Yuan's career, he won numerous honors, broke many miracles, and led his team to win the championship.

It can be said that Zhou Yuan's potential is much higher than that of Jordan, Kobe, and James in his rookie period.

The 30 teams in the league have long been keeping an eye on this piece of fat.

In order to get Zhou Yuan, they will do whatever it takes.

Zhou Yuan is a free agent now, without a contract, and does not need to be subject to various restrictions from the Knicks.

As long as each team is willing to pay and shows enough sincerity and attractiveness, it is possible to get Zhou Yuan.

The general manager of every team talks about the hype.

Lakers: We have Kobe and Gasol, we are the defending champions! Joining the Lakers can create a dynasty.

Spurs: We have a GDP combination and a top coach Popovich. Joining the Spurs can win many championships.

Celtics: We have the Big Four, plus Zhou Yuan, it will be a combination of five All-Stars, a super invincible lineup, and it will be easier to win the championship. Zhou Yuan doesn't have to play so tired, and Boston is also a big ball market.

Bobcats: Our boss is Jordan.

King: We don't have any advantages...we just want Zhou Yuan anyway!

Rich Paul has too many players.

He himself is an old fritter and an old fox, and he knows how to talk to people and talk nonsense to people under such circumstances.

Since Zhou Yuan hasn't decided which team to meet with, or which team to join.

We can only hang them first.

At the same time, the Lakers are anxious to sign Zhou Yuan.

They wanted to skip Rich Paul and go straight to Zhou Yuan.

They even called Kobe over, wanting Kobe to persuade Zhou Yuan to join the Lakers.

Bryant looked at Mitch Kubchak and shook his head.

"This guy probably won't come to the Lakers. Zhou Yuan and I are friends and foes. Off the court we are friends, and on the court we both have the same competitive spirit and are rebellious."

"I am the Black Mamba, and he is the Yellow Mamba! Two people with the spirit of the Mamba cannot be compatible in the same team.

Jeri Bus frowned: "There will be a solution, as long as Zhou Yuan can join the Lakers, everything will be resolved."

How can the Lakers manage so much now?

Get Zhou Yuan over here first.

Just like the goddess Pao, who is responsible or not, married or not.

That's all for later, get it first and then talk about other things!

"You guys better not contact Zhou Yuan, I do have his phone number. If you call him, he will definitely not want to come to the Lakers. This is what the agent should do." Bryant shrugged,

In this way, the Lakers boss is really out of control.

Originally, I thought that relying on Kobe's relationship, I could get the moon first.

Unexpectedly, the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

On the Knicks side, management is equally busy.

Zhou Yuan has already suggested a trade.

In order to cater to Zhou Yuan's thoughts [The management must be desperate to win these people down.

Grunwald first called Pacers president Larry Bird.

Larry Bird is a Celtic legend.

He served as the head coach after retiring, and now he is the president of basketball operations for the Pacers, in charge of everything big and small.

Although the Pacers are still not improving.

But Larry Pod's position as president is relatively stable.

"Hey Larry, I think it's necessary for us to talk about the Kawhi Leonard trade of your No. 15 this year.

Larry Bird is actually not optimistic about Leonard.

The Pacers in the previous life traded Xiaoka out.

Now that someone wants to take over, Larry Bird is naturally very interested.

Kawhi Leonard was the 15th pick in the first round anyway.

If you want him, you must have high-quality chips.

Grunwald was quick to offer his ideas.

The Knicks are willing to take out a first-round pick and a second-round pick.

……ask for flowers…

At the same time, you can make a three-way deal with the Pacers and another team, and close to the Pacers to get rid of a middle-class garbage contract.

This is very tempting.

A first-round pick in 2012, plus a second-round pick.

It can almost match Leonard's pick.

You can also take the opportunity to get rid of a middle-class rubbish contract, so it won't take off yet?

Larry Bird was naturally interested in the deal.

But he didn't agree right away, but started with it first, and continued to look at the situation later.

How could anyone agree to it right from the start?

Subsequently, Grunwald found Warriors general manager Larry Riley and named Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson.

Grunwald had no idea what he was doing.

If he knew that he was trying to dismantle the warrior dynasty, he would definitely feel himself!

Klay Thompson is the 11th rookie in the first round, and his value is not low.

Curry is an excellent point guard averaging 17 points per game.

Although plagued by injuries, the transaction value has been reduced.

But it is difficult to impress the Warriors without a good bargaining chip.

In this regard, Grunwald said that the Knicks are willing to take out the top 10 protected picks in the first round in 2013, an ordinary first-round pick, and a second-round medical pick.

Plus Billups, Ariza, Beverly, Shumpert, Gallinari, just pick.

At the same time, it also promised that a three-party transaction can be conducted to help the Warriors get rid of a large garbage contract.

Both the Warriors and the Pacers currently plan to rebuild.

But there are rubbish contracts in the team that cannot be thrown away, which greatly delays the reconstruction.

Such chips are very exciting.

Negotiations continued for half a month.

Later, the Warriors simply put Curry and Thompson on the shelf, checked the offers of each team, and made a comprehensive evaluation.

Surprisingly, there wasn't much interest in an injured Curry and a rookie pure pitcher.

In terms of quotations, the Knicks naturally gave the highest quotations.

The Warriors management has been infinitely inclined to accept the Knicks' offer.

While the negotiations were in full swing, Zhou Yuan finished his vacation and returned to China.

As a time traveler, Zhou Yuan has no parents, no worries.

When he returned to China, his main purpose was to invest.

Taking advantage of the current domestic housing prices, land prices are still very cheap.

Zhou Yuan spent 100 million U.S. dollars and bought countless land and houses.

According to Zhou Yuan's estimate.

Ten years later, at least four or five billion dollars in return can be obtained, or even more.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yuan bought so much land that he can build shopping malls, schools, communities, etc. in the future, and the follow-up income will be extremely huge.

Zhou Yuan also took time to visit Yang Mi's house.

He has no intention of getting married.

Going to see Yang Mi's parents was just out of politeness.

By the way, I had some entertainment activities with sound with her.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan participated in a series of announcements and activities in China, and signed some endorsements.

After that, he turned his attention to investing.

At present, the domestic Internet is still in its infancy, and the high-tech industry is only in its infancy.

So Zhou Yuan invested in Huawei Mobile and created ByteDance.

With his financial support, these companies can develop rapidly.

Huaxia will be able to enter the information age faster than in the previous life.

It can not only make a lot of money, but also promote domestic development, which is the best of both worlds.

Around early August, Zhou Yuan returned to the United States to prepare for the new season.

And at this time, through the unremitting efforts of the Knicks, all three deals were completed!

Knicks formed the prototype of Galacticos II. .

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