Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 124 Got The Ring! A New Lineup Of Champions! (1 Update, Please Subscribe)

In the entire arena, there was a burst of cheers.

The lights dimmed, and the spotlight shrouded the central area of ​​the arena.

Zhou Yuan and his teammates lined up to receive the championship ring.

NBA commissioner David Stern, as well as some league executives.

Each held a box containing a championship ring, ready to award.

Zhou Yuan, Stoudemire, Ariza, Griffin, McGrady and others were extremely excited and excited.

Curry, Clay, Leonard and others next to them are much calmer.

Because the championship ring has nothing to do with them.

In addition to being calm, there is more envy, jealousy and hatred.

Curry couldn't help rubbing his palms.

The championship ring almost made him cry.

As for any NBA player who has a heart, who doesn't want to get a championship ring?

Many big-name stars would rather cut their salaries significantly, join a strong team and hold their thighs, chasing the championship.

There are also some aging superstars who would rather go to another team to get a basic salary, but also to realize their dream of being a champion.

The combination of Stoudemire and Nash has been chasing the championship for many years without hope.

Now that the ring was in front of him, he was so excited that he was about to cry.

Maddie couldn't help but burst into tears.

I have been criticized for so many years, and I was criticized and ridiculed by the outside world after being injured, thinking that it is over.

Now a championship ring has completely sealed the mouths of those trolls!

Although not the boss champion.

But McGrady's performance in the playoffs is obvious to all.

The White Horse Spear is still here today!

"I'm so envious bro, I think next year we will stand in this place and get the championship ring!"

Curry patted Clay on the shoulder, he was the most coquettish 26 talker.

Maybe Clay put all his desires in the nightclub outside the court, and he had an ascetic expression on the court.

Facing Curry's encouragement, Clay nodded in astonishment: Yes.

Seeing how uninterested this guy was, Curry turned around and started flirting with Leonard next to him.

"Brother, let's fight for another championship ring together."

Unexpectedly, Leonard's reaction was even colder.

He glanced at Curry coldly, nodded mechanically: "Oh.

Curry was about to collapse.

How do you have two teammates?

One looks ascetic, and the other is just a fucking robot.

Or Zhou Yuan is more coquettish, in line with his personality!

But Zhou Yuan was about to receive the award, and Curry couldn't disturb him, so he could only huddle on the sidelines and watch secretly.

Very much like Westbrook in his previous life, he peeked at the MVP trophy expression, full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

David Stern next to him began his speech.

"Congratulations again to the Knicks for winning the NBA championship in the 2010-2011 season. Next, they will be awarded championship rings."

"This is a championship ring carefully crafted by the league for them. It is full of commemorative significance. I hope they can make persistent efforts in the new season."

Then the various executives of the league went up one by one and awarded the championship rings to each player.

Zhou Yuan is naturally the finale.

It was David Stern himself who presented the ring to Zhou Yuan, which also proved Zhou Yuan's status.

The absolute boss, there is no suspense!

After getting the ring, Zhou Yuan gave a speech without even looking at it.

"Thank you for the championship ring awarded to us by the league. Now we are the defending champions! And this time next year, we may still stand here and get my third ring."

After talking for a while, Zhou Yuan had time to observe carefully.

The NBA championship rings all have a fixed weight and a similar budget.

But the designers and manufacturers are selected by the championship team itself.

There are so many top designers in New York, it is not difficult to find a master.

As for the content of the design, it is obviously decided by the championship team itself.

On this championship ring, there is a big number 3.

It symbolizes that the Knicks won the third championship in team history!

At the same time, the iconic buildings of Times Square are also printed on it, as well as a fresh element that has never been seen before——————— The Great Wall!

Zhou Yuan is from Huaxia, he led the team to win the championship.

In order to commemorate Zhou Yuan, some Chinese elements must be incorporated.

In the eyes of these foreigners, the most famous element in Huaxia is nothing more than the Great Wall.

From this aspect, the team is still very attentive.

Seeing many teammates wearing championship rings one after another, Curry turned purple with envy.

The fighting spirit in my heart is even stronger!

The fans on the sidelines stood up and applauded.

"Great Zhou Yuan, give us more championship rings, you will always be our king

"As long as Zhou Yuan is here, we will always be contenders for the championship, let's create a dynasty!"

"Take another championship ring, and all the women in New York will be yours!"

Su Qun on the sidelines chattered endlessly: "Congratulations Zhou Yuan, you have won the first real championship ring from a Chinese player."

"Although some Huaxia players got rings in the past, they were basically mixed. Don't talk about a stable rotation, it's just a drinking fountain, and they are not allowed to play.

"Including Zhou Yuan last season. It's different now. Zhou Yuan won the championship as the leader of the team and won the FMVP!"

"This is of great significance to the entire Chinese sports world. I said that Zhou Yuan is the greatest athlete in the history of Chinese sports. There should be no suspense, right?"

Yang Yi smiled: "No more, no more suspense, even Liu Xiang can't be compared with Zhou Yuan. God Zhou, forever Yuan!"

After the championship ring was awarded, various media and TV stations reported on it one after another.

New York Daily: Finally get the ring! The King of New York is just sailing.

T,N[T] The Rise of the New York Dynasty

ESPN: A new basketball god has just risen

ABC: The Tyrant is about to start his killing journey again

Sports Illustrated: A game of monopoly, capitalist rule over basketball begins again

The Taylor and Kardashian sisters who were watching the game stood up and applauded to send blessings to Zhou Wei.

At the same time, you can also see Ivanka and her father Moup, Catherine and her father Schwarzenegger.

However, Schwarzenegger has resigned from the post of governor of California this year and began to enjoy his old age.

And he recently plans to return to Hollywood and continue to make movies.

Definitely not as good as it was at its peak.

But you can earn a lot just by living on your laurels.

During his tenure as governor of California, he received mixed reviews.

But after all, he is an actor, and being able to reach this height is considered a success.

"Catherine, is your boyfriend Zhou Yuan? You should have told me a long time ago. Find a chance and I will compete with him." Schwarzenegger smiled.

Catherine's eyes widened.

"Dad, please don't, are you going to fight Zhou Yuan?"

Schwarzenegger couldn't help laughing: "Why, are you afraid that I'll break him? Don't worry, don't fight. The contest I'm talking about is a contest between men. A contest between men doesn't necessarily mean a fight."

Catherine breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good! I'm really afraid that Zhou Yuan accidentally hit too hard and hurt you."

Schwarzenegger was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Did I hear you right? Are you saying that you are afraid that he will hurt me? Just kidding, don't forget that your dad is the Terminator.

"Zhou Yuan can punch, his muscles are not as big as yours, and his stature, strength, and flexibility are stronger than yours."

"Besides, you're so old, you can't beat him! What do you want to compare with him? You can't compare to him in speed and strength!"

Schwarzenegger shut up for a moment.

Seems like that's the case!

My old man is really not good!

Of course, the old man was just joking.

Schwarzenegger knew that the two had no intention of getting married.

But in the name of Zhou Yuan's father-in-law, he still feels very good.

When I come back to filming, if I really can't do it, I can pull Zhou Yuan out to make a splash.

Isn't that beautiful?

Ivanka is chatting with her father, Moup.

"When do you plan to get married? You are not too young. You are the daughter of a wealthy family. You may become the daughter of the president in the future. It will not be good if you don't get married."

Ivanka pointed at Zhou Yuan: "Except for a 537 male god like Zhou Yuan, what should I do if I don't like anything else?"

A Pu with a dark face: "Zhou Yuan is really good, he is not only a basketball genius, but also an outstanding investor and a top businessman.

"If he's an American, I can marry both of my daughters to him right away, but it's a pity he's a real person."

"Unless you can persuade him to become an American citizen, I think it's a good idea. As long as he holds American citizenship, everything will be easy to handle."

Ivanka shook her head: "Forget it, let him get a green card from the United States, it is harder than letting him quit the league."

Curry looked at the championship ring in Zhou Yuan's hand and swallowed.

"Brother, can you let me nibble twice after the game? It's nothing else, I just want to feel the hardness of the championship."

Zhou Yuan patted him on the shoulder.

"I want to feel the hardness of a championship. I have something harder than a ring on my body."

Curry glared at him immediately: "Fuck you, I just got married, and you plan to break me up?"

After taking the championship ring and resting for a few minutes, the game is ready to start.

The Mavericks player next door had a black face all the way, and he was in pain.

he meow!

Alliance is too cheap, isn't it?

They chose the Mavericks to play the opening game against the Knicks.

Knowing that in the opening game, the Knicks will receive the championship ring.

And let them, the defeated general, watch the whole process?

Don't hit people in the face!

Every second, a knife will be stabbed in the Mavericks player's heart, it's too painful!

They both had the urge to skin Stern.

Soon, the game started and the starting players of the two teams entered the field.

A new Knicks, a new Knicks!

Although it has been criticized by the outside world.

But Zhou Yuan is full of confidence in this new lineup.

After all, Zhou Yuan replaced a champion point guard like Billups and threw away a lot of draft picks.

Just replace a Curry who is plagued by injuries, and two rookies with mediocre picks and obvious shortcomings?

The outside world is naturally not optimistic.


Zhou Yuan likes the way the outside world doesn't like it, and then slaps their faces swollen. .

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