Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 127 A Daughter Is About To Be Born! 26 Consecutive Victories To Start The Game! (4 More, Ple

The small ball storm set off by the Knicks swept the league.

This orange-red knight is even more brutal and tyrannical than last season!

Where the iron hooves pass, there is no grass growing, and it is barren.

In the next few games, the Knicks first beat the Orlando Magic 129:108~.

Then with a 40-point advantage, the Detroit Pistons were bloodbathed.

When encountering the bad team of the New Jersey Nets, the Knicks struggled a bit.

After all, in the long season, it is impossible for every team to maintain the peak state all the time.

Even the U.S. national team may not be able to achieve 82 wins in the regular season.

Unpopularity is common.

But the Knicks still relied on Zhou Yuan's two three-pointers to narrowly beat the Nets 117:112.

In the last game before Thanksgiving, the Knicks beat the New Orleans Hornets 122:99.

So far, it has won 12 consecutive victories in the opening game.

A perfect start!

The record for the longest winning streak in NBA history was created by the Knicks last season.

Now Zhou Yuan is expected to extend this record further!

And, finally hit the 72 wins and 10 losses created by the 96 Bulls dynasty!

In the first season of his career, Zhou Yuan really broke countless records.

But there are still many miracles that Zhou Yuan cannot get his hands on.

The record of 72 wins and 10 losses, the record of 16 wins and 1 loss in the playoffs of the OK combination, etc., are among them.

Zhou Yuan held his breath and wanted to break these records.

If we say before the start of last season, which is the hottest team in the league?

Without a doubt, the Miami Heat!

James, the big villain, led the Big Three to make the whole league frightened.

But in the middle and late stages of the season, Zhou Yuan's strong rise made the Knicks and the Heat the two major nightmares of the league.

But since the Knicks won the championship, they have won 12 consecutive games until now.

People have completely forgotten about the Heat!

The entire alliance is shrouded in orange-red clouds.

The orange cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

Meanwhile, Nike is also very busy.

The Zhou Yuan generation of boots launched last season has sold a full 2 ​​million pairs in about half a year, which is crazy.

And according to the contract, Nike promised to launch a personal sneaker brand for Zhou Yuan after he won the championship.

Just like Jordan's AJ.

It was Jordan who took off with Nike.

And now Nike has reached its pinnacle.

I want to go to the next level under the leadership of Zhou Yuan.

After a very intense discussion, Nike discussed whether to launch a personal sneaker brand for Zhou Yuan immediately.

Some people think that the timing is not right yet.

After all, Zhou Yuan has only played for more than a season.

It is too fast to launch a personal sneaker brand so quickly, and it still needs to accumulate popularity.

Some executives believe that selling shoes should be done as soon as possible.

While Zhou Yuan is still at the peak of popularity and popularity, hurry up and start a wave.

Not necessarily what will happen next!

After all, there are too many unpredictable things in sports leagues.

It is possible that Zhou Yuan will get injured and never recover from it.

It is possible that the team will experience a wave of injuries and a decline in record.

It is possible that something happened to Zhou Yuan himself and so on.

Who can predict, which will come first, tomorrow or the accident?

After deliberation, Nike still decided to start making plans for Zhou Yuan's personal sneaker brand immediately!

There are too many things involved in this plan, and it must be considered in the long run.

For example, the design of sneakers, the elements and technologies integrated, profit sharing and so on.

However, in view of the horror of Zhou Yuan's first generation war, he lost the emperor.

Nike still believes that this plan will allow Nike to make a fortune.


In Zhou Yuan's mansion, a group of luxurious girlfriends gathered, and there was no shortage of them.

Scarlett. Taylor, Jennifer Lawrence, Little K, Kim Kardashian, Kohler Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Anne Hathaway, Megan Fox, Ivanka, Catherine.....

From Hollywood actresses to politicians.

Zhou Yuan wants it all!

Thanksgiving is a very big holiday in the United States.

Zhou Yuan is naturally not interested in this festival.

He just wanted to use this reason to reunite his girlfriend together for a while.

Prior to this, Zhou Yuan had just signed a contract with the top red wine brand Romanee-Conti.

Romanée-Conti will provide Zhou Yuan with a large amount of wine every year.

Now, there are more than 20 bottles of wine on the table, after all, there are many people.

A bottle of these wines is cheap for twenty to thirty thousand dollars.

The most expensive bottle is $1.2 million.

This is a special commemorative edition presented to Zhou Yuan by Romanée-Conti winery, and there is only one bottle.

Impossible to give away on a large scale.

If you send too much of such expensive wine, I'm afraid you will go bankrupt!

These wines on the table are only a small part.

In the bathroom, Zhou Yuan had already prepared hundreds of bottles for a red wine bath.

Scarlett Johann's stomach has been around for nearly 8 months, and it is very bulging.

Zhou Yuan's daughter is about to be born!

Zhou Yuan had no plans to have a daughter before.

But he is now over 21 years old.

In less than half a year, I will be 22 years old.

This age is placed in China, and may still be in college.

But in the United States, it is already considered a very old age.

But any serious NBA player basically has children at this age, such as James, Wade, Anthony, Paul, and Kobe.

Let alone Harden, Clay, and Howard.

They may have had children at this age too, but illegitimate children.

Speaking of it, Zhou Yuan's daughter is hard to define.

If you want to talk about illegitimate daughters, it seems that there is no problem.

However, Zhou Yuan will definitely be pampered like a baby.

The traditional concept of Chinese civilization determines that Zhou Yuan cannot abandon her.

Among the blacks, illegitimate children and daughters are flying all over the sky, and most of them are abandoned and raised.

How many black NBA players even know their father?

Maybe even their own mother doesn't know who their father is.

It didn't take long for the girlfriend group to prepare a lot of food.

Turkey is essential, and it's the traditional main dish for Thanksgiving.

Usually, various seasonings and mixed food are stuffed into the belly of the turkey, and then put on the fire to roast.

Some other traditional foods include sweet potato, pumpkin cake, red plum moss jam and so on.

Zhou Yuan is still not used to American food.

He has a dedicated Chinese chef, who eats Chinese food in most cases.

Today I am celebrating Thanksgiving with my girlfriend group, so I will make an exception and try it.

Anyway, Zhou Yuan can't eat much.

In the evening, he had to eat something else.

There are so many people, everyone contributes a little, and Zhou Yuan can be full.

"Scarlett, after your baby is born, you will be a mother, and you will not be able to play happily with us in the future." Little K smiled.

Khloe Kardashian frowned: "I want to give Zhou Yuan a baby too."

Taylor: "+1! It's a pity that we are all too busy now, otherwise, everyone would give him one, so that he can feel the sinisterness of society.

The United States is very open.

These upper-class figures such as actresses and socialites are very good at playing.

It's all fun, and if the relationship hasn't reached a certain level, they won't give birth to a man.

Zhou Yuan completely conquered Scarlett.

Whether it is the physical level or the spiritual level, let the widow sister worship and obey.

When the relationship reaches the highest level, monkeys will naturally be born.

Zhou Yuan waved his hand: "Forget it, the laws in your country are terrible, and raising children is too expensive."

While eating, Taylor watched the news.

"Zhou Yuan, if there is no accident, you will be selected by Time Magazine again this year, and you will be number one among the world's 100 most influential people. It's terrible."

"You are now the most famous man in the world, and one of the best teachers among celebrities."

Zhou Yuan curled his lips with a dissatisfied expression.

"You missed a few things."

...... Ask for flowers.

Taylor was puzzled: "Say less? What do you mean?"

"I'm also the longest, hardest man!"

Taylor raised his eyebrows: "Really? Don't just talk but don't practice!"

Zhou Yuan gestured.

"Okay, after eating and taking a red wine bath, let's see if I can break through the defense of a dozen people.

"When I was training with the team, I often practiced double-team breaking. Usually there are two people, at most three people. If I can break double-teams with more than a dozen people, then I will be invincible on the basketball court. "

After eating, Zhou Yuan poured hundreds of bottles of Romanee-Conti into the huge bathtub.

After soaking for an hour, Zhou Yuan began to practice double-team breaking.

Although it was very difficult and tiring, Zhou Yuan completed the task well.

He hit everyone's defense again and again, hitting every shot.

Only Scarlett John News, she rested early.

How can she be in this situation now?

Peace of mind is the top priority!

For the next half a month.

The Knicks continued their winning streak.

Wherever the iron hooves of this brutal orange-red knight went, the city was completely destroyed.

Last season, the Knicks completed the killing of the other 29 teams in the league.

This season is even more fierce.

Not just massacre, but massacre!


In the previous 12 consecutive victories, the Knicks averaged 22.3 points per game and 136.7 points per game!

Simply brutal!

In this era of scoring more than 100, it is worth celebrating.

Averaged nearly 140 points per game, similar to the small ball era ten years later!

Of course, as the season progresses, the data will definitely drop, but it won't drop too much.

The offensive firepower of this Knicks is far more terrifying than the Nets ten years later.

A week before the Christmas game, the Knicks' winning streak reached 26 consecutive victories.

26 consecutive victories to start the game!

What concept?

The longest winning streak in league history is the Lakers' 33-game winning streak in the 1971-1972 season.

But that was in the middle of the season, after getting into shape.

Like the Knicks, they have just undergone a big change.

There is no need to go through any running-in, and there is no one who has won 26 consecutive victories as soon as he comes up.

It is also because of this that the big villain Zhou Yuan has become the hottest existence in the alliance.

In these 26 games, Zhou Yuan averaged 35.7 points, 11.1 rebounds, 12.8 assists, 4.4 steals, and 4.1 blocks per game!

Purely from the convenience of data, it is far less popular than last season.

In the previous life, Westbrook had a similar average of 30+10+10 in the MVP season.

But Zhou Yuan and Westbrook are not the same concept.

Westbrook's team record is only on the verge of the playoffs, Zhou Yuan has started 26 consecutive games


Almost locked in the first place in the league!

In competitive sports, the winner is king.

If you win, you can be forgiven even if you almost played.

If you lose, even if you are a super god, you will only attract infamy.

Today's Knicks are a global sensation and can be hot.

I don't know how many teams want to break their wrists with the Knicks, but they are afraid of confronting the Knicks.

It's as if you saw an invincible god of war and wanted to challenge him, but you were afraid of being crushed to death.

The next game, the Knicks will face the Boston Celtics away.

This is an old opponent.

Although he experienced the fear of being dominated by the Knicks last season.

But these old guys are very unwilling to admit defeat, and they like talking about it very much.

They are also old teams, the Spurs' GDP is very low-key, and the Mavericks' old guys are also very kind.

Only the old things like the Green Army, the older they get, the more disgusting they become.

Fight and retreat, especially the king of trash talk, spouting all kinds of trash talk in front of the house.

He said he was going to blow up the Knicks, and teach those brats a lesson.

Pierce is also the king of mouth, his mouth can squirt more than his ass.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan decided to make a big move against the Celtics. .

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