Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 130 Award The Championship In Advance! A Daughter Is Born! (3 Updates, Please Subscribe)

Since the Knicks' 27-game winning streak was interrupted, the Knicks ushered in a wave of two-game losing streak.

But after that, the Knicks won another terrifying 9-game winning streak and started another undefeated journey.

Until the end of the month, the Knicks' record reached a terrifying 39 wins and 5 losses.

If this winning rate continues.

Then at the end of the season, the Knicks may break the miracle of 72 wins and 10 losses created by the 96 Bulls!

In the history of the alliance, there are countless miracles that are known as unbreakable forever!

72 wins and 10 losses is one of them.

And now, Zhou Yuan is leading the Knicks to the top, trying to annihilate this miracle.

Let your own monument stand on the top of the alliance!

Due to the hot record of the team, almost invincible, Zhou Yuan's personal data is also quite explosive.

So he won eight consecutive East Player of the Week and Player of the Month awards.

As we all know, James is crazy when it comes to taking the best player.

It was even proposed to use James to name the player of the week award.

Now there is Zhou Yuan.

James can only rely on stealing chickens, occasionally get involved in the best of the week or two, and it is basically impossible to get the best of the month.

Zhou Yuan still ranks first in the MVP list, DPOY list, scoring list, assists list, steals list, and blocks list this season.

Although scoring six or seven points less than last season.

But after all, the base is too high, which does not affect Zhou Yuan's stable ranking as the scoring leader.

At the same time, the All-Star voting has reached the final round.

Zhou Yuan naturally won the votes without any suspense, 500,000 votes more than the second place James.

Bloody Gap!

There is one more important thing.

The Huaxia men's basketball team sent an invitation to Zhou Yuan, wanting him to lead the team to participate in Xia Tian's Olympic Games this year.

Except for Zhou Yuan, the roster of the Huaxia men's basketball team is basically confirmed.

Compared with the men's basketball team in 2008, it is much worse.

2008 was definitely the pinnacle!

At that time, Dayao was brave and invincible, carrying the national team forward alone.

Now Dayao is plagued by injuries, his condition has plummeted, and he has retired from the NBA.

Naturally, it is impossible to participate in the Olympics again.

Only Dayao's younger brother, Kong Yi, can be the leader of the national team.

Today's Space Yi has the strength to be a small substitute in the NBA.

But still far behind Dayao.

Moreover, the overall configuration of the men's basketball team has changed dramatically since 2008.

Although Zhu Ba, Wang Shipeng, and Sun Dasheng's meritorious service in 2008 is still there.

But most of them are not at their peak.

Even though he made it to the Olympics.

But it can be predicted that relying on these people alone, the Olympic Games will never be won, and the venue will be a disastrous defeat!

With this in mind, the Huaxia Men's Basketball team invited Zhou Yuan.

According to China's traditional culture, as well as the system, concepts, etc., Zhou Yuan must participate.

Otherwise, you will definitely be killed!

A large part of the reason why Dayao retired so quickly was that too many players participated.

Even the pheasant Stankovic Cup has to be played in person.

Looking at the NBA players, when Xia Tian arrives, he directly picks up the pick and goes on vacation.

Who cares about your national team or not?

Pigeons are allowed in the Olympics.

As a native of China, Zhou Yuan definitely doesn't want to see the national team being brutally abused in the international arena, making them lose face.

This does not only embarrass the country.

Zhou Yuan also felt dull.

He will still participate in such a big competition as the Olympic Games, and the other pheasants will naturally ignore it.

Zhou Yuan agreed to the invitation of the Huaxia Men's Basketball Team.

After this season's playoffs.

After less than a month of rest, he will join the team for training.

This national team is far inferior to that of 2008, but it has a little bit of strength.

As long as you have a correct attitude and build confidence.

Zhou Yuan is sure to lead them to make some achievements, and even challenge the American Dream Team 10.

Anyway, Zhou Yuan is used to leading the team alone.

Teammates are rubbish, and it's over with crazy shots.

With seventy or eighty shots in a game, Zhou Yuan can throw forty or fifty by himself.

That's really tiring, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Glory to the country!

Who makes teammates too useless?

Playing in the NBA, no matter how rubbish your teammates are, they are still at the NBA level.

In the international arena, there is no bottom line.

This year's All-Star Game is scheduled to be held on February 22 in the New York Knicks.

Home of Zhou Yuan!

He originally planned to participate in the slam dunk contest and the three-point contest, but he still gave up.

Because around this time, my daughter will be born.

For this reason, it is not easy for Zhou Yuan to participate in the All-Star Game.

Don't waste time with these leftovers.

Zhou Yuan thought of a name for his daughter, Zhou Ruowei.

This is the name he came up with after thinking hard for a long time.

His girlfriend group is all foreigners, who don't understand Chinese, and no one gives advice.

It can only be figured out by himself, who is famous and useless.

Before the start of the All-Star Game, the Knicks will face several strong opponents.

One is the Oklahoma City Thunder, one is the Los Angeles Lakers, and the other is the Chicago Bulls.

Since the two consecutive championships, the Lakers have begun to decline.

Because they missed Zhou Yuan, they lost a dynasty completely.

But it is not only the Lakers who lost the dynasty, but also the Thunder!

This season's Thunder Youth Army is full of talent.

This group of young people has accumulated enough game experience and skills, and they are becoming more and more mature.

Coupled with the terrifying talent, he immediately jumped to the second place in the Western Conference.

According to the development trajectory of the previous life, the Thunder can finally reach the finals.

However, the Thunder in the previous life traded Harden away after losing in the Finals, missing a potential dynasty.

During the peak period of Thunder Thunder's three young masters, one is more horizontal than the other!

If Durant, Westbrook, and Harden are all at their peak, take the Thunder to fight the Knicks.

Zhou Yuan led the lineup last season, so he might not be able to beat these three brothers.

It's different now.

Even if all three of your thunderbolts are at their peak, Zhou Yuan has Curry, Clay, and Leonard by his side.

These three brothers, as long as they can reach 70% to 80% of their peak skills, sweeping Thunder is just like playing.

Ross is still very strong, leading the Bulls to rank second in the Eastern Conference.

If he doesn't suffer a devastating injury, Rose's potential is unlimited.

Many people regard him as the second Jordan, which is a bit exaggerated.

But a healthy, young Ross, leading the Bulls will be a strong contender for the championship in the next ten years.

There is another team that is very special.

That's the Cleveland Cavaliers!

This season, the Cavaliers are ranked third from the bottom in the Eastern Conference.

How bad the strength is, needless to say.

The reason why it is special is because this year's Cavaliers' No. 1 pick, Kyrie Irving.

This guy is rebellious and his heart is higher than the sky.

Kobe Bryant was asked to single out before, but Kobe refused.

With Kobe's status, there is absolutely no need to single out Irving.

It is glorious to win, and shameful to lose.

With more than a week left before the game against the Cavaliers, Irving has already clamored to score points with Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan didn't bother to talk to him at all.

It's not that Zhou Yuan is prejudiced against Owen, but that there seems to be something wrong with this person's head.

Considering Owen is black, Zhou Yuan is relieved.

What's so weird about black players?

Staples Center Arena.

Zhou Yuan once again led his team to face his old club.

This season, the Lakers have experienced a large-scale injury wave.

Veterans, including Kobe, Gasol, and Bynum, are plagued by injuries and their competitiveness has declined.

On the whole, it is still the same old championship lineup, but it is too old.

It has almost withdrawn from the first echelon of the championship.

Let's just say it!

The current first echelon team is the Knicks, the only one!

There is an empty space in the middle.

Then came the Heat, Bulls, Thunder, and Spurs.

The Lakers are one level lower than these teams, and they are already considered the fourth echelon.

In the first quarter, Kobe showed his bloodthirsty black mamba spirit.

The team can not win the championship, it can lose this competition.

But Bryant didn't want to lose to Zhou Yuan.

In the first quarter, the stubborn Kobe took 11 shots, hit 5 goals and scored 13 points.

Zhou Yuan made 7 of 8 shots lightly, 3 of 3 three-pointers, and scored 17 points.

Zhou Yuan vs Kobe Bryant's soaring points battle!

It's clearly the scene fans love to see the most.

Kobe didn't pursue winning or losing this time, he just wanted to confront Zhou Yuan!

At halftime, Bryant scored 27 points and Zhou Yuan scored 36 points.

In the third quarter, the two began to attack and defend each other.

Kobe is a perennial defensive first team.

Under his desperate entanglement, Zhou Yuan's shooting rate dropped a lot, and he only made 5 of 11 shots in a single quarter until he reached 13 points.

At the end of his peak, Kobe was 1 of 8 in a single quarter defended by Zhou Yuan and only scored 3 points.

In the middle of the fourth quarter, the scene of confrontation continued.

Bryant scored three picturesque fadeaways.

Zhou Yuan used three-pointers, dunks, layups, and a whole set of teaching courses were moved up.

In just 5 minutes, Zhou Yuan scored 14 points!

With 3 minutes and 27 seconds left before the end of the game, the Knicks led the Lakers 122:101, and the game completely lost suspense.

Zhou Yuan and Kobe went off one after another.

In the end, the Knicks beat their old club Hu (Wang Qianhao) in an away game 128:110.

Zhou Yuan scored 63 points.

Kobe was anticlimactic, but he still scored 39 points, proving that he is still a superstar.

The current Kobe can no longer afford to be the number one player in the league.

Who is the second player in the league between him and James may still be debatable.

But Zhou Yuan is undoubtedly the first player in the league!

"...I think the league can directly award you the championship, so you don't have to fight anymore. Come on, let's create a dynasty"!"

After the game, Kobe patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder and encouraged him.

In the next game, the Knicks 129:126, relying on Zhou Yuan's overtime lore, narrowly beat the Thunder away.

The talent explosion of this young army has indeed brought a lot of trouble to the Knicks.

In the next game, Zhou Yuan led his team to 149:103 and slaughtered the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Just like the famous saying of basketball commentator Xu Whale said.

Irving, who cut empty, led the team to be lackluster, competing for the No. 1 pick every year, which makes people feel very stable.

Zhou Yuan leads his team to compete for the championship every year, and he is also steady.

Zhou Yuan clocked in three quarters and only played 30 minutes.

He made 18 of 27 shots and scored 50 points!

Owen played for a long time, and he scored a lot of points in the garbage time.

In the end, he made 15 of 35 shots and scored 41 points.

Until the All-Star Game, the Knicks achieved a terrifying record of 44 wins and losses.

And just the day before the All-Star.

Zhou Yuan's daughter Xiao Ruowei was born. .

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