Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 134 Assets Break $4 Billion! Luxurious Group Of 100 Girlfriends! (2 More, Please Subscribe)

The situation of this year's playoffs is not much different from last year's overall.

Basically, those few teams, the ones that should be bad are still doing badly.

However, there are still some variables.

Eastern Conference playoff teams, ranking first to eighth are: New York Knicks, Chicago Bulls, Miami Heat, Indiana Pacers, Boston Celtics, Atlanta Hawks, Orlando Magic, Milwaukee Bucks.

Let me talk about the bull first.

Chicago, led by Fengchen Rose, once again won the second place in the East, overwhelming the Heat.

But this Bulls is still considered a regular season team, and the playoffs are really not good.

The Heat's Wade's state has declined rapidly, and he is probably only 70% to 80% of his peak strength.

But James has achieved a big transformation, his back-up technique has been developed, and the CIC is not as unreliable as before.

Although in many cases, it was still cast.

But James also makes the opponent pay a heavy price, and throws you to death!

Especially James' "bald shot cold arrow" is very accurate.

The top three are largely unchanged.

Last season's fourth-place Celtics were squeezed out by the Indiana Pacers.

Danny Granger returned this season and maintained a good state.

But this will be his last year as the boss in Indiana.

The team is ready to establish Paul George as the core, and 26 put him on the starting lineup, giving him enough possession of the ball.

At the same time, the team introduced David West.

This "Aihua person" who was dubbed by fans in his previous life as being able to join the party is very powerful.

This Pacers team has achieved a major transformation on both ends of the offense and defense.

In contrast, the Celtics and Magic, which were extremely strong in the past two years, can only be ranked in the bottom half of the playoffs.

The Big Three of the Celtics are getting older and older, and there is no hope of winning the championship.

Old Fox Angie is ready to rebuild.

Originally he regarded Zhou Yuan as the absolute core of reconstruction, but unfortunately Zhou Yuan didn't like him at all.

As for the Orlando Magic.

Eliminated the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference finals in 2009, and played five games with the Lakers in the finals, which is considered the peak period.

Howard is now troubled by back injuries, has shown a downward trend, and is also getting older.

Coupled with the changes in team personnel, basically there is no hope of any championship.

So the Magic have plans to rebuild.

Perhaps it was Howard who led the team to the finals, which made the Magic's management go awry, wanting to compete for the championship every year!

As everyone knows, magic in the post-Howard era is as bad as a dog.

And this year the Knicks will face the opponent, the Milwaukee Bucks who are eighth in the Eastern Conference!

That's where it gets interesting.

Last year's Bucks came close and did not make the playoffs.

This year is finally on the verge of the playoffs.

Zhou Yuan has a chance to clean up Bogout in the playoffs!

The Knicks played four games against the Bucks in the regular season.

But Bodog only played one game.

Because Zhou Yuan directly abolished Bogoute!

For the remaining three duels, Bogout was recovering from injuries.

Now that Bogoute has been revived with full blood, Zhou Yuan will definitely have to deal with him when he meets him again in the playoffs.

Of course, the playoffs are too important, and Zhou Yuanzhi is aiming for a record of 16 wins and 0 losses.

It is impossible to beat him up in a game just because he is not pleasing to the eye.

That would be cool, and Zhou Yuan will get suspended too.

A mere bodog is not worth such a huge sacrifice from Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan will try his best to repair dog things under the condition of mastering the scale!

The first to eighth record in the Western Conference are: San Antonio Spurs, Oklahoma City Thunder, Los Angeles Lakers, Meng Faith Grizzlies, Los Angeles Clippers, Denver Nuggets, Dallas Mavericks, Utah Jazz.

This year's Lakers are at the end of their battle.

This two-peat championship lineup is too old, and plagued by injuries, not at its peak.

Almost disbanded.

Black Bear Shuangsha led the team to the fourth place in the Western Conference this year, and they are coming fiercely.

Although no one thinks that the Grizzlies are a top team.

But no one wants to run into such an extremely fierce defensive iron army.

The game with the Grizzlies is like meeting a real bear, and it is destined to be a tough hand-to-hand combat.

Black and white two bear blood is too thick, too difficult to kill.

Even if they win in the end, the Grizzlies themselves will lose half of their health.

This year's Clippers reached fifth place in the West.

The Clippers of this world don't have Griffin.

However, the joining of Paul still allowed the Clippers to improve their record rapidly.

The Nuggets ranked sixth because Anthony chose to stay with the team.

He did stay on the team, but the Nuggets regretted it a bit.

Because Anthony led the team to play poorly this year.

The Nuggets regret signing a four-year long contract with Anthony, and there will definitely be big deals later.

The veal came in seventh.

This group of old guys who competed with the Knicks for the championship last year.

All the oil was used in last year's general decision.

Now basically the fuel is exhausted and the lights are dry, and the life of a round trip.

This is the cruel NBA, the cruel business league!

Team strength changes dramatically every year.

Maybe last season was still super fat, and next season it will be a top championship team.

It was the defending champion last season, and it won't even make it to the playoffs next season.

Before the start of the game, Zhou Yuan's team followed his instructions and bought five townhouses in a luxury neighborhood near Manhattan.

There is also a huge manor, which cost a total of nearly 100 million US dollars.

That's the trouble with being too rich.

Zhou Yuan's current assets have exceeded $4 billion!

Even if you frantically buy houses, land and luxury goods, you still spend more and more money.

This is quite annoying!

What do men do when they have money?

Nothing more than houses, cars, watches, women!

For women, Zhou Yuan's girlfriend group is luxurious enough, almost breaking through a hundred.

In terms of houses, Zhou Yuan bought hundreds of houses in China, and more than 20 houses in the United States.

As for cars, Ferrari gave Zhou Yuan more than a dozen supercars.

He also bought many top luxury cars such as Aston Martin and Bugatti.

In terms of watches, Patek Philippe, Richard Mille, Vacheron Constantin, all kinds of watches can fit into a semi truck.

It's so lonely!

On the court, Zhou Yuan is not completely invincible.

But in life, Zhou Xuan already felt overwhelmed.

He bought so many mansions now just to make it easier for the golden house to hide his beauty.

After all, the size of the girlfriend group is constantly expanding, and a villa can't fit in it.

If you add Bang Guo, Hong Sun Guo, and girlfriends like Yang Mi, two or three villas are not enough.

He had no choice but to buy five townhouses and a large manor, which was definitely enough for now.

Meanwhile, Nike has completed the design of Zhou Yuan's personal sneaker brand.

And it's already in production!

This sneaker adopts the latest technology and has been improved in terms of air cushion and so on.

At the same time, the appearance design is very delicate.

The overall appearance is red and yellow, and the upper is covered with a dragon pattern, which looks like two dragons, one red and one yellow, are coiled and intertwined.

Not only does it look very noble and gorgeous, but it also incorporates Chinese elements, which can be said to be very distracting.

According to the contract, Zhou Yuan will get a 12% dividend from the net profit of this sneaker!

In other words, Zhou Yuan can take 12% of the money earned from selling a pair of sneakers.

The specific amount of money earned will ultimately be determined according to sales volume.

But as soon as the sneakers were launched, the pre-sales exceeded 800,000 pairs within a day, and orders continued to skyrocket. 813

Nike is crazy.

Game 1 of the Knicks' playoffs against the Bucks.

Zhou Yuan will put on his new pair of boots.

At the same time, the price of Bitcoin has made another leap, directly breaking through 70 dollars a piece.

This means that the 400,000 bitcoins in Zhou Yuan's hands already have a value equivalent to $28 million!

More and more people are starting to turn their attention to Bitcoin.

However, most people still focus on entertainment and only buy one or two.

If you have a little money, you can buy ten or eight, or even hundreds of them.

No one will hold too much.

Because Bitcoin has fluctuated a lot recently, sometimes skyrocketing and sometimes plummeting.

And the price of one piece reached 70 dollars, which is too expensive.

Many people think that they have missed the golden age of Bitcoin and dare not take risks.

But Zhou Yuan knows, what missed the golden hour?


Although not as cheap as before, a few cents.

It's only $70 each now!

Less than ten years later, one bitcoin will be worth $50,000 to $60,000.

Even if you start now, the value will increase hundreds of times in the future!

Earn blood!

It's a pity that money is hard to buy, and I knew it earlier.

Such a perfect investment, only a traveler with open eyes like Zhou Yuan dares to play.

The afternoon before the game.

After participating in the training, Zhou Yuan drove out of the training hall.

In the evening, he will have dinner with his teammates, so now he will go back and pack his things.

As soon as he left the training hall, Zhou Yuan saw a young, beautiful and petite beauty standing in front of him.

She was a little older than myself, looked very elegant and intellectual, and had a petite figure.

Zhou Yuan recognized the beauty at a glance. .

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