Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 140 Net Worth 7 Billion! Into The Forbes Rich List! Shoot And Kill! (2 More, Please Subscrib

in the living room.

Zhou Yuan is following Ali Baba's news.

Because when he was preparing for the Eastern Conference Finals, Ali Baba was listed in the United States.

Nearly two years ago, Zhou Yuan bought shares in Ali Baba.

Now holds a total of 1.2 million shares.

Now Ali Baba is listed, and the unit price of each share has reached 3 US dollars.

This means that the stock in Zhou Yuan's hand is equivalent to about 110 million US dollars.

According to the exchange rate of US dollars and soft sister coins, it is almost equivalent to 800 million soft sister coins.

But Zhou Yuan invested a total of 150 million Ruanmei coins in it.

Definitely a bloodbath!

Moreover, Ali Baba has unlimited potential, and the stock price does not have the potential to skyrocket.

Buffett appreciates this investment operation very much.

In addition, Zhou Yuan spent $500 million before buying a stake in South Africa's MIH Group, holding 1.3% of the shares.

The South African MIH Group in this world has just acquired Penguin, and Penguin has not yet been listed.

Zhou Yuan does not take a stake in Penguin now, but directly takes a stake in its parent company MIH Group in South Africa.

This is equivalent to indirectly holding shares in Penguin.

Because the South African MIH Group owns a full 45% of Penguin's shares and is undoubtedly the largest shareholder.

Years later, although Penguin will become a super business tycoon.

But for every dollar earned, more than 30 cents flowed into the pockets of foreigners.

Penguin is not considered a foreign-funded enterprise.

It can be said that Penguin is working for a foreign company, and there is nothing wrong with it.

In addition to buying shares in Ali Baba, South Africa MIH Group, buying Bitcoin, and buying a lot of houses and land.

Zhou Yuan is still making waves in the financial market, making money like crazy.

Buffett is certainly an investment master with a very accurate vision.

But he is a man, not a god.

Zhou Yuan has the eyes of a traveler and has mastered investment and financial skills.

To say that he is a god in the investment world is absolutely fine!

So far, Zhou Yuan's net worth has exceeded $7 billion!

The speed of making money is comparable to that of a money printing machine.

With assets of US$7 billion, Zhou Yuan also ranks among the top 200 richest people in the world.

Who is the most profitable NBA player?




It's Zhou Yuan!

The top 20 stars in the league, and the other 19 combined, cannot make money faster than Zhou Yuan alone.

Compared with salary and commercial endorsement, the perfect investment can make money faster.

Zhou Yuan is low-key enough.

At present, Bitcoin is still developing insignificantly.

When this thing goes up, Zhou Yuan's assets will be immeasurable.

During this period, Buffett found Zhou Yuan once, wanting to meet with him and discuss investment methods together.

Although Zhou Yuan's assets are far from comparable to Buffett's.

But the speed and way he made money made Buffett's eyes shine.

According to Zhou Yuan's operation, he is likely to become another stock god.

Hang and beat Buffett's stock god!

Buffett is curious about Zhou Yuan, admires him, and is a little scared at the same time.


No one wants another powerful force to rise up and share the benefits with themselves.

But Zhou Yuan rejected Buffett.

He is busy having fun with his girlfriend, and after the fun, he has to take care of his daughter.

Too busy, how can I have time to see you old man?

If I really want to see Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan can have a "Zhou Yuan dinner" and compete with Buffett for lunch.

Want to have a meal with me?

Spend a few million dollars first!

At night, near a red zone in New York.

Zhou Yuan was wandering the streets with James and Wade in his car.

Although they are competitors with Zhou Yuan.

But life is bigger than basketball, and they are more brothers off the court.

As a bustling metropolis, New York is half heaven and half purgatory.

Needless to say, the wealthy district.

The lights are feasting and the luxury is rampant.

As long as you have money, you can get everything here.

The poor areas or slums are another scene.

Especially in the slums, there are a lot of unique products here, and there are often rushes.

Theft, robbery, and murder happen from time to time, but chaos is not acceptable.

At night, there is no one on the street at all.

The street where Zhou Yuan and the others are located is relatively safe, and there are few pedestrians.

However, their expressions were all in a hurry, obviously they were desperately hurrying, and they didn't dare to stay for a moment longer.

Just as he was approaching the nightclub, two people rushed out of the alley in front of him.

The two took their guns and shot directly at the tires of the car.

Zhou Yuan slammed on the brakes, turned around and prepared to take a detour.

Two tall black guys with guns rushed out from behind.

They had no intention of hurting anyone, they were just trying to force the car to be robbed.

After all, Zhou Yuan was driving a Curry South, which looked like a top luxury car.

If you don't rob you, who will you rob?

If these four black brothers know who is sitting in the car!

I'm afraid it will drive them crazy!

How much is the car worth?

The assets of the three people in the car add up to more than 8 billion dollars!

The NBA's top superstars are all caught up!

"Brother, why don't I speak to them?" James said calmly.

He is a superstar, and he is also a black man, so he can chat with each other.

But just as James showed his head, the other party shot indiscriminately, scaring James and immediately retracted into the car.

"What do these people want to do? Before they see who I am, they shoot indiscriminately. Have they changed their minds and don't just want to rob?"

Zhou Yuan doesn't have so much nonsense.

He assembled the pistol and bullets in the car.

He lowered the window of the car, stretched out the window with a gun in his hand, and fired two shots in a row.

The two black brothers in front fell directly into a pool of blood.

The two black brothers behind were so frightened that they ran away.

Zhou Yuan had mastered the "Military God Skill" before, and his marksmanship was at the full level

Both shots were almost headshots!

According to the laws of the United States, this situation is indeed a legitimate defense.

But James Wade was still a little uncomfortable.

What Zhou Yuan did was Brother Hei.

They'd be better off if it was two white guys.

Hei Ge is very sensitive.

While they are crazily discriminating against Asians, they are also crazily afraid of white people discriminating against them.

Whenever any white man's remarks touch the red line, a large-scale demonstration will immediately erupt, and he will not stop until you are killed.

Although Zhou Yuan killed the two robbers out of self-defense considerations.

But James Wade still felt that Zhou Yuan was too reckless.

They would think in their hearts, if two whites or two Asians robbed, would Zhou Yuan shoot?

Zhou Yuan saw what the two of them were thinking and immediately explained.

"Don't think too much, no matter what skin color comes to rob, I will let them get shot.

Janeway breathed a sigh of relief.

The posture of these black brothers just now was indeed planning to kill and rob the army.

Destroying them is the only option!

"Brother, your marksmanship is really accurate, even more accurate than your shooting. You are also very courageous, and I will definitely not (Zhao Qian's) dare to shoot." Wade was still in shock.

James sighed: "Unfortunately, we can't go to a nightclub tonight, we're going to the police station to take a statement.

"In the next few days, you may get involved in trouble because of this matter."

Zhou Yuan understood what James meant.

He is a yellow man who killed two black brothers.

This thing is definitely causing huge reels.

Fortunately, it was self-defense, with good reasons.

Otherwise, the black players in the entire league might unite to kick Zhou Yuan out of the league.

After recording the statements, the three of them went back to take a rest.

The next night, the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Knicks and the Heat started at Madison Square Garden as usual.

This round of the series is the Heat's revenge battle!

The Heat, which formed the Super Big Three last year, are under endless pressure and want to compete for the championship.

But was beaten by the Knicks without any power to fight back.

The Heat, who have been upgraded in an all-round way this year, naturally want to crush the Knicks and avenge their shame.

As long as they crossed the Knicks, the mere youth team Thunder, the Heat didn't pay attention to Chun at all. .

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