Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 145 Beauty Trap? Grieving Sharapova! Black Whistle Is Here! (3 Updates, Please Subscribe)

In the living room of the mansion.

Holding a small basketball, Zhou Yuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at Times Square not far away, feeling very good.

2:0 Heat, one foot has entered the finals.

As long as there are no major accidents, there will be almost no suspense in the finals.

It can be said that the championship ring is already in front of him, and he can wear it on his finger with just a shiver.

Who would be unhappy?

For Zhou Yuan, he habitually ignored the first championship ring.

After all, he didn't personally lead the team to get it, and he will not use this ring as a capital to show off in the future.

But in these two seasons, if he led the team to two consecutive championships, won the MVP, scoring champion, DPOY, and FMVP.

Definitely enough to put Zhou Yuan among the top 15 players in league history.

"I'm going to Miami soon, right? I heard that the nightclub girls over there are delicious, so play less. Reserve your energy for the competition." Scarlett reminded.

She naturally knows Zhou Yuan's personality best.

Zhou Yuan is not as obsessed with nightclubs as Harden and Clay, but he also likes to go to nightclubs.

And once he arrived at the nightclub, Zhou Yuan had to order several, which was too much of a waste of real money.

Scarlett didn't want Zhou Yuan to play, but she didn't want him to delay the game because of this.

"Don't worry, no matter how charming the Miami nightclub girls are, they are not as good as you goddesses!"

After saying goodbye to his girlfriend and daughter, Zhou Yuan flew to Miami by plane, preparing for an away game.

As we all know, Heat fans are among the garbage in the league.

In the previous life, when the Heat played against the Spurs, they were in a desperate situation at the last minute, and there was basically no possibility of reversal.

More than half of the Heat's fans left.

Subsequently, Ray Allen's desperate three-pointer dragged the game into overtime, and finally defeated the Spurs, slapping those fans in the face.

But it doesn't matter how hot the Heat fans are.

In Miami's turf, fans will certainly still create a terrifying hostile atmosphere.

Playing an away game against a top team like the Heat is indeed a huge test.

Zhou Yuan is not worried about not being able to win this round of the series, but is worried about not being able to sweep.

Winning the championship is not Zhou Yuan's goal.

To be able to win 16 consecutive victories is the ultimate goal.

After arriving in Miami, Wade dragged Zhou Yuan to go to a nightclub to have fun.

Zhou Yuan refused.

My good brother, taught him the art of war.

This is clearly Tian Ji's horse race!

Wade dragged Zhou Yuan to the nightclub, using his middle-class horse to die with Zhou Yuan, a high-quality horse.

Zhou Yuan would not fall for this trick.

Zhou Yuan chose to stay at the hotel.

In the evening, he got a call from Sharapova.

Sharapova happened to be in Miami for an event.

This is her rhetoric.

As for Sharapova, she really came to the event.

It's hard to say if he came after Zhou Yuan on purpose.

"Hi baby, are you at the hotel?" Sharapova asked softly.

Zhou Yuan responded: "Of course it's at the hotel, what's up?"

Sharapova continued: "Which hotel are you at? Can you tell me the name?"

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath: "It's in the Rose Hotel near the American Airlines Center, room 1508 on the 15th floor.

Sharapova suddenly excitedly said: "What a fate, I am also in the Rose Hotel, on the 15th floor."

The tone was so pretentious that Zhou Yuan almost believed it.

"You wait, I will find you."

Zhou Yuan cried out in pain.

If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have told her the specific room number.

This is going to be bad luck.

Within an hour, Sharapova was in Zhou Yuan's room.

The two started talking about some messy things.

Then began to compete with the ball skills.

Sharapova deserves to be a top tennis player, and her physical fitness is too strong.

Zhou Yuan took a lot of effort to score due to his strong defense.

Comfortable is comfortable.

But it is completely contrary to Zhou Yuan's original intention!

It's going to be the Heat tomorrow night.

The entire Knicks are gearing up for match point.

Zhou Yuan also vowed that he wanted to retain 100% of his energy and end this round of the series on the road.

As a result, a lot of energy was directly consumed by this little goblin.

That's bad.

The key is that Sharapova is not an ordinary person.

Her physical fitness is very strong, and Zhou Yuan's consumption is not ordinary.

He's like someone who swore to quit Lu.

Less than two days after quitting, I started watching movies again.

After Zhou Yuan woke up, he was ready to go to the arena for training.

Sharapova hugged him from behind.

"Do you want......"

Zhou Yuan immediately refused.

"Just tell me, how much money Pat Riley gave you, and you used it as a beauty trap?" Zhou Xian couldn't laugh or cry.

Angie had an illegitimate daughter to interfere with Zhou Yuan.

Now Pat Riley has sent Sharapova, the goblin, to stage a beauty trick?

"What Pat Riley? I don't know basketball, I only know a few stars, what is Pat Riley?"

"You also said it was a beauty trick, which proves that I am beautiful enough! Since it is so beautiful, you still have the heart to miss it? I am going back to China tomorrow.

Zhou Yuan shrugged.

"It's not that I haven't been to Russia, I'll just go back!"

Sharapova sighed: "Forget it, I'm not joking with you. You have a game tonight, so it's important to get down to business. When you win the championship, you must go to Russia for vacation. I'll wait for you in Moscow."

Zhou Yuan made a gesture: "Don't worry, I will definitely go to the appointment. To be honest, Russian girls are pretty good.

Sharapova high-fives Zhou Yuan: "Then it's settled."

Zhou Yuan was really impatient: "Okay, stop talking, I will definitely shoot through Moscow.

Zhou Yuan delayed the start of the training plan by more than an hour.

It was not because Sharapova was too fierce, Zhou Yuan wanted to rest for a while.

Besides, Zhou Yuan has nothing to train for.

He has played against the Heat many times, and he knows the Heat's tactics clearly.

With this lineup of the Heat, even if they change their tactics, they can't play any tricks.

James is not like Zhou Yuan, he can play point guard, off the ball, inside, anything.

James can only play with the ball, and he plays from the outside.

The Heat's overall tactics are basically the old-fashioned stuff of switching offenses.

Although the away game will be very difficult, Zhou Yuan is still more than 60% sure that he will win this game.

At night, American Airlines Center.

The third game of the Eastern Conference finals will be held as usual.

Compared to New York, Miami is also a metropolis.

But the scale and influence are too different.

There are few big names and celebrities to be seen at the American Airlines Center.

This is equivalent to the gap between the imperial capital and the second and third tier cities in China.

The more you fight to this stage, the more you will test the superstar's ability.

There is no doubt that this game will still be a contest between Zhou Yuan and James.

Both of them will take the lead and cut crazy data.

Both sides jump the ball.

Joel Anthony rarely grabbed the ball, Chalmers passed to James.

Facing Zhou Yuan's defense, James came up with a cold shot.

Zhou Yuan was indeed careless, and he didn't expect James to be so determined.

Full strength Zhan is here!


Break through the net!


Zhou Yuan advanced quickly with the ball and started a 100-meter race with James.

He is going to compete with James now to see who can consume more.

Anyway, Zhou Yuan's weight is not as big as James'.

If you have the ability, you can chase me all over the field.

Even if you are a tank chariot, it can kill you half to death.

James stuck close to Zhou Yuan all the way, and he didn't lose his position.

Pushing all the way to the right corner, Leonard blocked James, Zhou Yuan pulled up and shot before Bosh made up for it. (well done)


It doesn't feel very good in the hand, so I hit an iron with anger.

Maybe Zhou Yuan used his feeling on Sharapova.

Stoudemire grabs the rebound.

Zhou Yuan took advantage of the situation and cut into the basket along the baseline. Stoudemire's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He passed the ball straight to Zhou Yuan and dunked with a one-armed tomahawk in the air!

In the next round, James hit the ground pass and Wade made a layup.

You brush assists, I also brush assists.

Zhou Yuan rushed to the basket with James on his shoulders, attracted five people from the Heat to double-team, and passed the ball to Curry without looking behind his back.

Ku Ritian opened fire crazily, and his soul fell into his soul.


Both teams showed a strong offensive state at the beginning.

It's not that the defense is bad, but the offensive firepower is too fierce.

In this life-and-death battle, both sides have extremely strong fighting spirit.

Either desperately defend, or desperately attack.

For the Knicks, fighting defense is unlikely.

With such a powerful firepower, why should Tian fight the opponent for defense?

Confront me if you have the ability!

Boom me to death, you are awesome.

Throughout the first quarter, the firepower of both sides was very fierce, and it was a tie at 31:31!

But in the second quarter, the situation changed suddenly.

The referee made a black hand!.

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