Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 167: Become The Richest Man In China! Get The Championship Ring! (6 More, Please Subscribe)

In a house in New York.

Zhou Yuan is drinking red wine with Curry.

Ayesha next to her was walking with her belly up.

Curry is now a dad-to-be, and the regular season will start in half a month, and he will receive the championship ring~.

The career is successful, and the wife is pregnant.


However, when Curry saw the report about James Dolan, his face changed.

"Basketball isn't about fighting and killing, it's about how the world works, brother! You're indeed a bit too fierce, no boss can stand you."

"People's hearts are unpredictable, don't take it too seriously.

Although Curry is young, he sees it very clearly.

When the team needs you, they can't wait to fly a helicopter to drop money at your house.

Sign you in and kick you out if you don't live up to expectations.

If you lead your team to sweep the league and become famous, they will think you are the master of your achievements.

It's not just Curry, Zhou Yuan also sees these things very clearly.

Are there not enough examples from ancient history?

It's just that Zhou Yuan has a lot more choices than those who were slaughtered.

Zhou Yuan's popularity and influence are like kings everywhere.

And Zhou Yuan's net worth is close to 10 billion!

Who cares whether the transaction is not easy, whether the contract is renewed or not?

Whichever team I go to, I am the father of that team!

Zhou Yuan also knew that his own performance was indeed a bit strong, even stronger than that of Michael Jordan back then.

This will inevitably cause suspicion and contradictions between the team owner and management.

Zhou Yuan might do the same if he were Dolan.

However, Zhou Yuan's current focus is still on the new season, striving to lead the team to win three consecutive championships.

After playing for two seasons, he won all the scoring, assists, steals, blocks, MVP, DPOY, AMVP, and FMVP.

All kinds of best of the week, and the best are also soft.

It even broke the miracle of 72 wins and 10 losses in the regular season of the 96 Bulls and the miracle of 16 wins and 0 losses in the playoffs of the 01 Lakers.

The only thing left to challenge may be the Lakers' 33-game winning streak and the Bulls' three-peat record.

There are also some miracles, such as the Celtics' eight consecutive championships, etc. These are basically impossible to break, and Zhou Yuan is not extravagant.

Before the start of the regular season, Zhou Yuan took the time to fly to Hangzhou to meet Ma Yun and Xiao Ma.

Both of their careers are in a stage of rapid development.

They also did not expect that they themselves would be the leaders of the two super business empires in the future, and they would be deadly rivals.

Zhou Yuan holds shares in both companies.

No matter how they fight, Zhou Yuan will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Ma Yun brewed a pot of century-old Pu'er tea and poured a cup for Zhou Yuan.

"Xiao Zhou, do you like to drink this tea? I still have some here. When you go back to the United States, it shouldn't be easy to buy these things over there, right?"

Zhou Yuan smelled it and found that it was really good tea.

"This tea will cost tens of thousands at least for one or two teas? How dare you do that?"

As Zhou Yuan said, he took the tea cake Ma Yun handed over.

"I heard that Xiao Zhou's net worth is close to tens of billions now? That's amazing, you are our goal!"

Brother Xiao Ma wears glasses and is very gentle, but his eyes are full of golden eyes.

They are all considered rich now, and there is still a certain gap between them and the rich.

It is even more incomparable with a super rich like Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan is already the richest man in China.

Although the big guys behind him are chasing closely, they may overtake at any time.

But for now, Zhou Yuan's assets are indeed the richest man in China.

He has just become the richest man for a week, and there is a high probability that he will go down in a few days.

But Zhou Yuan didn't feel sorry.

Anyway, I have already been on the richest goddess, and it is enough to experience the taste.

"Xiao Zhou's investment vision is really strong. It is also an honor for our two companies to be favored by you."

"Do you really think we can stand out from the fierce competition? Now there are many top giants, such as Shangyi, Souhu, Xinlang, and Shendu!

Zhou Yuan laughed: "Don't worry, within five years, they will kneel down in front of you and call you dad, trust my investment vision, I have never lost money on investment.

Ma Yun gave a thumbs up: "I believe Xiao Zhou, you are simply the god of Chinese stocks! Even Buffett may not be able to compare with you."

Brother Xiao Ma breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you can play well, the business of the company is left to us, and you can just wait for the money.

After talking about business, the three of them went to the sauna together.

Then, Erma brought the arranged female stars to Zhou Yuan.

They are all big fans of Zhou Yuan.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to get to know Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan has always been very hospitable, especially for beautiful women.

So, Zhou Yuan, who is hospitable and hospitable, treated them to something good tonight.

They said one after another that they were so full that they were fed's over!

October 28, New York, Madison Square Garden.

The fans were full, their eyes were shining, and their eyes were focused on the center of the arena.

They are waiting for their home team to receive the championship ring.

A few years ago, New York fans were called aggrieved.

He was hanged and beaten every year, and he got a lottery every year.

It hurts fans like them who are in the largest city in the United States and have a high sense of superiority.

Ever since Zhou Yuan was born, this situation has been completely changed.

New York fans can pat their chests and shout with confidence: "Knicks champion! I am a Knicks fan!"

Spike Lee put on his championship hat and jumped around.

At the beginning of the new season, he can look forward to the team's three consecutive championships, and his illnesses are much better.

Soon, the lights on all sides of the arena dimmed.

A beam of light focused in the middle of the arena.

Zhou Yuan and his teammates lined up to receive the championship ring two by two.

Next to it is a cylindrical podium with a box containing the championship ring.

As the boss of the team, Zhou Yuan was the first to get the ring this time.

It was Curry who went with Zhou Yuan to collect it.

This guy is very angry.

Standing next to the podium, looking at the championship ring box, he made a very exaggerated and surprised expression.

………seeking flowers… 0

Afterwards, Curry twisted his butt excitedly, picked up the box as if he had discovered a treasure, and opened it gently.

"Brother, don't be so exaggerated, I haven't seen the world before!"

Zhou Yuan was very calm.

Just like opening the clothes of a goddess, I opened the box lightly, took out the ring inside, and put it on my hand.

Zhou Yuan already has a ring on his finger, and this is the second edition.

As for the Lakers' one, Zhou Yuan didn't wear it.

It doesn't mean much to Zhou Yuan to get the championship ring just by relying on a three-pointer lore.

"Brother! I have a championship ring, I have a championship ring! When my baby is born, I will show her how great her father is."

Curry wriggled excitedly.

This championship ring is also carefully designed.

There is also a big 4 on it, indicating that it is the fourth time the Knicks have won the championship.

At the same time, it is also printed with a miniature Times Square and engraved with the year the Knicks were founded.


There are also elements of special commemorative significance.

The small ring contains the emperor's message.

The championship ring is supremely sacred to NBA players.

I don't know how many players, in order to chase the championship, are willing to cut their salaries to form a team, or are willing to take a low salary to hug their thighs.

There are also those like LeBron and Durant who want to chase their dreams despite the infamy of being a group.

No matter how he wins the championship, Zhou Yuan thinks it is reasonable.

Is there only one way to do one thing?

of course not!

Leading the team alone to win the championship is great.

But playing brother basketball and holding a team to win the championship is worthless?

Pull some eggs!

Too double standard!

The fact is that as long as the goal can be achieved, within the scope of reasonableness, reasonableness and legality, any means can be used!

Zhou Yuan never felt that there was anything wrong with holding a group.

They joined together to pursue the championship and pursue the highest dream of a basketball player.

On the contrary, it deserves respect.

The method is indeed not that glorious, but it is far from being disgusting.

All Knicks players quickly received their championship rings.

After a simple carnival, the Knicks' 2012-2013 regular season officially kicked off.

According to league practice, for a defending champion like the Knicks, the opening game must be against the old enemy of last season.

The league arranged for the Thunder!

It's just that the current Thunder has changed a lot.

After Durant left Miami, Harden, who the Thunder management originally wanted to throw away, naturally had enough salary space to stay.

He even gave him a big contract and put him on the starting lineup.

The second brother and the third brother will lead Thunder to set sail again.

Durant's ability is certainly strong, but Harden at his peak is worthy of him, especially his ability to lead the team.

It looks like without Durant, the Thunder will never recover.

People don't know how big Harden's potential is!

With the second brother and the third brother, two data madmen leading the team, this Thunder team is definitely quite competitive. .

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