Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 172: Ten Billion Dollars Should Be Enjoyed! Your Daughter Is Running With Me! (2 More, Pleas

This Ferrari features brand new technology.

All are Ferrari's top design.

The interior and exterior are even more luxurious, with a total of 999 pearls inlaid.

Last year, Zhou Yuan got Ferrari to start building the car.

It's been a year now, and it's finally out.

And I chose to give it to Zhou Yuan on Christmas Day, it was really thoughtful.

Zhou Yuan drove Scarlett and her daughter towards the villa in a booming supercar.

"Isn't this car too luxurious? Tens of millions, it's really expensive!"

Although Scarlett is a Hollywood actress, with a lot of money.

But this level of supercar, she also dare not get involved.

"Zhou Yuan, are you too rich now? Your assets are almost over 10 billion, so scary!" Scarlett smiled leisurely.

She gave birth to a global basketball superstar and billionaire male god, and Scarlett really thought it was a wise move.

After all, those who want to give birth to monkeys for Zhou Yuan can line up from Times Square to the Great Wall.

And she was the first to enjoy this kind of honor, so honored.

Next, Zhou Yuan slammed on the accelerator and took his wife and daughter around half of New York before returning home.

At home, the girlfriend group prepared a Christmas dinner and had a big meal with Zhou Yuan.

After dinner, continue to enjoy activities.

There are a few days off at Christmas.

The next day, Smith, a senior executive of Nike, prepared a helicopter for Zhou Yuan on behalf of Nike, intending to provide him with a free two-day trip.

Zhou Yuan could bring his daughter, girlfriend and friends, but Zhou Yuan refused.

Since Zhou Yuan announced the creation of a personal sneaker brand.

He and Nike are both enemies and friends.

There is cooperation in terms of interests, but at the same time, it will also become competitors and deadly enemies!

At this moment, how dare Zhou Yuan get on Nike's helicopter?

In the United States, capital is omnipotent.

Nike provided such benefits so suddenly, Zhou Yuan was really afraid that there would be some tricks.

What if it's a trap?

Wouldn't you be cool then?

After all, it's not the first time Nike has done this.

In his previous life, Kobe had a plane crash shortly after announcing the creation of his personal sneaker brand.

Some people think that it may be Nike's tampering.

Although he didn't know the truth, Zhou Yuan was still cautious.

What can't Americans do?

Especially for a Chinese person like him, it is possible to use everything to the extreme.

At night, in Zhou Yuan's villa.

He's taking a wine bath with Ivanka.

This red wine costs tens of thousands of dollars a bottle, and a red wine bath costs almost millions of dollars, which is indeed very luxurious.

But Zhou Yuan is now worth close to tens of billions, and this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.

After playing for a lifetime, you should still enjoy it!

Then pour the wine and soak.

Durant wants to drink bath water, Zhou Yuan drinks some bath wine, the taste should be better!

"My dad has been looking for a boyfriend for me recently, it's so annoying!"

Ivanka squeezed Zhou Yuan's muscles with a distressed expression.

After all, Ivanka's father will be the figure who will point the sword at the president in the future.

The image of his daughter is at stake.

Fortunately, Ivanka is good enough. She is both a top student and a world famous model. She also manages her father's company in an orderly manner, with a net worth of hundreds of millions.

It can be called the pinnacle of women in the world.

The only disadvantage is that he has no boyfriend and is not married yet.

Zhou Yuan is certainly excellent.

But Moup plans to let Ivanka also work in the White House.

It is obviously not possible to marry a foreigner, or find a foreigner boyfriend.

After soaking in the red wine bath, Zhou Yuan and Ivanka began to "exercise".

Halfway through the exercise, a certain general called.

"Hey, Ivanka, what are you doing now? I found you a good boyfriend, do you want to meet? His father is my colleague."

Ivanka gasped: "Have time! I'm running now and I'm very tired."

Moupu frowned when he heard his daughter's voice was unnatural.

"Are you running? Why doesn't it sound like me? But seeing that you are panting so much, run less and don't overdo it! When can you go see him?"

Ivanka let out an ah: "If you have time, I'm busy now, and I'll contact you when I'm done.

She hung up the phone hastily.

"Baby, come on!"

Zhou Yuan smiled lightly: "Will it delay you to meet your boyfriend?"

Ivanka took a deep breath: "Apart from you, I won't find another boyfriend! Is it okay to directly declare that I am single? I am single until I am 50 or 60 years old, so it will not delay my work in the White House, right?"

An hour later, Ivanka couldn't run anymore and directly surrendered.

Zhou Yuan makes a shot!

Before heading to Los Angeles for an away game, Buffett stopped by Zhou Yuan's home.

Although he has stated many times that he does not want to meet with Buffett, the old man still has the cheek to come.

Zhou Yuan helped him advise on an investment before.

The conclusions of Zhou Yuan and Buffett were completely opposite. In the end, Buffett abandoned his opinion and followed Zhou Yuan's approach, making a fortune.

Buffett came to Zhou Yuan this time not only because of gratitude, but also because he wanted to continue discussing investment methods with him.

……ask for flowers…

How could Buffett believe Zhou Yuan's claim that he was purely delusional?

He continued to ask Zhou Yuan to help him as a staff officer.

But Zhou Yuan didn't want to show his edge too much, after all, this was on Midi's territory.

Zhou Yuan talked for a long time without getting to the point, so he sent Buffett away.

Subsequently, Zhou Yuan led the Knicks to Los Angeles, the City of Angels!

The Knicks will play two away games here.

The first away game was the Los Angeles Clippers, the city of lobs.

This year's Clippers lineup is very good, with top point guard Paul in charge, and the two insiders are beasts with explosive athletic ability.

Jordan and Griffin are flying all over the sky. This year they have played countless lob dunks, and their performance is amazing.

Griffin has repeatedly staged death dunks, not inferior to his connection with Zhou Yuan in the Knicks.

The main reason is that Paul can pass, and Griffin also has enough possessions.

When he was in the Knicks, he could only be a supporting role in the supporting role, and he didn't have many chances to make shots no matter how dunked he was.

This time against his old club, Griffin held his breath to prove himself.

And Zhou Yuan also wanted to teach his former younger brother a lesson.

In the first quarter, the two sides played very fiercely.

Zhou Yuan, Curry, Clay, the three artillery on the outside fired wildly, and the three-point rain flooded Los Angeles.

Griffin really took a deep breath, first he dunked the small card head-on, and then almost succeeded in dunking Stoudemire.

In the next attack, Griffin cut to the basket, received a lob pass from Paul, flew into the air, and tried to dunk Zhou Yuan head-on!

But Griffin was horizontal, Zhou Yuan was even more horizontal, and directly hunted Griffin in the air!

The big hat that covered his head and face slapped him down even with the ball, like a fly.

Those short arms were like a gift in front of Zhou Yuan.

Griffin was still not convinced, picked up the ball and tried to make another dunk, but was blocked by Zhou Yuan head-on, losing all face.

In the end, the Knicks beat the Clippers 129:113 away.

Zhou Yuan made 19 of 29 shots and scored 47 points, 15 rebounds, 14 assists and 9 blocks in the game.

Among them, 7 blocks were given to Jordan and Griffin.

Griffin also got good data, 31 points, but the shooting percentage was poor 11 of 31 shots.

The Knicks stepped on the shoulders of the Clippers and won 29 consecutive victories!

The day after tomorrow, also at the Staples Center, the Knicks will face the Lakers of the Super Five. .

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