Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 178: The Fierce Defense Of The Girlfriend Group! Retire After Three Consecutive Championship

In the living room, Zhou Yuan and his girlfriend group gathered together to celebrate his 23rd birthday.

Zhou Yuan bought a lot of dumplings from Chinatown, as well as hot pot ingredients, ready to have a big meal.

After all, there are a lot of people, so you need to be more prepared.

Except for Scarlett, most of the girlfriends had never eaten dumplings, and it was even the first time they saw this thing, which was very novel.

Taylor raised her flaming red lips and asked, "Isn't this just Dampurin? Although it's the first time I've seen it, I still know the word."

Zhou Yuan shook his finger: "What Dampurin? This thing has its own name called dumpling! Even if it is translated, it will be transliterated, not for you Americans to create a random word to refer to it."

"Dumplings? Well, let's call them dumplings! Dumplings or Dampurin, they are all the same! Whatever you mean, that's fine."

"And from your tone, it seems that you are very dissatisfied with us Americans?" Taylor smiled wryly.

Earning Mi Di's money, playing with Mi Di's girl, but in the end you still hate this and that, which is very painful.

Zhou Yuan laughed at "863": "It's okay, the money in your country is still very fragrant, and the beauties are also very fragrant, and the rest is just... don't talk about it, you go to the whole point." For other food, after the dumplings are cooked, I will make hot pot."

Scarlett said excitedly: "I like hot pot the most."

The United States also has hot pot, but the background, practice, and richness of their hot pot are far from those in China.

After all, the Chinese civilization has five thousand years, and the United States has only a few hundred years, which is completely incomparable.

Zhou Yuan almost threw up after eating hot pot from the United States.

"How about I roast a chicken?" Megan Fox laughed.

Zhou Yuan nodded: "Whatever, anyway, I don't like chicken very much."

Megan Fox laughed: "What if I were a chicken, would you like to eat it?"

Zhou Yuan stared at her blankly: "You said you are a chicken?"

"Yeah, don't you look like it? It's still a very enchanting chicken."

While speaking, Megan Fox made an angry gesture.

Zhou Yuan almost laughed: "Of course, chickens are very enchanting. In China, chickens mean to sell them."

"It's for sale? For what?" Megan Fox was puzzled.

The cultural difference made her confused.

Zhou Yuan chuckled: "It's almost like the nightclub girls here."

"That's what it means, fuck you! You're the chicken!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned: "You said you are a chicken, what am I doing? I think you are a chicken woman!"

Megan Fox didn't understand what Zhou Yuan was saying, but vaguely felt that she was scolding her, so she kicked Zhou Yuan.

"Father... delicious... delicious..."

Little basketball gnawed on the dumplings, and kept praising them.

Zhou Yuan held her in his arms and patted his head: "Of course, can Huaxia food not be delicious? After winning the championship this year, I will take you to live in Huaxia for a year or two."

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, everyone was overwhelmed.

Live for a year or two?

Don't play games yet?

Yuan curled his lips, "Listen well, the premise of what I said is if! If I win the championship! In other words, if I can win the championship this year, I will choose to retire!"


Zhou Yuan's words caught everyone's attention.

Retiring at the fucking age of 23?

Jordan was over 30 when he retired.

Besides, Jordan retired at that time not only because he was too invincible.

Another important reason is because of Jordan's father.

Because in that year, Indan's father was shot dead.

Jordan felt that it was because he was too strong and too dazzling that the outside world focused a lot of attention on his family.

If it is in Huaxia, this is not a big deal.

The point is that this is the country of the United States, everyone has a gun, and it is not a good thing to be targeted by too many people.

Jordan can bring a lot of bodyguards when he goes out.

It is impossible for him to let every family member go out and bring a bunch of bodyguards.

Out of this consideration, Jordan chose to retire.

Of course, there is still a speculation from the outside world, saying that it is because Jordan is addicted to gambling.

In the Eastern Conference finals in 1993, the Bulls trailed the Knicks 0:2 and faced elimination, but he was still betting!

Great damage to the image of the alliance!

After all, Jordan is the face of the league.

A facade of gambling is not what the NBA wants to see.

In addition, the league believed that the Bulls were too strong, which led to the finale of the entire league and lost its focus, so it suspended him for one year.

Just don't announce it.

This is just a guess.

But no matter what, if the Knicks can win the championship, Zhou Yuan will definitely choose to retire.

And this kind of retirement, like Jordan, is not permanent, only two or three years at most.

First, because the Knicks are too invincible, Zhou Yuan can't find an opponent in the league.

Second, it is because Zhou Yuan wants to enjoy life and spend time with his girlfriend and daughter.

The third and most important point.

Zhou Yuan is almost fucking tens of billionaires, and may reach the top of China's rich list at any time!

As a super rich, completely lost the motivation to play.

It takes at least a few years of buffering to regain the enthusiasm for basketball.

Still the same sentence, people must have goals and motivation to strive for in order to burst out super fighting power and potential.

This Knicks team is too invincible, and Zhou Yuan is too rich, so there is really no motivation.

After two or three years, this sentiment will weaken a lot, and at that time it can completely come back.

And by that time, the structure of the entire league will have changed a lot.

After all, the NBA has the fastest flow of players among all leagues in the world.

Every year, a large number of people will be eliminated, a large number of new players will enter the league, and the speed of replacement is extremely fast. ……

Two or three years is enough to change the pattern of the entire alliance.

At that time, Zhou Yuan will re-intervene and stir up the situation with his own influence, so it will be interesting.

In the past few years after retiring from the military, he took care of his family and engaged in investing and picking up girls. Isn't he good?

There is no need to play so hard and get injured all over.

After playing for several years, can't you still enjoy it?

Besides, the salary of playing for several years is not as much as what Zhou Yuan earns in a month in the stock market.

Of course, this is just a preliminary idea.

As for what to do in the end, Zhou Yuan is not in a hurry.

After the birthday dinner, Zhou Yuan asked Scarlett to go to bed with a small basketball.

He also needs to fight alone against the double-team defense of more than a dozen people.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan had already figured out their defensive routines, and he shot wildly and scored consecutively.

After this intense training match, Zhou Yuan took a full day off to save his energy and get ready for tomorrow's big battle.

It's not really a big fight.

The opponent is currently only ranked seventh in the East, and there is a huge gap in strength with the Knicks.

The reason why I look up to this team is because it is in New York with the Knicks.

This game is a city derby!

That team is the Brooklyn Nets!

The former Nets were in New Jersey, but now they have moved to Brooklyn, New York.

Brooklyn is the most populous borough in New York.

The owner of the Nets obviously took a fancy to New York, a huge market, and wanted to share a share with the Knicks.

Like Los Angeles, New York has become a city with two teams.

The difference is that the Lakers and the Clippers share the Staples Center arena, while the Knicks and the Nets each have their own arena.

The competition between the two is more intense, and both are vying for each other's market.

Just as an outsider, the Nets currently don't have many fans.

What's more, the Knicks have Zhou Yuan, the king of New York, in charge. The attention, influence, and ability to attract money from the two teams are very different.

But Dolan did not underestimate the Nets too much.

After all, the NBA league has changed a lot. Maybe at some point, the underdeveloped Nets will rise.

In particular, Dolan has no intention of renewing Zhou Yuan's contract.

The Knicks are likely to return to the ranks of bad teams.

At that time, it may not be possible to hold down the Nets.

This is also a point that makes Dolan very tangled.

In the end, Zhou Yuan should be kept, let him make a lot of money for himself, and suppress the Nets.

Or drive Zhou Yuan out of New York to maintain his face as the boss?

One side is money, the other side is face.

Which one to choose, Dolan is still undecided.

But he didn't know that the right to choose had long been out of his side.

Zhou Yuan's fate can only be controlled by himself. .

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