Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 181: The Grieving Girlfriend Team! The First Round Begins! Knicks Dynasty! (5 Updates, Pleas

training hall.

According to the tactics of the 76ers, D'Antoni has formulated many coping strategies.

Let the team conduct a drill according to these new tactics, and it didn't end until it was getting dark.

Zhou Yuan is going home to hold his wife and children.

"Hey! Zhou Yuan, do you want to go to the nightclub together?" Ariza greeted.

Stoudemire suddenly became interested: "Add one, I don't know how to go to nightclubs. I heard that there is a new nightclub recently, and there are new products. Try something new?"

Zhou Yuan shook his finger: "Forget it, Taylor's birthday is today, and many relatives and friends have come to the house, so it's quite busy."

Stoudemire rolls his eyes skyward.

"God's mother has a lot of relatives and friends, are they all girlfriends?"

Zhou Yuan shrugged: "If you want to say that, I won't refute it."

Ariza smiled cheaply: "There are so many girlfriends, do you need a boyfriend?"

The atmosphere suddenly becomes a little philosophical.

Zhou Yuan gave him a kick: "Get out! Does your family run an anorectal hospital? How dare you have such an idea...

Leaving the training hall, Zhou Yuan drove into his custom-made multi-billion dollar supercar Ferrari, stomped on the accelerator and headed home.

A celebration party is going on at home.

Taylor's prestige in the girlfriend group is still relatively high, and more than a dozen people came to join him.

Scarlett Johann, Jennifer Lawrence, Little K, Megan Fox, Kohler Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Ivanka, etc. are all there.

The moment Zhou Yuan entered the door, all the girlfriends came forward, lined up neatly, and saluted Zhou Yuan.

That posture really has the flavor of a legion.

Zhou Yuan laughed on the spot: "Why? Let me parade? I'm not the real head of the regiment."

Taylor came up and grabbed Zhou Yuan's arm.

"Come quickly, I've been waiting for you for a long time, dinner is ready. After dinner, I still want to make a wish!"

"You sing happy birthday to me, and then eat the cake. After the cake, let's do something fun."

Zhou Yuan curled his lips: "Some things are really interesting. But if you do too much, it's not that interesting.

Taylor scratched his head: "No way? It's the first time I'm doing it, so how can it be boring?"

Zhou Yuan was a little puzzled: "Isn't what you said what I thought?"

Taylor tapped him on the head: "Of course not, just watch two or three less people, sometimes maybe seven or eight people, and you can finish the movie."

"What I'm saying is, we want to learn how to invest from you! Can you choose a stock for us to buy later? Not much, buy $500,000 by yourself and see if you can make money.

Zhou Yuan was surprised: "Are you still short of money? All of them are super rich women."

Little K sighed: "Even if (cgba) is a rich woman, she still needs to make money! Besides, I have too much money in my hand, and I don't need to buy a house, a car or luxury goods. Why keep it? It can only be used for investment. "

"Why don't I just learn to invest from you!"

Zhou Yuan made an OK gesture: "Have you learned to do Versailles in front of me, have you? I'll find a stock to show you later. But these things are top secret, it's best not to involve more people, just for family Internal entertainment."

"Don't worry, we will definitely not tell others casually! If this stock can win money, we will reward you." Jenna smiled leisurely.

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows: what reward?"

Without hesitation, Jenna replied, "With strawberries tonight!"

Zhou Yuan vomited blood on the spot.

"If you eat too many strawberries, it's not a reward."

Soon, Zhou Yuan made a violent operation and ate up the whole meal.

Then a happy birthday song was sung.

After being present for several days, Zhou Yuan sang out of tune and was laughed at.

In the end, Zhou Yuan selected a company's stock in the stock market and asked his girlfriends to buy it collectively.

One person bought $500,000 and waited until around 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to throw it out.

According to Zhou Yuan's estimate, almost everyone can earn about US$150,000.

This is already a pretty high return.

"Dad..... hug and sleep..."

The little basketball entangled Zhou Yuan and let her father hug her to sleep.

Her language system is immature and her vocabulary is limited.

I can only express my thoughts through intermittent words.

Zhou Yuan clapped her small palm with his big hand.

"Okay, Dad will sleep with you tonight!"

Taylor stopped immediately: "Little basketball, go to bed with mom, okay? Let dad sleep with you after a while, he will be very busy tonight."


Little Basketball stared at Mengmeng's big eyes, obviously wanting to know what Dad would be busy with at night.

The girlfriend group were all dumbfounded for a moment.

How the fuck should this be explained?

It can't be said that your dad is busy breaking double-teams and defending shots against the crowd tonight, right?

So unorthodox!

Little K said seriously: "Dad is busy with training tonight, because the playoffs are about to start! Although I'm not sure, can you understand what the playoffs are.

Zhou Yuan burst out laughing directly,

What a training!

If only the whole team practiced like this.

I'm afraid they all turned into soft-legged shrimps on the field!

In desperation, Zhou Yuan could only hug the little basketball and coax her to sleep.

After the little guy fell asleep, Zhou Yuan went to sleep with his girlfriend.

Far away in Philadelphia, the 76ers are training intensively.

Head coach Doug Collins has also formulated a lot of restraint methods for the Knicks' style of play.

There is a method of restraint, but it does not mean that you will be able to restrain it!

It's like two people competing to grab something.

You clearly know that the opponent's weakness is weaker strength, you just need to beat him up, you can kill him, and you can get the treasure by yourself.

But the key is that the opponent is running too fast, and you can't even catch up, so how can you fight?

The so-called tactics are completely useless.

The Knicks' shortcomings are also obvious.

With a relatively short height and a strong center, he can destroy the Knicks' penalty area.

At the same time, the Knicks are not good at positional warfare.

The point is, how the hell do you have such a player who can destroy the Knicks' penalty area?

Moreover, when you say you want to play a position, you will play a position?

Collins' tactics are nothing more than allowing players to slow down the pace, play positions, and play more at the basket.

As for whether it will be successful, he has no idea.

A negative mood hangs over the entire 76ers.

Because the opponent is too strong!

When you give it your all, fight for a playoff berth.

Just to be slaughtered by the opponent!

That sense of despair is very shocking.

The 76ers and several teams fought desperately in the final stage of the regular season to get a playoff spot.

If it is swept by the Knicks, it will be too fucking sad!

The goal of the 76ers is to fight for at least one victory and die with dignity.

The Knicks have a completely different mentality.

Although the team has also carried out intensive training, they will not underestimate the enemy.

But it didn't pay much attention to the 76ers.

After all, the strength gap is too great.

Just like the gap between an NBA team and a CBA team, dimensionality reduction strikes!

You will not underestimate your opponent, nor will you look too high.

In contrast to this completely different mentality.

In the 2012-2013 Knicks season, the first game of the first round of the playoffs started at Madison Square Garden.

The arena was full of fans, and the enthusiasm was extinguished.

Because this year's playoffs are of great significance.

This is Zhou Yuan's time to hit the three-peat!

It also determines whether the Knicks can be called a dynasty!

For Zhou Yuan personally, he has indeed won three consecutive championships.

When I was in the Lakers, I mixed up a ring.

But that didn't count, Zhou Yuan didn't take it to heart at all.

A truly top-notch powerhouse will not take the championship ring that was obtained by mistake seriously.

Only the championship that he leads the team to win is valuable. .

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