Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 191 Desperate! Zhou Yuan Ran Away! (1 Update, Please Subscribe)

Amidst the overwhelming cheers of Heat fans, Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals kicked off!

Stoudemire dribbled the ball over Haslem to Zhou Yuan.

Two epoch-making teams have entered a life-and-death duel!

Why is it called an epoch-making team?

Because the previous NBA players almost performed their duties.

A defender is a defender, a striker is a forward, and a center is a center.

There are some very versatile players who, at best, swing at the front and back.

The Knicks are very different from the Heat.

The centers of these two teams are not the tallest, but the wing forwards are tall.

Players have no fixed positions.

Especially talented monsters like Zhou Yuan and James.

It can be said to be a point guard, it can also be said to be a point guard, and it can also play small forward, power forward and even center forward.

Switch back and forth between various roles at any time.

Zhou Yuan has more versatility than James.

Zhou Yuan is responsible for the organization of the ball, but he is actually closer to the inside on the defensive end!

Stoudemire is nominally the center, but in most cases, Zhou Yuan plays the center to protect the rim.

That's pretty scary!

This heralds the advent of the small ball era!

Durant defends Zhou Yuan at the top of the key.

"Hey! We're already 2:0, you won't humiliate me with Scarlett's memes now, will you? I..."

Durant started talking trash.

He is now in an absolutely dominant position, so of course he can ridicule unscrupulously.

Zhou Yuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, he made a super-sharp change of direction, stepped out with long legs, and threw Durant away in one step.

When they came to the basket, the Jagged Ha team flew to block the shot.

Zhou Yuan showed no mercy, bent his bow fiercely, and faced Haslem fiercely to complete the dunk.

Looks like Carter dunked Mourning's goal in 080!


The basket was trembling violently and burst into whining!

Zhou Yuan showed a strong desire to survive the first time he attacked.

The arena, which was originally shrouded in flames, cooled down instantly.

Heat fans felt a cold behind their backs and shivered!

Zhou Yuan is fucking trying to eat people!

If you offend this fierce god, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat

Fortunately, the Heat lead 2:0, and still sit at home, taking advantage of the right time, place and people.

No matter how shocking Zhou Yuan is, the Heat fans still have the psychological advantage.

They immediately booed Zhou Yuan strongly.

Heat attack.

The Heat players who hold the two-game advantage are full of confidence and fierce fighting spirit.

Facing Zhou Yuan's defense, Durant looked for a shot.

Durant is more than 2.1 meters, but he can have the flexibility of a guard, which is very difficult to defend.

On the perimeter, he can shoot indiscriminately.

Facing the outside line, he can pass it by his footsteps and speed.

Only Zhou Yuan gave Durant a headache.

Height, speed, strength, jumping, Zhou Yuan can be said to be the top version of Durant!

how does this work?

Durant chose to play singles, turning around and jumping back chicly.

Du Xiaoshuai is ugly, but this turnaround jumper is still a bit handsome.

Zhou Yuan stretched out her long arms, which were so high that they almost tore off Chang'e's flowery underpants.

Durant's ball was not blocked, but was greatly disturbed, and he made a three-point shot.

(cgfi) Zhou Yuan glanced back, probably predicting that the rebound would fall into Leonard's hands, and ran straight up the court, throwing Durant away in a second.

In fact, Durant's speed is not slow.

But the moment he started, that is, his explosive power, he was far behind Zhou Yuan.

Although Zhou Yuan is a bomber, his starting speed is comparable to that of a supercar, and he ejects to start!

As he sprinted to the basket, Leonard threw the ball upfield.

Xiaoka's passing is not so stable and accurate.

But Zhou Yuan still relied on his bounce, received the ball crookedly in the air, and directly smashed the basket.

Originally, Zhou Yuan still had a lot of room for adjustment, because there was no one ten meters behind him.

But he still chose to drift and dunk when he lost his balance in the air!

This ball is enough to show his determination and attitude!


Spoelstra was restless.

Fortunately, it was just the beginning, he was not in a hurry, and did not immediately call for a timeout.

Durant's strong attack on Zhou Yuan didn't work well, so James could only attack.

Facing Leonard's big hand, James forced his way to the basket, turned around and shot.

With this ball, Stoudemire gave the strongest physical oppression and interference without fouling, and James missed it.

Durant lightly stretched his ape's arm, and the quasi-off grabbed the offensive rebound.

But Zhou Yuan grabbed the ball before him, pushed the ball into the frontcourt, and shot towards James.

It feels hot to the touch, three points like fire!


With Zhou Yuan's god-like performance at the beginning, he beat the Heat 7:0 in two minutes.

Spoelstra finally couldn't help calling a timeout.

The fans on the sidelines of the Heat were embarrassed.

After waiting for two minutes, the home team hadn't scored yet, and they were too embarrassed to sit down.

After all, it's time to line up for the home team!

It doesn't matter if you don't score, and now a timeout is called, which means that the fans will continue to stand for a while.

Did you buy the ticket to come and stand in a military posture?

After the timeout, the Heat fans held their heads one by one, waiting eagerly for the home team to score.

But Chalmers made a mistake in anger.

Looking back, Zhou Yuan passed the ball to the open Curry, pulled up and shot.

Durant's long arm directly blocked it, but he didn't know that the ball was just a feint.

Curry didn't make the shot, but tossed it with his small hand to Zhou Yuan who was running to the bottom corner.

Curry was just a cover, but Zhou Yuan was actually going to make a move.


Haslem, who came up in time to make up his position, could not interfere with Zhou Yuan's formation at all, and shot head-on!


In the next round, Wade got rid of Klay Thompson and made a mid-range shot, finally scoring for the Heat.

The fans sat down collectively, but their hearts were still hanging.

Zhou Yuan scored 10 points in a row, and fell behind by a big score. This is not a good sign.

The fans are also a little worried, wondering if the Heat can withstand the rampage of the demonized version of Zhou Yuan?

Zhou Yuan held the ball in the left corner, singled out Durant, and broke through to the bottom line abruptly.

Durant deliberately blocked Zhou Yuan's route and forced him out of bounds.

However, Zhou Yuan turned backwards with one crotch, turned around deftly, wiped right under the basket with a big step, and hit the small backhand lever.


Although the Heat's timeout broke the team's scoring drought.

But there was still no way to contain Zhou Yuan.

After Durant made a mid-range shot, in turn, the Heat sent James, Durant, and Wade to attack Zhou Yuan.

As a result, Zhou Yuan was insane, and he couldn't be stopped by himself.

Secondly, in the first two games, Zhou Yuan's teammates were all lost, and the hand feeling was very poor.

Spoelstra bet that they would not make a shot in this game, so that they could attack Zhou Yuan unscrupulously.

No matter how fierce Zhou Yuan is, even if two or three big muscle bullies pinch you, you still won't be able to play.

Facing the attack of three people, Zhou Yuan definitely didn't make his own investment, and he couldn't make any investment.

He flicked the ball through the gap to Curry running to the corner.

Everyone went to defend Zhou Yuan, Curry's front was wider than the Pacific Ocean, and he easily hit a three-pointer!

Spoelstra swallowed.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Yuan's tactics of flanking Zhou Yuan made him taste the bitter fruit.

But it's only one round, don't panic.

The big deal is to attack Curry together!

For the Knicks' next attack, they still double-teamed Zhou Yuan.

While Chalmers is marking Curry, Wade will also pay attention to helping defend Curry.

It is equivalent to the Heat sending four people to encircle Zhou Yuan and Curry.

Haslem poked in the basket again and couldn't get out.

In this way, Leonard and Clay are in a big gap.

Zhou Yuan still trusted Clay more and threw the ball to him.

Clay's little hand shook, the Buddha's light shone everywhere, and an arrow pierced through his heart!


Spoelstra panicked now.

Not only Zhou Yuan ran away, but other Knicks players also fired. What should we do?

The tsunami brothers are all recovering, and they are going to engulf Miami!

To defend against Zhou Yuan, or to defend against Zhou Yuan's teammates, the problem of the century is again placed in front of Spoelstra.

Choose one of the two bottles of poison.

In the end, Spoelstra chose to contain Zhou Yuan's teammates.

Because in the first two games, it was Zhou Yuan's teammates who hit the iron, and Zhou Yuan couldn't support it alone.

He believes that as long as Curry, Stoudemire and others are restrained, Zhou Yuan will score 40 or 50 points, and the Knicks will be cold.


In this strategy, Durant single-guarded Zhou Yuan.

Teacher Zhou's small class is starting!

Three-pointers, breakthroughs, fadeaways, dunks, fantastic footsteps...

Durant doubted his life!

Zhou Yuan made 10 of 12 shots in a single quarter, 3 of 4 three-pointers, 4 of 4 free throws, and scored 27 points!

Leading the team at 39:26, leading by 13 points in the first quarter, a wave of beating the Heat. .

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