Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 194 Against The Lakers Super F5! Killing The Old Master In The Finals? (1 Update, Please Sub

The Miami Heat once again shattered the Eastern Conference finals!

You know, James and Durant joined the Heat successively to form the Super Big Three. The outside world even believes that the Heat can win four or five championships.

But the birth of Zhou Yuan completely broke the alliance structure.

Eliminating the Heat for three consecutive years has kept James from winning a championship.

He personally pushed his good brother into the abyss.

The business alliance doesn't talk about brotherhood.

They are like brothers off the court, but they are mortal enemies on the court.

I'm afraid that when James was closest to the championship, it should be the years when Zhou Yuan retired?

In an office of the Miami Heat.

The owner, Mitch Arison, is communicating with the president, Pat Riley, to discuss the follow-up team building strategy.

In fact, the Heat's team building strategy is not wrong.

They first formed the Big Three, and then got Durant to form a new super Big Three. This strategy is completely correct.

If it develops according to the normal trajectory, it would have won at least two championship trophies long ago.

But there is Zhou Yuan in New York who stands in the way, so there is really no way!

The dominance shown by Zhou Yuan is not inferior to the peak Jordan and O'Neal, suffocating 26.

This made the Heat feel deep despair.

After spending so much money and building such a super lineup, they still can't win the championship!

Does this make sense?

"We have to find a way to suppress the Knicks, suppress Zhou Yuan! This guy is simply another Michael Jordan." Pat Riley shook his head with a wry smile.

At the beginning, the team he led was crushed by the Bulls led by Jordan for three consecutive years and was swept out in the playoffs.

Jordan is Pat Riley's old sufferer.

For this reason, Pat Riley also specially retired Jordan's jersey in the Heat.

It is also because of this that the little emperor, who has always worn No. 23, can only choose another number after joining the Heat.

Now Pat Riley feels that he may have met another Jordan.

And this Jordan is younger, more potential, more dominant, and has dominated the league for a longer time!

Isn't this too fucked up?

When he was abused by Jordan, he admitted it!

Now they have formed a super combination of King Zhandu and King, and they were even beaten by Zhou Yuan.

This is so sad!

Pat Riley believes that he has done everything a president should do.

He has put together a facelift for his boss that is sure to win the title.

It's not that he's trash, it's that Zhou Yuan is too tough.

"Boss, apart from shooting Zhou Yuan, I really can't think of any more stable way to win the championship." Pat Riley sighed.

At present, the chances of climbing the mountain of Zhou Yuan are very slim.

Unless the mountain is blown flat.

Of course, this was just what Pat Riley said casually, and he couldn't really kill Zhou Yuan.

Although Alisson felt sorry, he didn't take it seriously.

He is a yacht tycoon, and he has too many luxury cruise ships under his command.

The Heat are only a small part of his assets.

If he can win the championship, he will earn more money, which is naturally good.

It's really not good to win the championship, and it's pretty good to play the Eastern Conference every year.

At this point, Pat Riley is much more important than Alisson.

Alisson is rich and doesn't care if he wins the championship or not.

From player to coach to basketball president, Pat Riley has a boundless love for basketball.

No one wants a championship more than him.

After working hard to achieve this, but still unable to win the championship, Pat Riley is really about to collapse.

Now we can only hope that the contracts of the Knicks players have expired and they have parted ways.

"As long as Zhou Yuan doesn't have so many strong supporters around him, the probability of winning the championship will be greatly reduced. Our chance will come, so this lineup can be kept for another year, and we will continue to fight for the championship next year."

In the case of his own reinforcement to the extreme.

Pat Riley can only hope that the opponent has weakened.

It is difficult to build a strong team, but it is too easy to dismantle a strong team.

For example, if a role player wants a big contract and the team can't give him, then he can leave the team.

For another example, players have conflicts with management and bosses, etc.

And these problems will be the problems that the Knicks will actually face during the offseason.

So Pat Riley was waiting, waiting for the Knicks to disintegrate themselves.

At that time, it will be an excellent opportunity for the Heat.

Before Beijing enters the finals, the results of the Lakers will be released first

The Lakers defeated the Spurs 4:2 and advanced to the finals with their heads held high!

Will join forces with the Knicks!

Zhou Yuan had expected this point.

Although the Spurs are strong overall, with tacit cooperation and strict discipline, their talent is far behind the Lakers.

The Spurs couldn't stand up to the fact that they were overwhelmed by talent alone.

Just like last year, the Spurs took a 2-0 lead and lost four straight games to the talented Thunder.

This year's Spurs still lost to the talent of the Lakers F5.

In other words, the Knicks and the Lakers are the two teams that will eventually enter the Finals and compete for the O'Brien Cup.

This is the first time the Lakers have reached the finals after two seasons.

The last time I played against the Celtics in 2010, I won the championship with Zhou Yuan's three-pointer!

The finals of that year can be said to be the place where Zhou Yuan's dream began, and it was also the moment when the curtain of his legendary career kicked off.

This round of confrontation also attracted a lot of attention.

First of all, because this is the finals, the most important round of the NBA series in the entire season, it is naturally the focus of the focus.

In addition, both teams are super popular in the NBA, with countless stars and countless fans.

At the same time, the confrontation between the two super metropolises is also full of topics.

The most important thing.

Three years ago, Zhou Yuan was wearing a Lakers jersey to beat the Celtics and help the Lakers win the championship.

This year, everyone wants to see if Zhou Yuan will personally kill the old master in the finals and win three consecutive championships!

With the addition of the Lakers ring, it will be 4 consecutive championships.

First ride the savior alone, and then kill the old lord with your own hands after many years!

This will undoubtedly be a great story in NBA history.

In such a huge alliance, there have been too many grievances and hatreds in decades of history.

Every season, there are many classic stories staged.

Obviously, every trace left by Zhou Yuan in the history of the league is a stroke of great color.

The two teams had a two-day break.

On June 1st, the confrontation of the finals will officially begin!

Because the Knicks have a dominant record, they have the home court advantage without any suspense.

The first two games were still held at the Knicks Madison Square Garden.

The middle three games will be played at the Staples Center, and the last two games will be home to the Knicks.

The 2-3-2 format is still used.

The reason why this competition system is adopted is to smooth the home and away game gap between the two finals teams as much as possible.

However, this competition system has been widely opposed at present.

Because the players have worked so hard to compete for the regular season rankings in order to gain home court advantage in the playoffs.

As a result, when it comes to the finals, the league wants to be fair, isn't this right and wrong?

So the league is also discussing, planning to change the format of the finals back to 2-2-1-1-1 from next year, that is, next season.

This can ensure that the team with the dominant record has a stable home court advantage.

Both teams came to the arena more than two hours in advance, started pre-match training, and warmed up to find their status.

After all, the finals are so important.

Whoever can get off to a good start first will likely set the tone for the entire series, and no one dares to be sloppy. .

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