Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 208 The New King Of Los Angeles Arrives! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

At the moment when the final whistle blew, all the Clippers' substitute players rushed onto the court.

They put Zhou Yuan in the middle, and Paul and Griffin got to work!

The two got a hair tie from nowhere, and then gestured on the hair tie for a while, still talking plausibly, as if they were chanting a spell.

Zhou Yuan looked at the two with a confused face, we don't know what they are doing? We dare not ask!

After the two gestured for a while, Paul and Griffin put the hairband on Zhou Yuan's head together.

Afterwards, the teammates around him beat Zhou Yuan up without saying a word.

"The new king of Los Angeles is coming!"

Paul and Griffin pointed at Zhou Yuan, who was being held on his shoulders by everyone, and immediately shouted!

The fans in the audience burst into cheers in full cooperation!

Until now, Zhou Yuan didn't understand what was going on. He was forced to complete a coronation ceremony just now...

However, he immediately felt that something was not quite right, and with the constant shaking of his teammates, Zhou Yuan couldn't help thinking of another scene in his mind.

That's right, that's the black coffin bearer!

Fuck! Put me down quickly! 10 However, the power of black people to carry the coffin cannot be underestimated, and they will never stop until they are sent away by you.

Since I can't resist, I have no choice but to accept my fate......

On the sidelines, the reporter originally wanted to interview Zhou Yuan, but seeing the current scene, he had no chance.

So, he had to shift his target to head coach Doug Rivers.

"Coach Rivers, today is your first game in the new season, and it is also the first game after Zhou Yuan's comeback. How do you think his performance? Has it met your expectations?"

Rivers is already happy in his heart, Zhou Yuan is simply a big baby!

However, in front of the media cameras, he still has to pay attention to his image.

Rivers nodded calmly: "Zhou Yuan's performance is very good."

"I know a lot of stupid fans questioned him before this game.

"But I always believed that he would have no problems."

"The fact is exactly as I expected, Zhou Yuan's dominance is still the same as it was three years ago, he is impeccable on the court!"

The reporter then asked: "Can you tell me why you put Zhou Yuan in the fifth position?"

"Is it important?"

"Zhou Yuan is the best in any position."

Rivers' answer does not know how many team coaches to envy.

Who doesn't want to have such a player, but Zhou Yuan is the only one in the entire league.

Although LeBron James can also play from the first position to the fifth position, but in terms of dominance, Zhou Yuan is more than one level behind.

Subsequently, the reporter interviewed the head coach of the Blazers.

"Teacher Stotts, it's a pity that you lost the opening game of the new season."

"Do you have anything to say about the process of this game?"

Stotts took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Our luck was very bad, we met Zhou Yuan in the first match.

"Our players actually played very hard on the court. Damian and CJ all played aggressively."

"But in the end we lost the game by a big score, which is a bit unacceptable."

"Zhou Yuan is just as good as he was when he ruled the alliance three years ago."

"We didn't lose to the Clippers, we lost to Zhou Yuan."

Immediately after the game, the major media in the United States and China reported the result of the game.

TNT: Zhou Yuan's comeback battle, leading the Los Angeles Clippers to revenge the Portland Trail Blazers!

The New York Times: Zhou Yuan, the four-time champion, will fight in the NBA again, and the reign of terror is still unsolvable!

ESPN: The new king of Los Angeles arrives, shocking the entire league!

Teng X Sports: Familiar formula, familiar taste, familiar Zhou God!

After a lapse of three years, the name Zhou Yuan once again occupied the headlines of the NBA.

"Zhou God is awesome!"

"Congratulations to Zhou Shen for returning!"

"Zhou Shen returned to his throne and swept the alliance!"

"Zhou God is mighty, Huaxia rises!"

All of a sudden, Huaxia fans sent congratulatory messages.

At the same time, inside a mansion in Chicago.

"Old man, this movement is even more lively than when you came back!"

Pippen took a sip of his cigar and said leisurely.

"Of course, this guy is Zhou Yuan. This is the guy who won four championships in the first four seasons of his career."

Michael Jordan was a little moved. Although he was called the "God of Basketball" and "The First Man in NBA History", Zhou Yuan did all that even he had never done.

If Zhou Yuan was born in the same era as him, then these titles would have nothing to do with him. The first person in history must be Zhou Yuan.

It’s too strong, and you can still maintain this state after three years of retirement, dare you to shoot like this in this big movie?”

"We should be thankful that he is not in the same era as us, otherwise there would be no bull dynasty."

As we all know, Pippen is actually a good guy. He doesn't pay attention to many historical players in the league, including James.

But for Zhou Yuan, he is convinced.

On the other side, James, who was far away in Cleveland, was also paying attention to Zhou Yuan's debut. When he saw Zhou Yuan's performance in the game, he fell silent.

He has always wanted to bring the Cavaliers a championship, and now it seems that it is really difficult to achieve this wish.

A Golden State Warriors 777 is enough for him to have a headache, and now the Clippers are on the rise again, but his Cavaliers have not improved much, what's wrong...

Just an hour after the Clippers game ended, so did another game in the West.

The opposing sides were the Warriors and the Mavericks. In the end, the Warriors easily defeated their opponents and also won their first victory of the new season.

This season's Warriors can be said to be even more powerful after Durant joined, ranking first in the championship prediction list.

The Warriors' Big Three teamed up for the first time, and it was an amazing performance.

Curry and Durant each scored 30+ points, and Thompson also scored 25 points!

After returning to the locker room, the Warriors players celebrated for a while.

Immediately, Curry suddenly remembered something, he picked up his phone and opened the news page.

The next second, he was dumbfounded.

I saw an entire page full of news about Zhou Yuan.

The comeback battle cut 48+20+8.

Zhou Yuan smashed Huashan and smashed the backboard!

"Stephen, what's the matter with you?"

Thompson walked over to Curry, who also looked at the phone, and immediately froze in place.

"This... this is too exaggerated!"

After a long time, Thompson made a trembling voice.

Afterwards, Durant and others turned on their mobile phones one after another, with shocked expressions on their faces!.

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