After a while, players from both sides came out.

In the player channel of the home team, the Knicks players came out one after another, but there were only sparse applause from the audience.

As the leader of the team, Anthony's record of leading the team in the past two years has disappointed the fans.

Many fans even asked for the management to trade Anthony.

When he came out, some boos were faintly heard at the scene. It didn't look like he was fighting in his own home field.

This kind of situation has actually happened more than once. In the last season, the phenomenon of fans returning to life appeared many times.

On the contrary, when Ross played, the fans applauded more.

In Xia Tian this year, the Knicks introduced Derek Ross through a trade. Although he could not return to his peak strength due to injuries, he himself did not give up and gradually came out of the shadow of his heart. Not bad performance.

On the other side, when the Clippers played, the fans kept silent until they saw Zhou Yuan who played in the grand finale, the originally quiet auditorium suddenly boiled up!

The fans chanted Zhou Yuan's name, they got up from their seats one by one, and gave him the warmest applause!

Seeing this scene, Anthony's face turned dark immediately.

Is this my home field or Zhou Yuan317's home field?

At this moment, on the big screen above the stadium, the scene where Zhou Yuan once led the team to win three consecutive championships was released, which can be regarded as a tribute to him.

Zhou Yuan, who had been away for three years, was deeply moved by this extremely familiar feeling.

It has been three years, and now I have gone to Los Angeles, but these fans are still so enthusiastic about me.

The league doesn't have emotions, but the fans do!

Zhou Yuan hastily waved his hand to the fans in the audience. He only realized now that most of the fans in the auditorium were still wearing his Knicks jerseys.

"Hey! Zhou Yuan, look here!"

Amidst the chaotic cheers, Zhou Yuan vaguely heard a very familiar voice.

He was slightly startled, and immediately looked in that direction, only to see a little old man in a red-orange cap holding a camera in his hand, smiling at himself.

That's right, this little old man is Spike Lee, who is still a loyal fan of the Knicks.

It's just that compared with three years ago, he looks a lot older.

“For Zhou Yuan, this must be the best way to greet him!”

In the commentary booth at the scene, 'Shark' O'Neill was envious for a while. (babc)

After he was sent away by the Lakers, he returned to the Lakers for the first time without such treatment.

In fact, many teams will welcome the meritorious players who have played in some special ways.

But it will definitely not have such a huge appeal like Zhou Yuan today.

From the airport to the hotel, to the game site, Knicks fans are shouting Zhou Yuan's name.

"Although tonight is the home court of the Knicks, I feel that Zhou Yuan is the real owner here."

"Now I have some sympathy for Carmelo, he is obviously at his home court, but he can't feel any atmosphere of home court at all.

"Except for the team logo in the middle of the field, there is an away atmosphere everywhere."

"Such a scene does look a little ironic."

"However, the reason why the fans are like this is probably the result of the poor record in the past two years. Therefore, Carmelo can be regarded as self-sufficient, no wonder others."

Charles Barkley mercilessly approved Anthony.

Players from both sides entered the field to warm up before the game, and the reporters on the scene conducted pre-match interviews with the leading players on both sides.

"Camero, the atmosphere at the scene today seems to be unfriendly to you. This is probably because of the arrival of Zhou Yuan. Do you have anything to say about this?"

The reporter's question was straightforward.

Anthony was silent for a few seconds, and said helplessly: "I can understand their feelings. After all, Zhou Yuan led this team to win three consecutive championships. He deserves the cheers."

"But I want to remind these fans that Zhou Yuan is no longer a Knicks player, and I am the owner here."

"I know that many people are dissatisfied with me, but I want to say that I will lead the team to defeat Zhou Yuan tonight, and their applause should be reserved for me.

Later, Zhou Yuan said in an interview: "I am very grateful to the fans for their love for me. Tonight I will bring them an absolutely wonderful game, and I will not disappoint the fans who support me!"

A few minutes later, the pre-match warm-up is over, the game is about to start, and the starting lineups of both sides are released!

Clippers starters:

Point guard: Chris Paul

Score: J. Redick

Small Forward: Paul Pierce

Power Forward: Brad Rake Griffin

Center: Zhou Yuan

Knicks starters:

Point Guard: Derrick Ross


Small Forward: Carmelo Anthony

Power Forward: Joakim Noah

Center: Kristaps Porzingis

The opening whistle blew, the game officially started, and both sides jumped the ball in the middle circle.

Zhou Yuan vs Porzingis

The difference in height between the two is 11 cm. Zhou Yuan is shorter in front of Porzingis and has no advantage in jumping the ball.

"I promise, after this game, you will return to the outside line honestly."

Porzingis said something directly.

Zhou Yuan felt a little surprised, he didn't know where this guy's confidence came from.

Just now, Zhou Yuan was still thinking about whether he should keep it a little longer, he was really afraid that if he was not careful, he would disturb the bamboo pole.

But this guy is so arrogant, so you can't blame him.

"You'd better prepare the wheelchair in advance, you can use it tonight.

Zhou Yuan has always been adhering to the spirit of no offense, no offense. Since Porzingis is so ungrateful, there is no need for him to be polite.

After the two sides took their positions, the referee threw the ball high.

"Zhou Yuan has almost no chance of jumping with this big guy, after all, there is too much height difference.

However, as soon as Barkley finished speaking, he was instantly slapped in the face.

I saw Zhou Yuan jumped up, surpassed Porzingis in height, and successfully won the ball.

After landing, Zhou Yuan rushed directly to the frontcourt.

Brother Pao flicked his wrist, and the ball arrived.

The opening dunks came as scheduled!

From the jump ball to the lob dunk, it took less than 4 seconds.

After completing the dunk, Zhou Yuan immediately made a signature celebration, and the fans in the audience were excited again.

Zhou Yuan was in the away game, but he played the momentum of home game.

Porzingis stood there in a daze, and there was a sound of exploding frames behind him.

He was completely dumbfounded, never thought that he would lose to Zhou Yuan in the jump ball.

Accident, this is definitely an accident!

Porzingis' face sank, and he decided to find his way back on Zhou Yuan. .

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