Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 222 If You Were Asked To Choose Again, What Would You Do?

After the start of the second half, the Clippers did not give their opponents any chance.

Under the leadership of Brother Pao and Gilifen, they played a wave and accepted the game.

The game is over.


The Los Angeles Clippers, who played at home, beat the Pelicans and ushered in a three-game winning streak in the new season.

"This story-filled game has finally come to an end."

"Zhou Yuan will also be destined to hit the headlines again because of this incident."

After the game, Zhou Yuan attended the post-match press conference as usual.

At the press conference, the cameras of the major media also focused on him.

"Zhou Yuan, you had a fierce fight with DeMarcus in the game tonight, which caused a scuffle between the two teams.

"This matter is likely to be additionally punished by the league, or even banned, so do you regret it now?"

"If you were asked to choose again, how would you do "580"?"

Facing the reporter's question, Zhou Yuan immediately shook his head: "The word regret is not in my dictionary."

"Not to mention choosing again, even if I choose a hundred times, I will still have the same answer."

Zhou Yuan's character is like this, as long as you don't mess with him, you can talk about anything, but if you mess with him, you can't even think about getting out.

Cousins ​​has already touched his bottom line tonight, so he will recklessly fight back, even if he has to be banned from the cold.

The next time something like this happens, he will still be like this.

Hearing this answer, the reporter was speechless for a while, Zhou Yuan didn't mean to regret at all.

The reporter wanted to ask him a few more questions, but after answering this question, Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered something, got up and left immediately, without even saying hello.

The reporters at the scene were embarrassed for a while.

"What's up with him?"

I don't know who in the crowd asked.

Rivers didn't know what happened, so he had to find a random reason: "Maybe he went to the bathroom...."

Of course, Zhou Yuan didn't do it because he wanted to go to the bathroom, but because he remembered something.

In the game just now, one of his blocks smashed Yang Chaoyue's mobile phone, and he also said at the time, let Yang Chaoyue not to leave in a hurry.

So he left in a hurry now just to find Yang Chaoyue.

After all, if he smashed someone else's things, of course he has to pay her, and besides, he has other careful thoughts!

When he hurried back to the frontcourt, Yang Chaoyue was nowhere to be seen.

He hurriedly ran towards the outside of the arena again, but there were many fans who had just walked out of the arena outside, and looking for her among so many people would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Zhou Yuan searched for a while, but Yang Chaoyue couldn't find it, but the three Kardashian sisters appeared in front of him.

"You are so anxious to find us!"

Kohler smiled badly, and the brows were all charming.

If this was normal, Zhou Yuan would have fought the three of them a long time ago, but now his mind is not here.

"Find someone for me."

Zhou Yuan said directly, his tone was somewhat anxious.

The three Kardashian sisters were slightly taken aback: "Who are you looking for?"

To be honest, they had never seen Zhou Yuan anxious, and this was the first time they saw him.

"A woman from Huaxia, she was watching the game just now."

When Zhou Yuan said this, the three Kardashian sisters immediately thought of a figure.

"Is that the Chinese woman who was hit by a basketball?"

The three sisters also have a little impression of Yang Chaoyue. After all, when she was hit by a basketball, the camera on the sidelines gave a close-up.

"Is she your friend?"

"Why have I seen it before and never heard you mention it?"

"Or, you have taken a fancy to her and want her to be our sister?"

Seeing that Zhou Yuan was in such a hurry, they immediately became curious.

Although the last sentence was confirmed, it was impossible for Zhou Yuan to admit it.

He waved his hand: "Don't make trouble, I smashed her mobile phone, I just want to pay her back, if I can't find it, let it go."

Now Zhou Yuan pretended not to care.

However, what kind of people are the three Kardashian sisters?

Zhou Yuan's small thoughts could not escape their eyes at all.

But since Zhou Yuan didn't want to admit it, there's no need for them to point it out. Anyway, even if Zhou Yuan finds more girls, they won't mind.

"Usually you are quite smart, why are you so stupid now?"

"You have said that her mobile phone is broken, so the most likely place for her to go now is the mobile phone store."

"There are only a few mobile phone stores around here, you can always find them if you look for them one by one."

Jenna said leisurely.

These words reminded Zhou Yuan, yes, "Why didn't he think of it?

Afterwards, he left the three Kardashian sisters and ran away, and the three sneered as they watched him leave in a hurry. 0

This duplicity man....

It's November now, and the temperature at night is very low. When Zhou Yuan ran out just now, he was still wearing a jersey, except for a jacket on his upper body.

But in order to find Yang Chaoyue, he couldn't care less about it.

Zhou Yuan searched all the way along this street. After searching three stores in a row, he finally saw the petite figure in the fourth store.

"Yang Chaoyue!"

Zhou Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart and called out her name.

At this time, Yang Chaoyue was making gestures with the shop assistant with her mobile phone. Because she didn't understand English, it was very troublesome to communicate.

A sudden voice behind her made her jump.

She turned her head and saw that it was Zhou Yuan.

On such a cold day, Zhou Yuan was still wearing the shorts he used to play, and the jacket on his upper body was also very thin.

Wait, how did Zhou Yuan know his name?

While Yang Chaoyue was in a daze, Zhou Yuan had already walked into the mobile phone store. There was an air conditioner in the store, and he felt a lot warmer in an instant.

The clerks in the mobile phone shop recognized Zhou Yuan immediately, and each of them took out their mobile phones to take random pictures in great surprise.

"Zhou Yuan, sign it for me!"

"Zhou Yuan, can I take a photo with you?"

Zhou Yuan, who found Yang Chaoyue, was in a good mood, and he nodded: "It's all right, but it will take a while.

"Don't just stand around stupidly, see which one you like, and I'll give it to you as compensation."

Zhou Yuan's voice sounded again, and Yang Chaoyue came back to his senses. 3.0

She subconsciously took two steps back, and Zhou Yuan ran out to look for her. Could this be a dream?

"What's wrong with you? Are you scared by me?"

Zhou Yuan's voice sounded very warm, and Yang Chaoyue shook his head slightly.


Her voice is very small, which is completely different from her usual carefree voice.

"Then take a look, which one do you like?"

" need, just fix it.'

Yang Chaoyue secretly pinched herself, and after feeling the pain, she realized that this was not a dream, but actually happened.

At this moment, her idol, Zhou Yuan, is standing in front of her.

Zhou Yuan knew very well that she was embarrassed, so he took the mobile phone from her hand and said to the clerk, "I want a new one for this one."

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