Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 224 A Battle For Number One In The League

United States, Cleveland.

Lebron James looked a little dignified. Although he won the best of the week in the Eastern Conference, his stats were not at the same level as Zhou Yuan's.

More importantly, they will soon meet the Los Angeles Clippers.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yuan was just in time for the game against the Cavaliers after being suspended for two games.

This is also what James is most worried about. He doesn't want to meet Zhou Yuan too early, because he was once dominated by Zhou Yuan. Three years later, he still remembers the feeling of being dominated very clearly.

Five days passed in a flash. During this period, the Cavaliers and Clippers each experienced two games and both won victories.

The current record of the two teams is 5 wins and 0 losses, tied for the first place in the league with the Golden State Warriors in the West.

But in the next game, they will meet for the first time this season.

This is a battle for No. 1 in the league, so the major media and fans all over the Internet are looking forward to the arrival of this game.

In the past few days, Zhou Yuan, who was confined to the cold, had a very happy time.

Because there was no competition, he took Yang Chaoyue to play around, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate, but it hadn't reached the kind of relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Zhou Yuan is not in a hurry, he enjoys the process of pursuit, just like pursuing the first NBA championship.

Unfortunately, Yang Chaoyue's vacation is almost over, and she has to return to China to continue her studies.

But she assured Zhou Yuan that she would come to watch Zhou Yuan's game during the Christmas game. This was a promise to Zhou Yuan, and Zhou Yuan had a kind of expectation in his heart.

"DeAndre, Zhou Yuan will be handed over to you for tomorrow's game, are you sure?"

Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue asked with some concern.

Little Jordan squinted his eyes, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

"I will definitely make the Clippers pay the price."

Jordan now hates the Clippers to the core. He never thought that the Clippers traded him a few months ago to pave the way for Zhou Yuan to be signed.

For so many seasons, he has been diligently contributing to the team. He thinks that his status in the team should be equal to that of Brad Rake Griffin and Chris Paul.

On the day he was traded, he also posted a post on his personal social account, the content was to prepare for the new season.

Unexpectedly, just half an hour later, he received a call from the general manager of the team and traded him to the Cavaliers.

Everyone knows what happened later, the Clippers announced the completion of the contract with Zhou Yuan.

It wasn't until that time that Jordan Jr. understood what was going on.

So he has completely regarded the Clippers as an enemy now, and he vowed to make the Clippers pay their due price.

"Very good! It's a good thing to be determined, but Zhou Yuan is very difficult to deal with. If it's really impossible, let Kevin deal with him with you! 々."

Tyronn Lue turned to look at Kevin Love who was training.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Jordan's defense, but because Zhou Yuan is really too strong.

In the last game of last week, Zhou Yuan took down the Pelicans, which is known as the strongest inside duo in the league, with one and two.

Therefore, he believes that it is difficult for Jordan to deal with Zhou Yuan alone, even though Jordan was selected as the best first defense last season.

"No, I said, I can handle him."

Jordan directly rejected Tyronn Lue's proposal. He just wanted to defend Zhou Yuan alone and defend him to death, so as to prove how stupid the Clippers' original choice was.

Since Jordan questioned the need to defend Zhou Yuan alone, Tyronn Lue didn't say anything more.

This season, after the Cavaliers traded to Jordan, the team's strength has been further improved.

Especially their interior defensive efficiency, compared with last season, has completely improved to a new level.

The duo of Jordan and Love works surprisingly well.

Now Love can unscrupulously open up the space, and there is no need to worry about the emptiness inside. After all, Jordan's defensive ability is here, which is definitely a big barrier for the restricted area!

So after the start of the new season, the Cavaliers won consecutive battles, and under the leadership of the Big Four, they played every game with ease.

In the evening of the next day, in the plaza outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles, thousands of fans gathered here early "They can't wait to see the game.

In the past few days, the major media in the United States have also made a lot of exaggerations about this duel, and the atmosphere has been completely heightened.

Report after report is paving the way for today's matchup.

After three years, LeBron James will face off against Zhou Yuan again.

Three years ago, Zhou Yuan was always on top of LeBron. Three years later, will LeBron be able to make a comeback?

Three years is enough to change a lot. As LeBron James grows older, he has almost reached the real peak, both psychologically and technically.

All in all, many pundits have forced James to a position where he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan also read these reports, and he never believed in those so-called experts. In his opinion, these people may not be as good at basketball as the keyboard warriors on the Internet.

Comparing James with himself? Anyone with a normal mind would not do such a thing.

Now he holds four championship rings in his hand, while James only has two.

Zhou Yuan won three consecutive regular season MVPs and three consecutive finals MVPs, while James only has two regular season MVPs and ten finals MVPs.

Apart from having a higher total score than Zhou Yuan, what else can he compare to?

What's more, the high total score is only because he played more time than Zhou Yuan.

With less than half an hour before the start of the game, players from both sides came out and started warming up before the game.

This is the first time for Jordan to return to his old club. Naturally, he received special care from reporters and interviewed him before the game.

".`DeAndre (Wang Lehao) Lu, this is the first time you have returned to the Clippers. You have played here for several seasons. Do you have deep feelings for this place?"

Faced with the reporter's question, Jordan's expression sank immediately: "Emotional Garden?"

"Hehe! Ridiculous, this is a business alliance, what kind of feelings can there be?"

"The moment they traded me, I no longer had any relationship with this team. Even if there was, it was only hostile."

Jordan's answer surprised the reporter. He didn't expect Jordan to hate the Clippers so much.

"Your opponent tonight is Zhou Yuan. He may be the best insider in the league today. Are you sure you can deal with him?"

The reporter continued to ask.

"Best big in the league today? Do I admit it?"

"Don't forget, I was in the All-Defensive Team last season, so I'm very confident against him."

"I'm going to make those stupid executives of the Clippers regret their choice."

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