Chapter 243 Set Small Goals

After three years, Zhou Yuan won the All-Star MVP in the first season after his comeback. In the entire NBA history, no other player except him can do it.

And just the day after the All-Star Game ended, the NBA announced a deal.

The two sides of the transaction are the Los Angeles Clippers and the Houston Rockets.

The Clippers sent Marreese Speights from the Rockets for Monte Reissl Harrell, along with a partial cash match.

These two are rotation players on the bench for both sides, and the average data of the two is very close.

This is a win-win situation for both parties than the transaction.

Compared with Harrell, Speights has a good three-point ability, and his three-point shooting percentage reached 37.2% this season, which can provide a good outside output ability.

The Clippers took a fancy to Harrell's defensive ability. He is much younger than Speights and can help the team on the defensive end.

Now the biggest problem for the Clippers is the defense on the front line. With the addition of Harrell, these 10 problems can be solved very well.

In fact, the management of the Clippers did not think of this trade at first, it was all because of Zhou Yuan's proposal.

As a traverser, Zhou Yuan is very aware of Harrell's strength. This is the second season of his career. Although his skills are a bit rough, his enthusiasm and vitality on the court are very good.

What's more, this guy has a good ability to eat cakes. In short, he is a blue-collar player that Zhou Yuan likes very much.

Taking advantage of the fact that he hasn't shown his worth yet, exchanging him is definitely the wisest choice.

The Clippers got Harrell's news, and it quickly reached the Warriors' ears.

"They have strengthened the defense of the front line, and their strength has gone a step further."

"It seems that we have to act as soon as possible, we must find a way to limit Zhou Yuan.

The Warriors' management began to actively seek a deal, and they set their sights on Heat center Hassan Whiteside.

However, embarrassingly, the Heat rejected the Warriors' trade request, because the Warriors did not have any players who could attract the Heat.

The Splash Brothers, Durant, and Green will not be sold, and Iguodala and the Heat look down on it.

So the deal was rejected outright.

In desperation, the Warriors had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, trying to trade old boxing champion Tyson Chandler, but the deal was also rejected...

The Warriors' management traded Iguodala + McGee for a round, but all ended in failure.

In desperation, they had no choice but to give up, but meeting the Clippers in the playoffs would definitely be a big problem. At that time, they could only pin their hopes on Green and McGee.

They began to urge McGee to gain weight and increase his strength to deal with Zhou Yuan.

The Warriors' official website released several videos of McGee and Green conducting confrontational training, and praised the two of them, even saying that they will become the strongest defensive combination inside in the future.

This kind of behavior also caused a heated discussion among tennis fans all over the world.

"The Golden State Warriors are probably in a hurry. There is no hope of trading, and they can only cultivate themselves.

"Haha! It took great pains to deal with Zhou Yuan and the others."

"But having said that, Green's defense is still quite good, and McGee was relatively poor when he was in the All-Defensive Team.

"But if you practice hard, I think McGee can do it. After all, his physical fitness is very good, but his brain sometimes doesn't work well."

"I think if they continue to practice like this, in the playoffs, maybe these two people can really compete with Zhou Yuan."

Three days later, the Clippers ushered in their first game after the All-Star Game against Phoenix, led by Devin Booker.

And Monte Reiss Harrell also ushered in his debut with the Clippers.

It is worth mentioning that he was assigned to the starting position in his first show, playing the fourth position, while Griffin, who originally played the fourth position, was assigned to the main position.

Such a change has given the Clippers a huge improvement in their overall defense as a starter.

After the start of the game, the Clippers quickly played the league's first dominance.

Zhou Yuan and Paul continued to inflict damage on the opponent on the offensive end, and the Suns' defense was relatively broken, so they couldn't resist the Clippers' offense at all.

On the defensive end, the Clippers also showed strong defensive pressure, especially on the front line and inside. The strong defense made the Suns suffer.

As the game progressed, the Suns didn't dare to go inside at all, and Booker and others almost only dared to shoot from the outside. In this case, their scoring efficiency can be imagined.

At the end of the game, the Los Angeles Clippers in the away game took the opponent lightly and won the game.

In the next month, the Los Angeles Clippers turned into an aircraft carrier and overcame obstacles all the way. Their record also soared all the way, and they have now reached 61 wins and 1 loss.

Played 62 games, only lost one game, and that was because Zhou Yuan overslept and missed the game, which led to the team losing. Such a record is terrible.

From the end of the regular season this season, only the last 20 games are left.

The best record in NBA history is 76 wins and 6 losses created by the New York Knicks, which is also the historical record created by Zhou Yuan in his last season before retiring.

The Clippers this season are very likely to break this great record. They only need to win 16 of the 20 games to surpass it.

With the current state of the Clippers, it doesn't seem very difficult to do this.

The team coach Rivers also realized that they are moving towards a great record.

Prior to this, they had broken the record for the longest winning streak in NBA history. If they could break the best record in history, it would be another remarkable achievement.

"In the next 20 games, we have to set a small goal [that is to get at least 16 wins.

Rivers set goals for everyone,

In this regard, the Clippers players also agreed.

"Isn't it just 16 games, just do it!"

Bu Rake Griffin and others seemed very excited.

Especially Harrell, he never dreamed that he could become Zhou Yuan's teammate and have the opportunity to hit the best record in history. This is undoubtedly the luckiest situation in his career for him.

Paul Pierce, who had been silent all this time, also stirred up waves in his heart.

You know, he has been in this league for 19 years, and he has experienced all kinds of storms, and it is difficult for him to feel fluctuating in general things, except for this incident.

He has decided to choose to retire after the end of this season. If he can follow the team to break the best record in history and even win a championship before retiring, that would be perfect!

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